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That Incredible Christian: How Heaven's Children Live on Earth
That Incredible Christian: How Heaven's Children Live on Earth
That Incredible Christian: How Heaven's Children Live on Earth
Audiobook4 hours

That Incredible Christian: How Heaven's Children Live on Earth

Written by A. W. Tozer

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

From the Introduction:"Someone said that while Dr. A. W. Tozer always sought to introduce sinners to their Savior, he longed to help saints to see the greatness of God and to experience the life of victory and joy through surrender and faith. This theme—recognizing God for who He is, giving Him the worship and honor due Him—was particularly dominant in Dr. Tozer's late writings.To know God requires first of all a right relationship to Him. It requires time, and this we must give. It requires also faith and knowledge, and this God gives us as we humbly seek Him. And because we cannot know God apart from the illuminating Holy Spirit, we must welcome Him, allowing Him to indwell and possess us.The reader will find each chapter in this book complete in itself, and one may speak to him more than another. There is, however, progression, and the greater profit will come from at least one consecutive reading.The chapters were selected to instruct the heart that seeks to "follow on to know the Lord." Such a life may not be always easy, but at last it will be all that really matters.— Anita M. Bailey, former managing editor, the Alliance Witness
Release dateApr 15, 2016

A. W. Tozer

The late Dr. A. W. Tozer was well known in evangelical circles both for his long and fruitful editorship of the Alliance Witness as well as his pastorate of one of the largest Alliance churches in the Chicago area. He came to be known as the Prophet of Today because of his penetrating books on the deeper spiritual life.

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Reviews for That Incredible Christian

Rating: 4.604166666666667 out of 5 stars

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What our readers think

Readers find this title to be one of the clearest, most candid and profound books on the principles of Christian life. It provides great examples and leads to a singular point on how the life of a Christian should be. The book is amazing and can also be used as a devotional. Tozer is considered a modern day prophet.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is one of the clearest, most candid and profound books I’ve read on the principles of Christian life, Gods character, person and redemption plan and our relationship with Him and our calling as followers of Jesus. Magnificent!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great examples on what we should strive for. I believe God is a person the same one who appeared to Abraham and ate with him.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The diverse topics mentioned in this book lead to a singular point and that is how the life of the Christian should be. Amazing book and for a devotional it can also apply. Now I realize why they called Tozer the modern day prophet.