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Flawed: A Novel
Flawed: A Novel
Flawed: A Novel
Audiobook11 hours

Flawed: A Novel

Written by Cecelia Ahern

Narrated by Aysha Kala

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

In her breathtaking young adult debut, bestselling author Cecelia Ahern depicts a society in Flawed in which perfection is paramount and flaws are punished. And where one young woman decides to take a stand that could cost her everything.

Celestine North lives a perfect life. She's a model daughter and sister, she's well-liked by her classmates and teachers, and she's dating the impossibly charming Art Crevan.

But then Celestine encounters a situation in which she makes an instinctive decision. She breaks a rule and now faces life-changing repercussions. She could be imprisoned. She could be branded. She could be found FLAWED.

Release dateApr 5, 2016
Flawed: A Novel

Cecelia Ahern

Cecelia Ahern was born and grew up in Dublin. Her novels have been translated into thirty-five languages and have sold more than twenty-five million copies in over fifty countries. Two of her books have been adapted as films and she has created several TV series. She and her books have won numerous awards, including the Irish Book Award for Popular Fiction for The Year I Met You. She lives in Dublin with her family.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Inhaltsangabe:Celestine North ist 17 Jahre alt und gilt als beste Schülerin in ihrem Jahrgang. Und sie will perfekt sein, sich moralisch und gesetzlich immer richtig verhalten. Denn wer sich einen Fehler erlaubt, wird gebrandmarkt und kann den Status des „Fehlerhaften“ nie wieder verlieren.Kaum hat sie den Schock verdaut, dass ihre Nachbarin fehlerhaft sein soll, gerät sie selbst in Schwierigkeiten. Obwohl es verboten ist, einem Fehlerhaften zu helfen, kann sie nicht anders. Sie hilft einem alten Mann in einer Not-Situation und wird sogleich von der Gilde abgeführt.Bosco Crevan, der vorsitzende Richter der Gilde und gleichzeit Freund und Nachbar, drängt sie, die Situation falsch wiederzugeben. Er will sie zum Lügen bewegen, obwohl dies ebenso als moralisch verwerflich gilt und eine Brandmarkung zum Fehlerhaften zur Folge hat. Doch tief in ihrem Innern kann sie sich keinen Vorwurf machen. Sie hat aus Mitleid gehandelt und findet daran nichts Falsches. Und dies gibt sie auch im Gerichtssaal preis.Richter Crevan ist erschüttert und verdonnert sie zu fünf Bandmarken. So ein hartes Urteil wurde noch nie ausgesprochen und die Gesellschaft beginnt sich zu spalten. Für Celestine jedoch beginnt ein Leben voller Demütigungen und Ausgrenzungen. Und alle politischen Beteiligten versuchen sie für ihre Zwecke zu mißbrauchen.Doch wem kann Celestine noch trauen? Wer will ihr wirklich helfen und wie kann sie eine Veränderung in der Gesellschaft herbei führen?Mein Fazit:Das ist ja mal ein gelungener Genre-Wechsel.Cecelia Ahern hatte durchaus schon einen Hang für besondere Geschichten. Aber dieser Roman beweist, dass sie noch vielseitiger ist. Denn sie hat eine Gesellschaft erschaffen, die durchaus im Bereich des Möglichen liegt und in Teilen auch heute schon (oder noch) bereits existiert.Die Gilde entstand, weil vor vielen Jahren die Menschen nicht in der Lage waren, aus ihren moralischen Fehlern zu lernen. Wirtschaftsbosse und Politiker wurden für ihre Fehltritte nicht zur Rechenschaft gezogen und das Land lag am Boden. Um die Gesellschaft zu perfektionieren, wurde die Gilde gegründet, die sich als moralische Institution sieht und all jene verurteilt, die sich einen Fehler leisten. Während Gefangene nach ihrer Strafe rehabilitiert werden, behalten die „Fehlerhaften“ ihren Status ein Leben lang. Sie werden auf Schritt und Tritt kontrolliert, dürfen nur noch die Grundnahrungsmittel zu sich nehmen und sie unterliegen einer Ausgangssperre in den Abendstunden. In gehobene Positionen dürfen sie nicht eingestellt werden und von den anderen Gesellschaftsschichten werden sie geächtet und gemieden, als wären sie Aussätzige. Und das allerschlimmste: Sie erhalten Brandmale, damit man immer ihren Status erkennt.In dieser Welt lebt Celestine, behütet aufgewachsen und geliebt von ihrer Familie. Zum ersten Mal ist sie verliebt, in Art, dem Sohn des Vorsitzenden Richters der Gilde Bosco Crevan. Und ihre Beziehung ist bislang kein Problem, im Gegenteil, sie schmieden Zukunftspläne. Doch dieser eine Fehltritt im Bus verändert das Leben der beteiligten Personen kolossal: Art ist erbost über das Verhalten seines Vaters und verlässt die Familie. Celestines Schwester Juniper fühlt sich schuldig, weil sie dabei war und geschwiegen hat. Ihr kleiner Bruder Ewan hat plötzlich Angst vor ihr und will nicht mehr mit ihr an einem Tisch sitzen. Ihre Eltern geben sich Mühe, die ganze Situation aufzulockern und helfen ihr, wo sie nur können. Der Schulbesuch steht ebenfalls auf der Kippe wie ein späteres Studium.Richter Crevan gibt den Anschein der Bestechlichkeit und versucht offenbar seine Position für private Interessen zu nutzen. Als Celestine ihm in den Rücken fällt, kennt sein Hass keine Grenzen. Er erhöht die Strafe im Alleingang, da dies jedoch seine Kompetenzen eindeutig überschreitet, beginnt er eine große Vertuschungs-Aktion. Aber nicht alles kann er verschwinden lassen oder zum Schweigen bringen. Und das ist Celestines große Trumpf-Karte. Nur wo der Beweis ist, weiß sie nicht. Und da sie nun eine Fehlerhafte ist, darf ihr außer der Familie niemand helfen.Mich hat diese Geschichte von der ersten Seite in den Bann gezogen. Die Seiten flogen nur so dahin und ich konnte mir ein gutes Bild machen, das an Grausamkeit kaum zu überbieten ist. Die Autorin geht da nicht gerade zimperlich mit ihren Lesern um, mutet ihnen was zu, was ich jedoch auch sehr bewundernswert finde. Denn die Art der Diskriminierung existierte schon vor langer Zeit und hat bis heute in Teilen ihre Gültigkeit behalten: z. B. bei der afroamerikanischen Bevölkerung in den USA oder die Ausgrenzung der Juden in NS-Deutschland. Die Autorin hat einen wunden Punkt getroffen, aber die Thematik ist sehr geschickt umgesetzt. Dieser Spiegel der Gesellschaft ist so wichtig, damit man die Menschlichkeit und die Menschenrechte nicht aus den Augen verliert.Ich habe mit Celestine gelitten, geweint und gekämpft. Wenn ich las, war ich vollkommen gefangen und konnte mich – auch gedanklich – nur schwer daraus lösen. Die eine oder andere Person zog sich ebenso meinen Zorn auf sich wie anderen mein Herz zuflog.Was mich jedoch total gestört hat (und dafür kann die Autorin überhaupt nichts), war die Tatsache, dass es in einem Hardcover eine Leseprobe vom zweiten Teil gibt. Ich meine, im eBook oder bei Taschenbuch kann ich es akzeptieren. Aber die Hardcover sind teilweise wirklich teuer und ich bestehe darauf, nur dieses Buch zu kaufen und nicht noch andere Texte (außer Glossar und Nachworte).Trotzdem bekommt der erste Teil begeisterte fünf Sterne und ich freue mich auf den zweiten Teil.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I was given a galley of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.A modern civil rights story, Flawed challenges the reader to consider how they think about others. In a society that judges everyone on their flaws and brands them as flawed so that they are not trusted in positions of authority, one girl stands up for what she considers logical and right. She doesn't do this because she wants attention, or is interested in politics...she just acts because it's the right thing to do.This is her story, and by the end of this book, you will care what happens to her.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    FLAWED is a dystopian novel about a society that has let the Guild take over policing the morals of a society. To make a bad decision, to lie, to steal from society, for disloyalty to the Guild, for stepping out of line with society, is to earn a tattooed F on the temple, the tongue, the chest, the right hand or right foot. The Flawed are also ostracized, scrutinized by Whistleblowers, live under a curfew, and eat a boring diet. Celestine North never thought that she would do anything to become marked as Flawed. She lives a perfect life and dates Art Crevan, the son of the head of the Guild. But one day she steps in to help an ostracized man on a bus who is having a medical emergency and her perfect life disappears.Celestine begins to learn that the perfect society that she believes in and the judge who enforces it have serious flaws underneath. She becomes a symbol for those who favor the system and those who oppose it. She faces all sorts of harassment and danger because she performed one kind act,This was a great story about a girl who finds her life completely disrupted and who finds that the society she thought she lived in and the one she really lives in are completely different. She needs to make decisions that are well beyond her age.I enjoyed this story very much. I couldn't put it down. It's only flaw was the cliffhanger ending which makes me want to read the next book now when I know I have way too long to wait for it to be available.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I wanted to read flawed because it sounded like an interesting mix of a dystopia with more of a contemporary feeling if that makes sense. It's like The Scarlet Letter whenever people make a mistake they get tattoos like if they steal they get one on their hand if it's through their mouth that they did the wrong they get a tattoo there and so on. These people are called the flawed and they are forever marked and there's also restrictions on how late they can be out in what they can eat theirs consider lesser and society.I identified and related to the main character Celestine she is most certainly a people pleaser and she got perfect grades and she acted in the way that her parents and society expected her to. well until she didn't. she had a really big heart and seeing with new eyes what the flawed had to deal with really opened her eyes after her neighbor was charged and arrested. she was their teacher on the piano and she was overall good person but she did something that was wrong in the eyes of this society and she had to answer for the that. Celestine saw someone in need, in pain and sick and she saw the past the fact that he was flawed and tried to help him and that is where her life really changes. she had to wonder who is still going to be on her side. If it was going to be her parents or her sister that up until that day she didn't really realize how alike they thought in some ways. that was also her boyfriend whose dad was a judge in overseeing the charging and the marking of the flawed. Flawed ended up being a whole lot more political than I expected. I skimmed through that a bit, because it doesn't interest me in real life. I appreciated that she didn't want to play into the government who wanted her to admit she was wrong, or the rebels who wanted her for their new face and voice. The ending worked for me, it did progress the plot, but I don't think that I will be continuing the series. She was a girl trying to do the right thing and ended up being used a lot of people and had to decide for herself how things would continue to do. Bottom Line: Good premise and I liked the main character... Too much politics for me though.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I know where the video is and now I have to wait for the next book to confirm this. Slightly frustrating

    A good read. Somewhat predictable.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Flawed is the first installment in Cecilia Ahern’s new young adult dystopian series about a society where everyone is expected to be morally and ethically perfect. Engaging and thought-provoking, the novel is a bit of a slow-starter, but the story is quickly gains momentum which makes it virtually impossible to put down.

    Seventeen year old Celestine North is a logical thinking, rule follower who tries to keep under the radar. She views the world as black and white and she never questions the policies that she is expected to abide by. She has a wonderful relationship with boyfriend Art and her family has a tight friendship with his father, Judge Bosco Crevan. Judge Crevan holds a powerful position in the government as a judge for the Guild who decides the fate of a person accused of moral or ethical violations. When Celestine is accused of being “flawed”, she begins questioning the system while at the same time trying to navigate her new life.

    Celestine is a just a normal, average teenager before she is thrust into the spotlight after she is judged and found guilty of being “flawed”. Upon returning to school, she is subjected to the derision of her classmates and she is forced to deal with the fact that some of her teachers are refusing to teach her. The strict set of rules she must now follow as a “flawed” person affects every aspect of her life and her home life is a minefield as she tries to stay out of trouble with the harsh and uncaring Whistleblower assigned to monitor her. Celestine is also under heavy media scrutiny and since the local news is under the control of Judge Craven, she is fearful that her comments will be twisted to suit his purposes. Not knowing who to trust, she finds unlikely allies whose offers of assistance appear genuine, but Celestine remains wary that they might have a hidden agenda.

    The storyline is well-developed, very creative and extremely innovative. Several plot points are thought-provoking with some aspects bearing eerie similarities to Nazi Germany. The very premise of perfection is subjective and this provides numerous opportunities to reflect on the violations that are construed as flaws. Basic compassion and acts of kindness are often at odds with the strict rules and the very process of deciding an accused person’s fate is ripe for corruption. The situation with Celestine occurs just as opposition for the flawed process is rising and she is suddenly the face and voice for those trying to end the practice.

    Flawed is an outstanding young adult novel with an intriguing storyline. An absolutely brilliant first installment in Cecilia Ahern’s Flawed series that will leave readers very impatiently awaiting the next book in the series.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Do we really need another teenage girl in a dystopian society whose life is ruined by doing -what we see- as the right thing? Pretty relentless in it's downer message of a society fighting itself and individuals using them to gain power and money.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I just couldn't really seem to get into this book without thinking of a bunch of other books that it was too similar to. I was kind of bummed because I think this book had a lot of potential but it just fell flat for me.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I'll start with the TL;DR: unless you are committed to reading the gamut of dystopian YA published this year, don't waste your time on this one; there are much better options out there. At the same time, it's not entirely devoid of charm, and there are much worse ways to spend a few hours.

    This was one of 3 recent YA fantasy or speculative fiction series debuts that I had in my TBR, so I decided to devote this weekend to them. This was the first I read, because I have a lot of respect for Cecelia Ahern's prodigious chick lit output and was eager to see what she'd do with YA.

    A brief aside: the speculative/dystopian YA genre has gotten pretty crowded. In my opinion, to succeed in this field, you need a really strong, inspiring main character, a tight, well-thought-out and creative premise, and -- because it's YA -- a little bit of a commitment to melodrama. Teenagers' emotions and hormones run high, and I think talented YA writers can be faithful to that without seeming forced or ridiculous.

    Unfortunately, Ahern fails in the first two categories, though she nails the third one.

    Her protagonist, Celestine, is confusing -- and not in a good, complex way, but in a frustratingly inconsistent way. She tells us over and over that she's a by-the-book girl who has always followed all of the rules, but then with virtually no hesitation, she throws out all the rules in a moment to offer some fairly minimal assistance to a total stranger. The conversion from good girl to rebel was, for me, wildly unconvincing.

    Wait, you might be saying. Why is it rebellious to offer assistance to a stranger (in this case, helping a sick man find a seat on a bus)? (And if it is, isn't the obvious comparison to Rosa Parks just a little bit uncomfortable?)

    Glad you asked. I tried so very hard to buy into the premise of this book, because it's creative and has some interesting possibilities, and I really wanted to be swept up into the world of the book. In this world, anyone who tells a tiny lie, or makes a bad business decision, gets hauled before a tribunal and declared "Flawed," whereupon they are branded and forced to live by a strict set of rules, of which plain food and curfews seem to be the most salient. The obvious question is, how does society continue to function? If you tell a lie or are seen helping someone who's Flawed, teams of Whistleblowers literally swoop down and carry you away, and there's an enormous expenditure of time and manpower to put you through a trial and then essentially remove you from the consumer structure, which has to be terrible for the economy.

    Then the inconsistencies start. The Flawless can be imprisoned for helping the Flawed, and the Flawed are so shunned that they have to be buried in separate graveyards and people shrink from (or spit at) them in public... And yet Flawed and Flawless people apparently marry and procreate and live together all the time.

    More troublingly, in what seems like an obsessively rule-conscious society, Celestine's judge goes absolutely off the deep end when she admits what she did, and not only hands down a sentence that is dramatically more serious than apparently the most serious sentence in the history of the commission, but starts demanding that the punishment administrators give her additional, unsanctioned punishments. Maybe he thinks he's beyond the law, but it seems strangely easy for him to break rules without consequences, and that just doesn't seem to fit in the world of the book.

    Ahern does nail the melodramatic teen inner monologue, though, and I liked Celestine much better when I was in her head than when I was watching her more inexplicable actions unfold.

    However, I hated the "love triangle." Yes, it's a staple of the YA genre, but that doesn't mean it needs to be in every story. Here, Celestine has a boyfriend she's madly in love with, and who's madly in love with her. Plenty of romance. But for reasons that I assume will become apparent in the sequel, Ahern forces Celestine to develop an odd puppy love for a fellow prisoner -- whom she sees for maybe three days total, and speaks to maybe once. But there's heavy foreshadowing that he will rescue her! And together, they will fight the forces of darkness! Poor boyfriend doesn't stand a chance.

    At the end of the day, though, I do want to see Celestine triumph over the unrealistically evil judge and change her unrealistically draconian society. There's a fair to middling chance I'll pick up the next book if it catches me at the right time.

    Note: I received a complimentary copy of this ebook from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Review based on an ARC provided by Netgalley.

    Celestine always gone for perfection. She's not popular because she enjoys the security of being average and belonging. Unlike her older sister who always speaks her mind and acts on impulse, Celestine has always been perfect, with the perfect boyfriend, son of the powerful but friendly to Celestine Judge Crevan—she always calls him Bosco, though—, with the perfect family—aside from Juniper who doesn't even seem to want to belong there. But her world is not perfect, the Flawed are everywhere, their skins marked with the sign in correspondence with their moral lapses. One day, Celestine's judgment fails her and gets her straight to the Flawed Court, where she'll depend on Bosco—or should she call him Judge Crevan from now on?

    Being Ahern's YA debut, I had no idea what to expect. I had picked this book for the author, I confess. I failed to notice two negatives for me: this is distopic as well as the first of a series, two types of books I tend to stay clear from. Maybe because of the hat the beginning wasn't doing it for me. Celestine was purposefully an annoying character, completely blind to anything to the point I could barely accept her as real. Wasn't Ahern forcing this too much? However, the book picks up at the point of the trial and I got sucked into that world.

    At the same time, I had to cancel my judgment of the world-building. The Flawed concept is very real, very touchable, coming from a much credible reason, something like the big crisis in 2008/2009. Starting with the moral punishment premise, Ahern took elements from the antisemitism during the Second War and also a lot from the apartheid stories. I found it a great a theme, just wow! And the marks, her description of how they are made just had me crying for many, many pages—I did ask myself what was wrong with me I was so emotional but those are the facts.

    However, the arguments for the maintenance of that world don't withstand a critical view. Unless she told me Second War never happened, that the UN doesn't exist... I think that the citizens in the book are simply too blind. She does include rebellious groups but I wasn't convinced the state of things would be like that. The more I read, the more I frowned. As an YA, from which you don't expect as much, this was enough but Ahern is one who could have been less naive. And so much more scary. Had she filled her characters with more logic, this would be a story that wouldn't let me sleep before I got to the end and knew people would be alright again.

    So expect shallow from the story. Still, know that this is a nice story. The Flawed plot was really something that got to my skin and even now here I am thinking of how people would behave were it for real. And well, isn't it a little already? I said the way she described the reactions to the system wasn't credible (and even the system itself seems to centered to something which is supposedly spread all over a country, are there only those three judges? And no one to review their verdicts? And how can their sentences be so out of proportion, and very few voice against it?), still the implementation of something similar isn't far from reality at all, even if in lesser proportions (at first?).

    And again, Ahern let me down on the romance area, though. Art... is a sad name for such a dreamy guy she wants to paint him as. And I never understood why Celestine was so promptly connect to Carrick. This is a series so I'm mostly hoping for her to find a third option. Then again we never saw much of Carrick but classic YA hero episodes. I find it interesting how Ahern is an author known for romances, an author I enjoy very much and yet I've never appreciated the romance in her books. At least, this is far from the center of the story. The problem is exactly on how alone Celestine becomes after everything.

    My actual grade is 3.5. It's definitely above 3 so I've rounded it to 4 but it's not a stellar true 4-star book. Perhaps from now on? I have no idea what she plans with the series, and I'm eager to find out what will be of this world in the sequel. Even though this is just above average, it is an easy read and was a page-turner for me, despite the length. I recommend it even for those who are not that into YA's—as long as you take it as an YA, always with a grain of salt.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Right off the bat I was disappointed in the fact that this book is a blatant rip off of the Hunger Games. The main character is supposed to be a Katniss-like character, bringing the "flawed" citizens a heroine to rally behind and start a revolution, but because of the way Celestine's character is written, it's hard to believe she is the type of person that could rally a football team more or less a whole citizenship.
    And Celestine's lawyer, Mr. Berry, is described to look exactly like Stanley Tucci's character Caeser Flickerman in the HG movies.

    Granted this isn't the first dystopian YA book to cash in on the popularity of the HG series, but I expected a bit more from one of my favorite authors.
    That being said I will probably read the next books in this series, because I'm just a glutton for punishment!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I received a copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This is a book that is geared towards young adult readers. I found the story interesting and made me think. The main character had her issues, but well....she is young. lol Recommended read if you like young adult fiction.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book was so good. I just couldn't put it down.

    I didn't expect to like Flawed as much as I did. I am impatient to see where this story picks up....I absolutely loathe the ending.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    FLAWED by Cecelia Ahern is a young adult dystopian thriller exploring societal perfection.Celestine lives in a world that expects perfection. Those who break societal norms are physically and emotionally branded. While Celestine is considered the model citizen, she begins to realize that living a moral life may require actions that don’t mesh with society’s view of perfection. When she’s branded for an act of kindness and compassion, her life changes forever.Librarians will find this engaging work of science fiction to be a source for endless discussions about the role of society and government in dictating what’s moral and ethical. Use it in a book club or even a psychology or sociology course.Published by Feiwel and Friends, an imprint of Macmillan on April 5, 2016. ARC courtesy of the publisher.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    4.5 StarsA YA dystopia that you will leave you thinking. You will either love it or not. I loved it. I enjoyed the writing style (it's smooth and flows like honey), the characters (especially the ones who showed such a transformation-like the MC's mom), the setting, and the multiple themes illustrated throughout (such as bullying, discrimination, mass media influence, etc). Yes, there's some teen romance and the reasons and background for the Guild aren't crystal clear. However, the novel includes some minority groups (a mixed-race main character for example) and addresses so many other issues that the book reads more like a YA political thriller. I've read P.S. I Love You by this author and was pleasantly surprised with her first work in a different genre. I look forward to the next installment. For YA readers and fans.Net Galley Feedback
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I’m a bit embarrassed to admit this, but I haven’t read any of Cecelia Ahern’s novels yet. That’s why I was thrilled to see that her first YA novel was included in April’s Owlcrate box. First off, the book cover is absolutely stunning! This is one of my favorite book covers to date, I like how clean and simple it is yet so eye-catching. Flawed is set in a dystopian world where those who are deemed as morally and ethically flawed are branded with an “F.” The mark/s are made on different parts of the body (the right hand, the temple, the sole, etc.) depending on what crime was committed. Celestine, the main protagonist, is living a perfect life. She’s beautiful, her parents have successful careers, she excels in school and is in love with her handsome boyfriend, Art. However, while having dinner with her family, she witnesses something that would shake her beliefs. Then one fateful day while on a bus to school, she makes a stand that will change her life forever. I devoured the first half of this book, but had to step away from it for a few days as the story was getting a bit dark. The scene in the branding chamber was intense! We also find out how badly the flawed are ostracized and bullied, so much so that many suffer depression. The entire time I was wondering why Celestine changed her perspective so quickly. Granted she witnessed two events that triggered it, but her character was presented early on as obedient and a stickler for rules. So, I was wondering why the sudden change? However, it was interesting to see how brave she becomes as the story progressed. Also, I wonder why Celestine didn’t see what Logan was planning. She’s smart, she could’ve predicted what will happen if she went there. I know I’m being vague, but I don’t want to spoil the story for those who haven’t read it yet. The author’s idea of a dystopian world kept in check by segregating the flawed from the perfect is fascinating. I like it that nothing is the way it seems when it comes to some characters in the story, you can’t easily tell who is friend and foe. I can tell though that there is a brewing love triangle. I enjoyed Cecelia Ahern’s writing. The story ended on a cliffhanger because, you guessed it, there is a sequel. I will definitely be getting a copy of that when it comes out to find out what becomes of Celestine. I give this book 3.5 out of 5 stars.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Flawed is best represented as dystopian literature.Celestine has always lived correctly, which is required in her society; at some point, the government deemed it necessary to form a Guild that determines when people are flawed. Once literally branded with an ”F” for flawed, these people are under new rules. They cannot be with more than one other flawed, they must eat only prescribed, bland food, they must be in by curfew, and they cannot travel. They have a “whistleblower” assigned to them to ensure they follow all of their rules. People who are not flawed cannot help a flawed because it will cause them to be identified as flawed as well. Celestine has lived in this society and accepted it without question unlike her sister Juniper. Celestine even considers the Head of the Guild, Basco, as a dear friend, one she doesn’t fear as others do because she dates his son Art.One day Celestine makes a mistake. She feels compassion and helps a flawed, which promptly causes her own arrest. Basco, now Mr. Craven, offers to help her, but she is so logical about life that she cannot lie. In his anger, he gives her a larger punishment than anyone has ever had. It appears that now Celestine is the poster child for overturning the Guild, a position she never wanted. She must now navigate a complicated world where trust and help are values in which she can no longer have faith. To a degree, this is a story that’s been done. Can anyone say Scarlet Letter and list almost any dystopian novel? I still found the novel a page-turner and thoroughly enjoyed the tense pace. I feel teens will be drawn to Celestine because it’s as a teenager that the realization hits: life isn’t fair. Shouldn’t it be? Celestine is permanently marked for compassion--what’s more unfair that that? Several characters are not completely flushed out, such as her boyfriend and her sister, but Celestine’s mom has many implied characteristics, making her intriguing and interesting. We have to guess as to her parents’ beliefs because this society requires that real opinions be buried deep. I found the novel suspenseful and very entertaining. I was disappointed that it’s a book one instead of a stand-alone novel, so be prepared for the next book!