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Night Star: A Novel
Night Star: A Novel
Night Star: A Novel
Audiobook8 hours

Night Star: A Novel

Written by Alyson Noël

Narrated by Katie Schorr

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

After fighting for centuries to be together, Ever and Damen's future hinges on one final showdown that will leave readers gasping for breath. Don't miss this explosive new installment of the #1 bestselling series that's enchanted millions across the world!

Haven still blames Ever for the death of her boyfriend Roman, no matter how hard Ever's tried to convince her it was an accident. Now she's determined to take Ever down…and destroy Damen and Jude along the way. Her first step is to tear Ever and Damen apart—and she has just the ammunition to do it.

Hidden in one of Ever's past lives is a terrible secret about Damen—a secret that illuminates new facts about her relationship with Jude, but that's so dark and brutal it might be enough to drive her and Damen apart once and for all. As Ever faces her greatest fears about the guy she wants to spend eternity with, she's thrust into a deadly clash with Haven that could destroy them all.

Now it'll take everything she's got—and bring out powers she never knew she had—to face down her most formidable enemy. But in order to win, she must first ask herself: is her own survival worth dooming Haven to an eternity of darkness in the Shadowland? And will learning the truth about Damen's past hold the key to their future?

Release dateNov 16, 2010
Night Star: A Novel

Alyson Noël

Alyson Noel is a #1 New York Times bestselling author. She was born and raised in The OC and has lived in both Mykonos and Manhattan, but now finds herself settled right back in California where she lives and writes full time.

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Reviews for Night Star

Rating: 3.639112946370968 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great as always! Love the tension between Ever and Haven and the out come. Can't wait for the last book to come out.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I liked it, but I'm ready for this series to end.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is about how Ever wants to be with Damen, and she can. There is just one problem, Ever's best firend, Haven, thinks that Ever purposely killed he boyfriend Roman. Ever has explained that Roman's death was an accident, but Haven doesnt believe her. So in retaliation, Haven decides that she is going to create a plan to destroy Ever and Damen. That is what this book is about. I think this book is really good. I really love the whole Immortals series. This book is full of twisting turns that will make u want to never put the book down. This book is for young adults, like all the rest of the Immortal books. I think that if u like surprises, fantasies, and romance put together in one book, then this is the book for you. I rate this book with 5 stars.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I'm really impressed with how many new and unexpected turns this series is taking! For someone who doesn't believe in psychics or reincarnation or karma in the least, I find myself really enjoying this story. I really like Ever and Damen as a couple. I can't help but root for them and to be a little heartbroken every time their efforts in obtaining the antidote fail. I LOVE the idea of Summerland. It reminds me of my daydreams when I was young.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Alyson Noel is the author of the immortal series. She has 7 previous novels. She lives in Laguna Beach, California. She is from Germany and then she moved to New York City when she was young. She is a teen fiction novelist. Alyson Noel had 6 people in her family that died while she was writing one of her books Evermore, so she made it how she felt, only it was Ever dealing with the problem. Ever (main character) wants to be with Damen but she can’t because his friend won’t let them. Finally when his friend gets killed they are able to be together. But Haven (her ex-best friends) accuses her of killing her boyfriend Roman. But Ever tried to tell her I was an accident but Haven didn’t believe her. So Haven decides she’s going to create a plan. Her plan is to destroy Ever and Damen. This book reminds me of Twilight because Bella and Edward can’t be together cause he’s a vampire and neither can Ever and Damen because of his friend. Then there are vampires who try to kill Bella and then there’s Haven trying to kill Ever. I don’t think that she wrote the book very well because in some parts it gets confusing. I would have to go back a reread to make sure I knew what was going on. I don’t think that it’s that exciting kind of boring. This book is most likely recommended for an age group of 16-19. I would give this book 2 out of 5 stars.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Right I have to point out that Night Star BASICALLY just repeated the same plot line that occurred in Dark Flame but despite this, I loved it! I'm not sure if it was purely because I hated Haven from the start, or because I just really like these books... could be either. Anyway. I find Damens character to be annoying me now. But I'm quite tempted to say it's not actually Damen who is annoying me, but more the relationship he and Ever have. In a way I am glad the series is coming to an end now because Ever and Damen need to decide once and for all whether or not they're going to get their happy ending or not. I fear it's going to get to the point where, I couldn't care less if these two don't get to spend the rest of eternity 'shagging'. SPOILERS:: Favourite character in this book was Miles, and I don't want to have to defend that choice but I feel like i'm going to have to. Miles is the only character in this book who is okay with himself and who isn't swayed by the immortal offering. When he's offered the elixir he turns it down, with no questions, just a no and that was it. I figure he's a strong character and one that Ever should have trusted more anyway. Granted I hated him in Blue Moon but that is Roman's fault! I love Miles now :)WHY is Sabine being a bitch now?! Someone answer me that question!! ARGH! I liked you!!! Now I hate you!!!I am going to end up simply ranting about this book at this rate. But any way! I liked this book a lot more than the previous 3, but not as much as Evermore yet! So rating is a little awkward...
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    full review and casting couch on talksupe.blogspot.comI've been surprisingly taken by this series. It has it's hits and misses but overall it's entertaining enough. If one reads beyond the talk about Karma, reincarnation, and other cosmic stuff, you'll actually see that Ever's life is an example, though a well-contrived fictional one, of a moral story. It shows us the "ripple effect" and even if some scenes and conversations in the book are very teen therefore irritating for a non-teen like me, it has its merits and in a way Alyson Noel is sharing with us her values and her take on losing people you love, trust and friendship
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I tried and tried to get into this book. I think I am just tired of the series. I finally finished the book and now have the finally book to read. I really liked the first couple books, but I think they have lost their steam. Just get the potion to touch already!!!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I was surprised how much i liked this new addition to the Immortal series by Alyson Noel. I was starting to get very sick of this series towards thee end, it seemed like each book was just dragging things out. Thank god that Night Star came threw, night star has less (somewhat confusing) magic involved, more problems of Ever's love triangle with Jude and Damen (which i love!) and more mystery towards the end making it hard to not want the 6th and Final book right after you finish this. If you are reading the Immortal series and feel your gettting sick of it, PLEASE continue it, Night Star was just as good as evermore and blue moon (which are the best in the series). I know I am very happy i didnt give up on this series, and cannot wait for the 6th and finale book!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Will their love stand the test of time? Our favorite couple, Damon and Ever faces down some pretty serious demons in the latest book, Night Star. Will an age old secret be the end of their lasting love or will Haven succeed in ripping them apart? I think Alyson Noel is a genius. Night Star was everything I wanted it to be and MORE. Her creative writing keeps me on the edge of my seat, anticipating the next turn of the page. This book is written for young adults and follows a similar route to popular vampire stories. However; I’m in my thirties and am captivated by The Immortals series. Personally, I must admit that I’m addicted to this series. It’s by far, my favorite! My favorite part of Night Star was obviously when Haven was taken down. I’ve been waiting for that to happen for a while now. I highly recommend this series to anyone who enjoys vampire lore or YA romance. This book has everything you’re looking for. Alyson, thank you for an awesome book! You deserve to be rating up there with the top authors. The Immortals series is a twist that YA fiction needed. It’s a breath of fresh air! I’m looking forward to the next book! Keep writing!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I find this review a really hard one to write because l definitely think it is my favourite of the series and Alyson’s writing has improved but still this book lacks in some areas which make it a medium 4 stars for me. I did find myself much more ‘into’ this one whereas with the other 3 in the series l have felt they are much slower to get going, only actually gripping me right at the end, hence why l find myself always want to read the next in the series.In this book l felt Ever is much more of a less annoying person and l started to like her again. She is much more of a ‘normal’ person instead of making constant mistakes which then leads me to find her actions more of what a real person would do. For example she doesn’t act too much like .. should be we say, spoilt person? Although there are a few points in the book where l thought she was more than less understanding of the situation.Another thing with this series is how they kind of feel a bit dragged out, Alyson could have probably fitted the 4 books into 2 books and just had a lot less repeating of things. With some chapters you feel like this is exactly what has happened in the previous two books, that said, the final book seems to have a new added twist to it!What made this one stand out more for me was the thing between Ever and Haven, l think it really added to the book and l found it interesting to find out what was going to happen. There were some really good scenes in this book too which made you want to skip a few lines to see what happens. I do feel though that some of the scenes just weren’t expanded enough and the potential of the scene wasn’t ‘reached’. Basically l mean some scenes seemed rushed and not explained enough meaning you couldn’t get yourself into the scene and see yourself there. For me the books l fall in love with manage to do this.Overall this is a good book and probably the best in the series, l wasn’t bored by it and definitely did enjoy it as a read! I look forward to the final in this series, l think this one just may be the best!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book is exactly why I wish authors would not attempt to write a series comprised of more than 3 books. They become little more than redundant fillers. Such is the case with "Night Star." I've enjoyed the series so far. It isn't the absolute best series I've ever read, but it's very entertaining and began with a very good idea. The execution of it has become monotonous, however. In this book, Ever and Haven are still fighting. Haven becomes increasingly more greedy and her ego more and more inflated until she's despicable. You can't wait to get rid of her. In fact, for most of the book, I was simply hoping Ever would kill her and be done with it. The fact that Ever still tries to reason with her and offer her "a way out" makes it hard to take Ever seriously. How could anyone be so stupid? I realize you and Haven had a good friendship, but obviously, since Roman entered the picture, that's over. Get over it. Move on. Quit putting your own life (not to mention Jude's and Damen's as well) in jeopardy trying to save her. Speaking of Jude, he was quite good in this book. At one point, he even grows a backbone and refuses to allow Ever to run to him every time she's upset with Damen. In this book, she must face her true feelings for Jude and Dame and make a choice between them. (Not that this particular story line hasn't already happened before...yawn.) You know who she chooses; there's no point in even mentioning it. Twilight was a story about Bella & Edward, and this is a story about Ever & Damen. Jude offers a fun diversion, however. Miles is also more likable in this book. He's become more confident and is more "in the loop" now. The main problem (between Haven & Ever) is resolved and it seems that Ever will never again doubt her true love. Sounds good, right? Not exactly, because you see, the antidote is still missing. Why? One would imagine that if they actually resolved this issue, the series would end, and Ms. Noel would then be forced to actually think of a new story to tell. It's much easier to simply drag out this one as long as possible. No need to worry about writer's block. Just throw in a little conflict that won't interfere with the major one I thought about 4 books ago, and voila! Another hefty royalty payment. It's a bit insulting that authors such as Alyson Noel continue to write "fluff" that does not contain enough real material to stand alone as its own book. My only consolation is that I didn't spend my own money on this book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Guys, forgive me for saying this... but was anyone else under the impression that this was going to be the last book in the series? No? For some reason, it took me until I was 40 pages way from finishing it to realize that there was one more book - Everlasting - due out in August.Anyways, let`s get on with this review!My Summary: The story starts off with Ever arguing with Haven - or so we think. After a little argument and a few thrown punches, we figure out that Ever was just practising her technique on 'fake' Havens that she manifested herself. We also learn that it's the last day of summer vacation, and Ever is definitely not looking forward to being trapped in the same building as Haven 5 days a week. To get her mind off of her imminent meeting with Haven the next day, Damen takes Ever to Summerland, where they decide to take a look at a sort of 'slide show' of their past lives - the ones Ever has no recollection of.Halfway through the show, a face flashes on the screen - Ever's, from one of her many past lives.Except this one is different.Damen reacts suddenly, shutting off the film-reel and trying to explain, but Ever refuses to listen. She can`t help but wonder... could this be what Jude was trying to warn her about? Could there be some dark secret that Damen is trying to hide about himself?Thoughts: This book seemed a lot better than the past few, although I think Blue Moon is still my favourite of the series. Here, though, we see Ever maturing as she comes to understand the gravity of the choice she's made and all the repercussions she's going to have to deal with because of her decision. She learns that the games Haven is trying to play with her are exactly like the games Roman played - except this time, Ever's not willing to be a pawn in anyone else's chess game. She knows how to beat Haven, who is well on her way to self-destructing anyway. To Ever, it's all a matter of time.I recommend this book to anyone who has read the other books in the series - if you gave up after the third or fourth, I recommend you get up to date and pick this one up! Also, if you're sick of vampires, werewolves, faeries, (or vampyres, *insert the name of a mythical creature who's name may be spelt with a 'y'*, and fayries), this series might be something you should check out!I'd love to hear your thoughts on the series!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Night StarBy Alyson NoelThis is the fifth book in The Immortal Series.I believe that this series will end with the next book.When I first read this series…I needed it desperately. My mom had just died and within two months of her death my dad died. I was floundering. I was grasping for straws. I didn’t get anything and I just wanted them back. So…reading about Ever’s story was what the doctor in my head ordered. Her family had died and the love of her life, Damon, had saved her by making her immortal. All they needed was each other and some sticky weird red juice and they were happy forever. But then complications began to pile up more and more with each book. Destiny, fate and someone named Roman kept trying to keep them apart and Ever had to become stronger and stronger to keep Damon at her side. The books are fascinating, fun and edgy. I zipped through them because they were just so good and because…even though I am a grown up…I wanted to believe that my mom and dad were happy in heaven…I know…childish but I needed to believe that…fiercely.I still love the books…I thoroughly enjoyed Night Star…but I don’t need them the way I did a year and a half ago. I have lived through two Christmases without my mom and dad…I don’t cry all of the time…their house is gone…and my new normal is that I am without my mom and dad now. Night Star was just a fun story for me…not the answer to why my parents died and are they happy in heaven…I know…sometimes I think I will never truly grow up.Ever is strong and fiercely loyal to her friends. She is an immortal with a conscience and a heart. She has her chakras in order. She fights for what it right and true and good. She is responsible for turning her best friend…quirky Haven…into an immortal. Unfortunately Haven is not a nice immortal but that makes Night Star a really intense book in this series.So…I loved Night Star…but I don’t really need it anymore. It is now just a good fun story. I will read the last book because I am attached to Ever and Damon and all of the other characters. I like thinking about living forever. I like thinking about seeing my parents in another place. I am very curious as to how Alyson Noel will end this series. It should be really good.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I actually found myself liking this book so much better than the last on. I’ve read some mixed reviews on here and I don’t feel that they are all right. Mostly I’ve heard that there has not been even a tiny bit of resolution in the story line. Well that’s not really true while they still don’t have the antidote some things have progressed. I think Ever has finally started acting like an adult. Although it happened almost halfway through the book it was still a big step forward. What I fail to understand is how she keeps making these big mistakes why didn’t she watch her whole past lives in the beginning when she first learned of the hall of records. I would have especially since knowledge is power and she needed the upper hand on many occasions. I do however also hate Haven god I’m so glad at the way that ended. What will piss me off though is if in the next book she starts to doubt Damien again. She love him she’s not sure because he lies to her has been the story from the beginning. I think if you loved the first book but were unsure of the last one check this one out anyway you may find that you love the series again.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Best friends are your worst enemies. Why? Because they know you. They know your secrets, your fears, everything. And when things go bad and they turn your back on you, everything that they know is spilled. And Ever secrets are about to be spoken.Ever former BFF is now her enemy. Ever tries to reconcile, but there is no turning Haven. Haven is determined to kill Ever in order to get revenge on Roman and what Ever has done to Haven. But Haven is not playing a easy game. Haven is slowly using Ever, using everything and anything against her.And boy does she play dirty. Not only are secrets spilled but Haven uses Ever's fear in Damen which brings up the past with a whole lot of skeletons. I can't help but blame Damen for this. He should of known sooner or later that all of that will spill. Had he be honest all of this could have been avoided. But with this new revelation it puts Ever is a position in which she must pick. Jude or Damen? I really enjoyed reading this book. It is always a pleasure to read Ever's adventures. My heart simply broke for her in this book. She was put on the spot many times and had lots to deal with. Her family life was also a major struggle. It seemed like Ever was losing everything and didn't have anything or anyone to lean on.I enjoyed reading this book. There was so much in it, it was hard to put down. The only thing I felt was off was it seem like Ever was fighting the same things over again. I was expecting something a little different.Nonetheless, the book was good. I look forward to reading the final book and I am crossing my fingers for Damen and Ever.