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Kingdom Disciples: Heaven's Representatives on Earth
Kingdom Disciples: Heaven's Representatives on Earth
Kingdom Disciples: Heaven's Representatives on Earth
Audiobook6 hours

Kingdom Disciples: Heaven's Representatives on Earth

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Where have all the disciples gone?There is a missing force in Christianity today. It’s a critical one, and its absence has led to weak believers, disintegrating families, ineffective churches, and a decaying culture. Without it, we lack what we need to fully live as heaven’s representatives on earth. That missing force is discipleship. In Kingdom Disciples, Tony Evans outlines a simple, actionable definition of discipleship to help the church fulfill its calling. Readers will learn: ·What a disciple is ·What a disciple cares about ·How to be a disciple and make disciples ·What discipleship looks like in community ·What the impact of discipleship on the world can beKingdom disciples are in short supply, and the result is a legion of powerless Christians attending powerless churches, having a powerless presence in the world. The power, authority, abundance, victory, and impact God has promised will only come about when we understand and align ourselves with His definition of discipleship.Kingdom Disciples calls believers and churches back to our primary, divinely ordained responsibility to be disciples and make disciples. Only when we take seriously this assignment will the world see heaven at work on earth.Will you accept the assignment?Kingdom Disciples isuseful as base material for a course on discipleship.
Release dateJul 27, 2017

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