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Alphabet of Grief: Words to Help in Times of Sorrow
Alphabet of Grief: Words to Help in Times of Sorrow
Alphabet of Grief: Words to Help in Times of Sorrow
Audiobook4 hours

Alphabet of Grief: Words to Help in Times of Sorrow

Written by Andrea Raynor

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About this audiobook

“I chose each word in this book based on the countless hours I have spent with grieving people. Not only have they have shared with me the pain of loss but they have taught me about the daunting and sometimes mysterious journey of living.”—Andrea Raynor, The Alphabet of Grief Chaplain and spiritual counselor Andrea Raynor knows that when the funeral service is over, the friends leave, and the house grows quiet, grief can be overwhelming. In The Alphabet of Grief, she uses the letters of the alphabet as starting points for simple reflections on loss and hope. Each chapter concludes with a meditation and an affirmation—something to do and something to believe. You are not alone. Find spiritual companionship in these brief but powerful thoughts on the sacred journey of grief.
Release dateOct 15, 2017
Alphabet of Grief: Words to Help in Times of Sorrow

Andrea Raynor

Andrea Raynor, a graduate of Harvard Divinity School, is a United Methodist minister and chaplain. She has been a hospice chaplain since 1997 and is currently serving at Greenwich Hospital Home Hospice in Greenwich, Connecticut. She has worked with the homeless in New York and Boston and was a pastor to churches in New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. In the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, Raynor served as a chaplain in the morgue at Ground Zero, offering both blessings over remains and support to the many workers there. She has lectured throughout the New York area and has appeared as a guest on public television and radio. Raynor is the author of two books: The Voice That Calls You Home and Incognito: Lost and Found at Harvard. She lives with her family in New York’s Westchester County, where she is the chaplain for the Rye Fire Department. Learn more at

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