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Victory in Christ
Victory in Christ
Victory in Christ
Audiobook2 hours

Victory in Christ

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

"To me, to live is Christ." —Philippians 1:21

Can Christians ever "win" if the Christian life is a drudgery of ups and downs? Where only some days we conquer our sinful desires, and only sometimes we succeed at loving unconditionally?

No. That's counterfeit success, if any is found in such a life at all, says Charles Trumbull in Victory in Christ. "If you have to work for your victory, it is not the real thing," he says. The true essence of living a full Christian life means we quit trying. Instead, we let Jesus Christ live His life through ours. This book reveals the tremendous freedom that is for every believer who truly releases control, and learns to rely 100 percent on the Lord.
Release dateAug 30, 2022
Victory in Christ

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