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Saints: Becoming More Than "Christians"
Saints: Becoming More Than "Christians"
Saints: Becoming More Than "Christians"
Audiobook5 hours

Saints: Becoming More Than "Christians"

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

The Bible uses the word Christian to describe followers of Jesus a grand total of three times. But there's another identifier that fills the pages of the New Testament—a word we've mistakenly reserved for the halo-wearing elite, losing something profound in the process.


Wrapped in this ancient word is a divine invitation to discover who God created you to be and awaken to the life you were meant to know. Using Scripture and stories from his own experience, Addison Bevere makes a compelling case that the life you desire is found in the mystery of this sacred identity.

If you want to exchange lifeless religion for the wonder of following Jesus, this book will spur you onward in your journey.
Release dateJan 21, 2020

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    What a brilliant book Addison! At first, I was a bit skeptical if to read the book or not (because I knew John and Lisa are great writers) but it turned out the Holy Spirit wanted me to read it. It’s a lifesaver! This book is full of wisdom, understanding and knowledge. ? I would definitely love a chat with you (I am currently writing a philosophical text on the tripartite man).
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    powerful book
    Throughout this book, there were many moments of repentance, joy, and renewing my mind.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I'll be honest, when I first saw the cover of "Saints", I made the assumption that it would be a compendium of revered figures in Church history. Then I saw the subtitle, "Becoming More Than 'Christians'", and decided to investigate further. I was sufficiently intrigued to request it for review, and I am glad that I did! Rather than a tedious monologue, I discovered an engaging and stimulating call to return to our first love, Jesus. With "Saints", Addison Bevere sets forth a timely exegesis of what that term actually means within the Bible's context and how we can and should strive to apply it to our lives so that it becomes ingrained into our identity. As Bevere explains, saints are those who have faith in Christ and are in a continually-deepening relationship with God through Him; "a saint is someone who brings a future reality into the present." As a language buff, I appreciate how he expounds upon the semantics of the Bible's use of the term "saints" over "Christians." Furthermore, I find his open acknowledgement and explanation of seemingly contradictory facts or statements in certain Bible passages, such as those relating to fearing the Lord and also not being afraid, wise; as such, I would recommend this book to nonbelievers, especially those with an agnostic bent. Bevere is in tune with today's society and its Gospel needs, accurately pinpointing some of the most prominent areas of spiritual dearth and pointing readers toward the source of abundance: Jesus. He makes it clear that while nothing can separate us from God's love (Romans 8:38-39), we can separate ourselves from God's grace because “Pride is the grace blocker.” I love how he progresses from the Old Testament to the New Testament because so many focus only on Jesus in the New Testament. "Saints" is truly where the rubber meets the road of our faith journey, and I recommend it to anyone who wants to take their faith in Christ to the next level. Onward and upward! I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell and was under no obligation to post a positive review. All opinions are my own.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Austin Bevere explores what it means to be a saint, a word commonly used to describe followers of Christ in the New Testament. It is a word with a rich meaning and context—not the perfection and elitism often ascribed to it today—and it offers an incredible invitation toward understanding God-given purpose, identity, and love more fully. A challenging, insightful, uplifting, wise exploration, this book left me full of hope and with a lot to ponder.I received a complimentary copy of this book and the opportunity to provide an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review, and all the opinions I have expressed are my own.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Thank you in advance to the publisher for providing a complimentary copy to review. All words are my own in this review and a positive review was not required.

    “Saints: Becoming More Than Christians” is one of those books that I didn’t know what to expect from. I am still new to books such as this. And, this was definitely a stunning read. The cover is striking, yet simple. And, being a hardcover, this is sturdy – much like the bible.

    This is not a “self-help” per say in the way that it lacks worksheets and “goals” for those kind of books.

    This isn’t a book you read once and shelve either. This also wasn’t a “can’t stop turning the pages” kind of read either. This is a book that the reader carefully reads and sorts through. I did enjoy it as I read it.

    This is a book to come back to for re-affirmations and to continue to forge good, healthy, habits, and become what God expects. It is a bedside table kind of read or one that you keep close to you.

    Using scripture (and sometimes humor) as examples, Bevere explains how God has set in motion what he wants us to be – and what tools we can use to be that person. One example is “Saints” where Bevere states that is someone thinks this is a book about “Saints”, he won’t feel offended if the reader sends the book back where it came from.

    The author points out that by no means is this book or the words in it is meant to be about perfection. It is about devotion, obedience, along with finding the wonder and glory in every moment. And, he makes excellent points.

    According to Bevere’s book, the term “Christian” is only used three (3) times to describe the “followers”. Yet, “Hagios” (the Latin term for Saints) is mentioned sixty (60) times.

    Bevere explains that we have mistakenly applied the word to people of the halo-wearing group. And, that the term “Christian” seems a cheap way to refer to the followers of God and Jesus Christ.

    Bevere notes that humans in pursuit of a life apart from God, have stripped him from their lives and are not living the God-infused life they should, which is the source of life. Part of this is because they are terrified of dependence on God, or someone else.

    One passage that struck some harmony with me regarded finding “heaven” while living. He states that heaven could be defined by “peace, joy, togetherness, forgiveness, love, mercy, and wholeness in our lives”. And, we can have that now.

    Bevere’s writing style is casual, almost as if he is talking with the reader at a coffeehouse or in their home. This is a journey and not a weekend workshop. This is meant to grow over a lifetime.

    Recommended for those who want to take their spiritual relationship with God and Jesus a step further (farther).