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Strengthening Your Grip: How to Be Grounded in a Chaotic World
Strengthening Your Grip: How to Be Grounded in a Chaotic World
Strengthening Your Grip: How to Be Grounded in a Chaotic World
Audiobook8 hours

Strengthening Your Grip: How to Be Grounded in a Chaotic World

Written by Charles Swindoll

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

As only he can, Charles Swindoll combines biblical insights with unforgettable stories that inspire readers to strengthen their spiritual grip on issues such as family, prayer, integrity and purity.
Release dateMay 12, 2015
Strengthening Your Grip: How to Be Grounded in a Chaotic World

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Just as the title insinuates, this is basically a "How-To" manual on how to stay grounded as a Christian in a secular world. A world that is fast becoming more and more secular. Never has a time needed Christians to more firmly grounded in their faith and belief than now. To keep a "grip" on those truths and promises that God has made for us.Swindoll, well known minister and teacher, leads into thought provoking spots and scenarios where we know we've all been before. And gives us a guide of how to stay true to our beliefs, even when the chaos is swirling all around us.I absolutely adored this book. Written in such a way that it wasn't "preachy", but friendly. Like one good friend talking to another. Yu are instantly engaged and ready for more.I took my time with this book, although a part of me wanted to rip right through it. I wanted to truly absorb this teaching. To make it "stick" with me for the long haul. Life is precious. Life is fun. And it's all too easy to be pulled into what is popular and everyone else is doing if we aren't careful. Swindoll offers you a life preserver to stay afloat for the long haul. Not only that, but he offers you hope and faith that can make this life so wonderful as we anticipate what is to come in the next if we but remain faithful.I highly recommend this book for all.