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The Devil You Know
The Devil You Know
The Devil You Know
Audiobook3 hours

The Devil You Know

Written by K. J. Parker

Narrated by Will Damron

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

The greatest philosopher of all time is offering to sell his soul to the Devil. All he wants is twenty more years to complete his life’s work. After that, he really doesn’t care.

But the assistant demon assigned to the case has his suspicions, because the philosopher is Saloninus–the greatest philosopher, yes, but also the greatest liar, trickster and cheat the world has yet known; the sort of man even the Father of Lies can’t trust.

He’s almost certainly up to something; but what?

Release dateMar 1, 2016
The Devil You Know

K. J. Parker

Having worked in journalism, numismatics and the law, K. J. Parker now writes for a precarious living. He is the author of Devices and Desires, Evil for Evil, The Devil You Know, and other novels, and has won the World Fantasy Award twice. Parker also writes under the name Tom Holt.

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Reviews for The Devil You Know

Rating: 4.346153846153846 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I liked the concept of this book a lot, but it struggled for me a bit in the execution. The narration of the book transferred back and forth between two characters fairly often and gave no indication of when the perspective had shifted, which caused some confusion in the storytelling for me multiple times. This could possibly have been alleviated by the reader using vastly different voices for the internal monologues of both characters. I did enjoy the story, however.

    1 person found this helpful