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It's Not Fair: Learning to Love the Life You Didn't Choose
It's Not Fair: Learning to Love the Life You Didn't Choose
It's Not Fair: Learning to Love the Life You Didn't Choose
Audiobook5 hours

It's Not Fair: Learning to Love the Life You Didn't Choose

Written by Melanie Dale

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Hey, you. Are you debating whether to destroy something with your bare hands or curl up on the couch for a decade or two?This book will solve all of your problems. (Sheesh, that’s aiming a bit high.)This book is a cup of hot coffee, a ginormous bar of chocolate, or the magical fairy that comes over and does your dishes while you lie in the fetal position clutching a fluffy pillow.Sometimes when life falls apart the only acceptable response is hysterical laughter. When things get so far gone, so spectacularly a world away from any plans you made or dreams you dreamed, you feel it bubbling up inside of you and you scream, “It’s not fair!” And it isn’t. Fair is an illusion, and life is weird.This book will help you laugh at life’s absurd backhands. This book is an empathetic groan of our collective unfairnesses. You might want to throw it across the room, and you might want to hug it like your new best friend. This book is about us sitting down together in our shared mess, taking a deep breath, gripping hands, looking the hard stuff in its beady little eyeballs, and bahahahaaing at it.Life’s not fair, but we can learn to love this life we didn’t choose.
Release dateMar 10, 2017

Melanie Dale

Melanie Dale is a minivan mama and total weirdo who stinks at small talk. Her laugh is a combination honk-snort, and it’s so bad that people have moved away from her in the movie theater. She adores sci-fi and superheroes and is terrified of Pinterest. Author of Women Are Scary: The Totally Awkward Adventure of Finding Mom Friends, she loves speaking, writing for Coffee+Crumbs, and advocating for Children’s HopeChest. Living in the Atlanta area with her husband and three kids, she blogs at    

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Life's not fair, that's a certainty. It may be the rain, flu, or unemployment. In Melanie Dale's case, it was infertility. Why seem all the women around you getting pregnant, while you're relying on in vitro fertilization? Dale shares in a popular blog style, tweets, notes, and Facebook posts put into a book her own lessons learned in It's Not Fair: Learning to Love the Life You Didn't Choose.There is no formula for dealing with suffering. Sharing stories build relationships, We need all the help we can get from each other. The book's energetic, sometimes is hilarious, despite the honest quest to find answers. Humor, food, and learning from others are important, yet not sufficient. The Bible provides lots of stories of infertile women, Psalms, Lamentations, and lives in which protagonists struggle with God, and ask Him the very same questions on fairness. God showed and still shows, that He is listening. He provides answers, often through other people, and opportunities that you couldn't think of yourself. The hell are the others, heaven as well?We can learn to love this life we didn’t choose. For Melanie adoption came into the picture, for you it may be the wake-up call to sign up to go serve somewhere and show up. Light up the lives of others to celebrate life, despite the many unfairnesses. The author's language is raw, enriched with many quotes from movies and celebrities, and mixes scribbles, and live conversation like phrases with Bible study kind of sections as well.