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The Seven
The Seven
The Seven
Audiobook15 hours

The Seven

Written by Peter Newman

Narrated by Jot Davies

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

‘An exciting new writer – sharp, compelling and original’ – Mark Lawrence

Years have passed since the Vagrant journeyed to the Shining City, Vesper in arm and Gamma’s sword in hand.

Since then the world has changed. Vesper, following the footsteps of her father, journeyed to the breach and closed the tear between worlds, protecting the last of humanity, but also trapping the infernal horde and all those that fell to its corruptions: willing or otherwise.

In this new age it is Vesper who leads the charge towards unity and peace, with seemingly nothing standing between the world and a bright new future.

That is until eyes open.

And The Seven awaken.

Release dateApr 20, 2017

Peter Newman

Peter Newman lives in Somerset with his wife and son. Growing up in and around London, Peter studied Drama and Education at the Central School of Speech and Drama, going on to work as a secondary school drama teacher. He now works as a trainer and Firewalking Instructor. He sometimes pretends to be a butler for the Tea and Jeopardy podcast, which he co-writes, and which has been shortlisted for a Hugo Award.

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Reviews for The Seven

Rating: 4.0333332933333335 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Finally done with this series. Unfortunately, I finished it more out of obligation than anything else. While the premise was interesting, I just didn't connect or feel anything for any of the characters with the exception of Harm maybe. Even the Seven themselves were a disappointment.

    Maybe one day I'll read it instead of listening to the audio book, and maybe I'll get more out of it that way, but for now, I'm glad to be moving on.