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The Parent's Battle Plan: Warfare Strategies to Win Back Your Prodigal
The Parent's Battle Plan: Warfare Strategies to Win Back Your Prodigal
The Parent's Battle Plan: Warfare Strategies to Win Back Your Prodigal
Audiobook6 hours

The Parent's Battle Plan: Warfare Strategies to Win Back Your Prodigal

Written by Laine Lawson Craft

Narrated by Kathleen Li

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Today's technology has made sinful experiences and deadly choices accessible to our teenagers and young adults with just a click. And parents are left with the disappointments—and devastating fallout—of their children's choices.

Through sharing her own story of praying three very wayward prodigals home, Laine Lawson Craft offers not only hope and insight, but also a practical, tried-and-true battle plan for parents walking this heartbreaking season of life. You'll discover how to handle the emotional roller coaster of trust, deal with your children's self-destructive choices, pray emboldened by God's promises, fight for your child's destiny, and win the war of darkness over your children—even when you don't get the miracle you asked for.

You are not alone; there is hope and healing for every hurting heart.
Release dateMar 14, 2023

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I remember how excited I was when I had my first child. I was scared but this was something I had been praying about for years. Finally I was a mother. I remember people telling me that babies don’t come with an instruction book. The excitement of having a child made me forget about what happens as they get older. Three kids later the realization sat in. Now I had grown children and the trials we all went through were hard but we were able to pour into out children the importance of following God. I wish I could say that everything was always great as they grew up but along the way there were bumps in the road. We refer to one of our boys as the prodigal son. Many nights we prayed that he would make better choices but we were in a spiritual battle that never seemed to stop. Bad choices result in bad consequences as my son soon found out. Many nights I would cry begging God to save him. God was in control and I needed to learn that each child is God’s. We are but a vessel to raise them but they belong to God. This book has many practical tools parents can use to help their children as they struggle through difficult times. I appreciate the author sharing her personal story of her three children. Like her we have three children as well. Each one at times have been a challenge and I remember thinking how we would ever be able to overcome the attacks on our children. “No matter how difficult things seem, the child we know and love is still alive on the inside.” Out job is to stand with God and fight to defeat the enemy. We should never give up and be in continual prayer. This book is a great read and I found a lot of helpful scriptures and prayers that will encourage all of us as we continue to battle for our children. I liked how the author talks about the fruit of the Spirit. We are reminded to love, be joyful, have peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness , gentleness and self-control. Sometimes we may find ourselves in the midst of tough love. Oh it is hard to do, but it may wake our children up if we don’t continue to bail them out of wrong choices. I liked the section about isolation during COVID that many experienced. It did affect one of my children in many ways. No school, no socializing and being cut off from your friends was very hard. We noticed that our child was becoming quieter in their room a lot and not talking to anyone. It was a battle that we weren’t prepared for, but as parents we should be on guard at all times. We found ourselves including the entire family to help. Don’t feel alone in a situation, and reach out to the community or church when you start to feel hopeless. I really liked this book a lot and think it should be in the hands of every parent, counselor, youth pastor, pastor and church library. There are many topics in the book that are helpful and give you sound advice. If you don’t have a copy of this book, grab a copy and get an extra one for a friend. New parents would benefit from it as well so they can prepare themselves for what tricks the enemy tries to use against our children.I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.