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Everlasting: A Novel
Everlasting: A Novel
Everlasting: A Novel
Audiobook9 hours

Everlasting: A Novel

Written by Alyson Noël

Narrated by Katie Schorr

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Their epic love story has captured the hearts of millions and enchanted readers across the world. Everlasting is the beautiful finale to Alyson Noël's bestselling Immortals series, in which their journey draws to a spectacular conclusion—where all will be revealed.

Their darkest enemies now defeated, Damen and Ever are free to embark upon their final quest—to free Damen from the poison lingering in his body. If they can just find the antidote, they'll finally be able to feel each other's touch—and experience the passionate night they've been longing for. But their fight to be together will lead them into the most formidable terrain yet…into the dark heart of Summerland.
Here in a land of scorched earth and endless rain, Ever and Damen will discover their relationship's hidden origins, expose a secret history they never imagined…and come face to face with the true reason fate keeps tearing them apart. Only then, when the final mystery is unraveled and the last secret revealed, Ever and Damen's future will hinge on one ultimate decision that will put everything at stake….even eternity.

Release dateJun 7, 2011
Everlasting: A Novel

Alyson Noël

Alyson Noel is a #1 New York Times bestselling author. She was born and raised in The OC and has lived in both Mykonos and Manhattan, but now finds herself settled right back in California where she lives and writes full time.

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Reviews for Everlasting

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Finally! It's been a long road both for Ever and fans of this series, but the end is here. And it's lovely. While the first in the series is still my favorite, loyal readers will not be disappointed with the final book. The romance really really heats up in some unexpected ways. The journey Ever takes in this one is ... enlightening. And best of all, many unanswered questions are resolved. There were a few plot holes that were kind of annoying, but I am willing to overlook them because all of the characters end up with believable and satisfying resolutions. Read on for spoilers of the plot holes I found frustrating.**SPOILERS BELOW** Firstly, Lotus' requests in song/riddle form ... did not serve a legitimate purpose within the reality of the story. I can see why the author did it (to prolong the start of Ever's journey), but Lotus had no motive to speak in riddle or song form and was shown to be capable of regular speech. Secondly, Damon's obstinate mind set in refusing to return to mortality did not seem like something his character would genuinely feel, especially feel that way for over six months. It just comes across as another method for the author to add more obstacles for Ever to overcome. Thirdly, I believe there are a few other instances of the author creating disagreements between Ever and Damon that did not seem to fit with Damon's character. Damon's refusal to support Ever going on the journey is one. Speaking of that ... why did Lotus initially say the journey was for Ever alone, only to find that Damon and Jude would both be there once it began? I think the book was a little too long. It could/should have been about 80 or so pages shorter, which would have given the story forward motion and removed the plot holes I've mentioned.But, all things considered I am happy with the ending provided and wouldn't hesitate to recommend this series.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Oh. Jeez. This book was....dismal, was the word I used when I was talking to Steph about reading. I read 1-5 together and very effect of being able to roll with it. That reading six made me sure I never handled Breaking Dawn alone either.

    I'm amazed I ever made it to the end of this book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I just want to say that when it comes to like a book that involves destiny, and how things come full circle, this would with out a doubt be my favorite. There was always something about the series that would frustrate me. Usually Ever annoyed me. But in this case, she has grown, she has such a deep knowledge and understand for how the world works, that it's like seeing a truly remarkable woman. I was SO happy with the ending. Not going to say what happens, but it (to me) was worth it to make it to the end of the series. It was a short easy read, and yet it had a lot going on. I loved the "trials" that Ever has to go through. I would say that if I was going to give this series to someone to read, I would tell them they HAVE to read all of it. I wanted to give up, but I'm so happy that I didn't.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I was surprised at how much I liked this series. I read through the whole series really quickly and loved the twists and turns the author took. I loved all of Ever's flaws and her conviction about doing what she felt was right regardless of whether Damen wanted to follow. I would like more books about the mortal life Ever and Damen and their friends.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Glad it's finally over, but I did not like it much.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I was excited that this was going to be the last book because I wanted to see how Alyson Noel wrapped it up. It was excellent. I was very happy with the plot, and she answered all the questions and ended the series in a wonderful way.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Not a big fan of the ending to this series. I wish she would have included an epilogue.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Finally, the saga of Ever and Damien comes to an end. I enjoyed the series, but thought it ran a bit too long. It did come to a satisfying conclusion, however, which is a relief.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The book Everlasting is the final book of the Immortal series. This book is where everything ends. Ever and Damen finally get the antidote to the spell Damen was under and can touch again. Ever finds out if she loves Damen or Jude. At the end of this story Ever chooses between the two, and after all the past lives she has spent with Jude, Ever still picks Damen. Damen and Ever can finally be together, forever. This book is really good. I kinda miss that the series is over, but i loved it so much. This book is for Young Adults or teenagers.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Everlasting was such an awesome book! It was also completely not what I was expecting. This series just kept getting better and better as it went along which isn't usually the case. Ever's journey from the beginning first book until the end of the last one was amazing! I really liked how you're right there with her as she learns from her mistakes. She's a completely different person now than she was and understandably so because of all she's been through. The only thing that really bothered me about this one was Damen's attitude toward the end of the book. But I guess I get why the author did it the way she did. Anyway, I really ended up enjoying this young adult paranormal series!!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Obviously I read this book because I read the other five, and just like the last three I wasn't overly impressed. Evermore and Blue Moon were both really good books and I found the series got a little boring after that. It seemed the same ideas were played out in a slightly different manner. This was no exception.First Damen and Ever have never irritated me as greatly as they did in this book. Damen has always been stubborn and quick to blame himself for all their problems but it was kind of endearing, not true in Everlasting, he was stubborn to the point of blatant stupidity. So why, when he's given a chance at redemption does it take him so damn long to utilize it. The whole book he refuses see things in a different light and it drives me absolutely nuts. HELLO Damen, get with the program, You. Are. Wrong!Ever just talks too much, you're waiting for details about the current situation to unfold, for her to shed some light on what's going on, and she rambles. Saying the same things over and over until you're about to shut the book and give up...Then and only then does she say something worth reading. Overall I think Damen and Ever strayed out of character so the story could be told a certain way, rather than it being their story it seemed forced. In my opinion this series would have served better to be done in three, maybe four books, if you just couldn't compress the ideas and storyline, but I'm pretty confidant that you could. The series would have stayed exciting, upbeat and earned a much better review.The book gets three stars because it's closure and I liked the very end of it. 3 out of 5.P.S. Despite my not really enjoying this last installment I'll still miss Ever and Damen.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    full review and casting couch on talksupe.blogspot.comthe entire series is under rated. Ever is a strong heroine but I think what turned people off was the excessive focus on the spiritual plane. That can be a mouthful if you're not really into that. As for the story, I think this is Ever's journey first before it's a love story. I like that Ever has her own mind, though I'd like to leap in the pages and whack her stubborn head sometimes but at the same time she owns her actions and doesn't run away from being held accountable for it. I just wish Damen would've been a stronger character, he was just like Ever's guardian throughout the whole thing and just faded into the background and went into Zen mode after Roman poisoned him
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Alyson Noel does not disappoint in the final installment of the immortals series. Everlasting beautifully describes Ever's search for the truth, and having spent the last year searching for some of my own truths, I completely identified with her. While Damen took some time to mull over the decision before him, Ever's faith to take the leap into the Shadowland was awesome. The only hope of everlasting love is being truthful to your mate, and Damen and Ever can finally be together at last. My students will love the romance and the adventure in Everlasting, and I will remember this journey for a long time to come. Thanks Alyson!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I must say that I am sad to see the series end. This is one series that even before I was a book blogger that I was hooked on. Let me be the first to tell you that as a long time reader of Alyson Noel's and a big fan of The Immortal series that this book ended nicely. All loose ends were tied. All questions, were answered. And the first chapter was so dynamic and strong that I sat reading this book in my office while at work! I know, bad Savannah!The first chapter was just wow. I knew once I started "glancing" at the book that I was in deep trouble. The first chapter has a very strong beginning, the reader sees Ever and Damen struggling in Summerland to find answers. What I like about this is the pacing and the plot line. The pacing was right on. I really liked that the reader got to go back to certain points in their history and re-connect with the present. It answers a whole lot of questions that I have always wondered, plus then some. It gave the reader a much broader history on Ever and Damen's relationship.What also grabbed my attention in this book, is the lives they had in the past. Through out the series, we see several past lives, but this one, it was a SHOCKER! I was like,"OMG!" Gasping at my desk and looking by my office door to make sure no one heard me. Hehe. Ms. Noel did a fine job in bringing this element to life in the book. I felt every emotion, excitement, hurt, and anger while reading this. Simply fantastic!The characters were more developed. In this book, you finally see them learn and grow. At times through out the series like books 4/5, I got frustrated that they weren't going anywhere. They were being stagnate. I was hoping for a change. Everlasting is the change of all changes. The characters finally develop in who they need to be in order to grasp their future!If you haven't pick up this series you most definitely should! Not only will you fall in love with it, but it will give you an everlasting read worth reading. Am I happy with the way it ended? Yes. I think Ms. Noel did a mighty find job on clearing everything she needed to clear up in order to finish the series.*There was some implied sex, kissing, few cursing*
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    ****SPOILER ALERT****Thank goodness it's finally over. For reasons I can't explain, despite the rapid downward spiral of this series, I couldn't help myself; I had to see it to the end. The Immortals series had promising beginnings that soon became an unnecessarily drawn out saga with an unsatisfying conclusion.. In my opinion, Ever and Damen's was not the "epic love story" it has been labelled. I didn't feel any substance to their relationship, even with the concept of past lives. It doesn't mean there shouldn't have been something deeper - the potential was there, the author just didn't convince me of it. Poor Jude (sigh). Noel really shafted him in the end; just left him hanging, still pining for Ever while everyone else's story was tied up into a neat little bow. Even Haven, Drina and Roman got their happily-ever-afters. While I wasn't keen on a Jude and Ever pairing (I think he deserved better), it would have been nice for him to have been able to move on, as she allowed all her other characters to do - even the nasty ones. I'm left wondering what the point of his character was at all, other than to provide the suspense of a love triangle. If so, I think the attempt failed. The resolution seemed very hurried, for example, ancient trees with magical fruit popping up out of nowhere. Noel used the power of time (six months) that Ever spent searching for said tree to make everyone's enlightenment on the earth plane seem more believable. Not very satisfying.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I thought this was a perfect ending to this series. I was starting to lose hope with the last book (Night Star), it seemed to drag on and on. I was greatly surprised by this book. It hooked me again the way the first 3 books did. Great job!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I was sad that the series has come to an end but it was a great. The story came to a close perfectly with just enough uncertainty to keep your interest to the end. The ups and downs these two characters have faced and challenges, has them drifting in different directions up to the end. However, to see all their wishing and dreams coming true and the end was a great way to conclude the series.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Ever and Damen's long journey is coming to an end. Danger lies ahead and truths will come out. Also a decision to take leap of faith could either tear them apart and bring them closer together than they've ever been.Wonderful story. Since book one Ever and Damen's journey has been a very bumpy road - but also a spectacular one as well. Everlasting is a great ending to the series. I was very pleased with how things ended and I think fans of this series will be too. Actually I adored the very ending, Ms Noel has done a incredible job of wrapping this up.