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The Summer Island Swap
The Summer Island Swap
The Summer Island Swap
Audiobook9 hours

The Summer Island Swap

Written by Samantha Tonge

Narrated by Harrie Dobby

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Sometimes the best holidays are the ones you least expect...

After a very long and turbulent year, Sarah is dreaming of the five-star getaway her sister has booked them on. White sands, cocktails, massages, the Caribbean is calling to them. But as the sisters turn up to white sands, beach shacks, a compost toilet and outdoor shower, Sarah is sure there's been a mix-up. And there has... At the last-minute Amy decided a conservation project would be much more fun than a resort. So now Sarah's battling mosquitos, trying to stomach fish soup and pray for a swift escape. Life on a desert island though isn't all doom and gloom. They're at one with nature, learning about each other and Sarah might just have caught the eye of the dishy, yet incredibly moody, island leader.
Release dateJun 4, 2020
The Summer Island Swap

Samantha Tonge

Samantha Tonge is the bestselling and award-winning author of over fifteen romantic fiction titles. Her books for Boldwood mark a broadening of her writing into multi-generational woman’s fiction. She lives in Manchester with her family.

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