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She Is Free: Learning the Truth about the Lies that Hold You Captive
She Is Free: Learning the Truth about the Lies that Hold You Captive
She Is Free: Learning the Truth about the Lies that Hold You Captive
Audiobook6 hours

She Is Free: Learning the Truth about the Lies that Hold You Captive

Written by Andi Andrew

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

We say we're free in Christ, but many of us are still living in captivity--to fear, anger, shame, isolation, unforgiveness, and control. We're good at faking it around others, but we're exhausted by the ruse. Andi Andrew wants women to break free of their self-imposed prisons and live the lives that are rightly theirs in Christ. Sharing her own intentional journey of finding true freedom by surrendering control of her heart and life to the God who welcomed her with open arms, Andrew encourages women to give their pain and brokenness to Jesus. She shows them how to purposefully take captive the lies they have believed and replace them with God's truth. Compassionate and biblically based, She Is Free is an invitation to women to step fully into the love that sets them free.
Release dateOct 3, 2017

Andi Andrew

Andi Andrew is the host of the Coffee with Andi podcast and the author of four books, including She Is Free, Fake or Follower, and Friendship--It's Complicated. Andi is a heartfelt preacher who loves to see the reality of the gospel worked out in our everyday lives. Previously a copastor with her husband, Paul, of a family of churches they planted in New York City in 2010, Andi is currently focused on raising her kids, writing, creating, and investing in local churches and in lives around the world, including serving her local church community, Seacoast Church in Charleston, South Carolina. She and Paul have four children.

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