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Weekends with Matt: A memoir of an unlikely friendship forged over wine
Weekends with Matt: A memoir of an unlikely friendship forged over wine
Weekends with Matt: A memoir of an unlikely friendship forged over wine
Audiobook5 hours

Weekends with Matt: A memoir of an unlikely friendship forged over wine

Written by Matt Fowles and Peter Coleman

Narrated by John Robertson

Rating: 0 out of 5 stars


About this audiobook

Weekends with Matt is a classic odd-couple tale of two very different men and the common ground that can be found over a shared passion.

The peacock's tail is used to describe a wine that is wonderfully complex and ultimately rewarding. Surely there's no better metaphor for life. It was at the bottle shop, somewhere between the chardonnay and the zinfandel, that Peter realised he didn't have a clue about wine. On his way to a dinner party and in a mild panic, he called Matt, a wine-loving acquaintance who expertly steered him towards the perfect bottle. The selection was a hit, but it was Matt's passion that stuck in Peter's mind. He decided to visit Matt's vineyard for an introduction to the noble grape. One visit led to another and this unlikely pairing of a Proust-quoting intellectual and a farmer with a love of hunting found themselves bonding over life, ideas, vulnerability, aspiration, nature, philosophy and, of course, a glass or three of wine. Like a tipsy Tuesdays with Morrie, this well-crafted tale is as much a guide to life as the mysteries of wine. With thought-provoking notes and philosophical undertones, this is a delightful story that readers will love to sip and savour.
Release dateAug 1, 2022
Weekends with Matt: A memoir of an unlikely friendship forged over wine

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