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Theology in Three Dimensions: A Guide to Triperspectivalism and Its Significance
Theology in Three Dimensions: A Guide to Triperspectivalism and Its Significance
Theology in Three Dimensions: A Guide to Triperspectivalism and Its Significance
Audiobook2 hours

Theology in Three Dimensions: A Guide to Triperspectivalism and Its Significance

Written by John M. Frame

Narrated by Al Kessel

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Because God created all things with coherent unity, everything can be understood from the perspective of everything else. We experience the world in the context of our own bodies, but every day we broaden our understanding through the perspectives of others. Meanwhile, our omniscient God is also omniperspectival. Through his revelation, he allows us a glimpse of his own divine perspective.

What does this mean for us? One valuable dimension of this reality is that theological issues can also be helpfully viewed from multiple perspectives without compromising their unity and truth. In this accessible introduction to his Bible study and theological method, John Frame teaches us to approach doctrine with situational, normative, and existential perspectives modeled on the Trinity.
Release dateJul 18, 2023
Theology in Three Dimensions: A Guide to Triperspectivalism and Its Significance

John M. Frame

John M. Frame (DD, Belhaven College) is J. D. Trimble Chair of Systematic Theology and Philosophy at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida. He has published many books, including The Doctrine of God and Systematic Theology.

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Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Triperspectivalism is Very helpful device that helps to review anything (concept, idea, doctrine) into its essential components so that you end up with a more informed view rather than just a single perspective. Applicable not just to Bible study but to pretty much any and every area of life. Thank you, Dr Frame!!! ???????