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Healing Ourselves Whole: An Interactive Guide to Release Pain and Trauma by Utilizing the Wisdom of the Body
Healing Ourselves Whole: An Interactive Guide to Release Pain and Trauma by Utilizing the Wisdom of the Body
Healing Ourselves Whole: An Interactive Guide to Release Pain and Trauma by Utilizing the Wisdom of the Body
Audiobook8 hours

Healing Ourselves Whole: An Interactive Guide to Release Pain and Trauma by Utilizing the Wisdom of the Body

Written by Emily A. Francis

Narrated by Stina Nielsen

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Healing Ourselves Whole will give you the tools you need to clean your emotional house from top to bottom.

As a trained body worker, Emily Francis offers a refreshing perspective into healing trauma. She reveals unique knowledge of the body as a holder for memory. Emily will lead you on a path deep within yourself to rearrange the ways that pain and trauma have been holding you back from whole body, mind, spirit, and energy healing. You will rearrange the dialogue within your body memory systems as well as learn a practice to re-birth by healing your inner child and adolescent selves, coming into the present to create the best adult self possible.

This groundbreaking interactive book includes journal writing prompts and audio meditations for you to listen along to. The meditations will help you dig deep into past trauma and discover when and how trauma took root. Learn to get in touch with various parts of the physical and energy body, and how to use them to let go of stored traumas and rediscover the deeply held joys that have also been stored within the body. From this, you will learn to live from a new mindful and powerful space.
Release dateJun 22, 2021

Emily A. Francis

Emily A. Francis has a BS in exercise science and wellness with a minor in nutrition and a Master's degree in human performance. She is the author of Stretch Therapy, The Body Heals Itself, Whole Body Healing, and Healing Ourselves Whole. Now living in the Mediterranean, she has become fascinated with local food production, writing a regular column in the local tourism magazine Oh My Malta, titled "Emily in Malta," where she interviews local farmers, fishermen, and chefs on single ingredient farming. She has also teamed up with a world-renowned chef for a weekly column titled "A Chef and a Foodie on Tour" where they review restaurants from both a chef and a food lover's point of view. She is also a contributing writer for Malta's Gourmet Today magazine. You can find Emily at or

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