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Shadowland: The Immortals
Shadowland: The Immortals
Shadowland: The Immortals
Audiobook9 hours

Shadowland: The Immortals

Written by Alyson Noël

Narrated by Katie Schorr

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Enter the realm of the Immortals—the #1 New York Times bestselling series that's been acclaimed as breathtaking, mesmerizing, flawless and extraordinary.

Ever and Damen have traveled through countless past lives—and fought off the world's darkest enemies—so they could be together forever. But just when their long-awaited destiny is finally within reach, a powerful curse falls upon Damen…one that could destroy everything. Now a single touch of their hands or a soft brush of their lips could mean sudden death—plunging Damen into the Shadowland. Desperate to break the curse and save Damen, Ever immerses herself in magick—and gets help from an unexpected source…a surfer named Jude.

Although she and Jude have only just met, he feels startlingly familiar. Despite her fierce loyalty to Damen, Ever is drawn to Jude, a green-eyed golden boy with magical talents and a mysterious past. She's always believed Damen to be her soulmate and one true love—and she still believes it to be true. But as Damen pulls away to save them, Ever's connection with Jude grows stronger—and tests her love for Damen like never before…

Release dateNov 17, 2009
Shadowland: The Immortals

Alyson Noël

Alyson Noel is a #1 New York Times bestselling author. She was born and raised in The OC and has lived in both Mykonos and Manhattan, but now finds herself settled right back in California where she lives and writes full time.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Really great series can’t wait to read the rest of the series just wish I could listen to more then 2 books a month.................................. hopefully the series only gets better as you read or listen to each book so far it’s getting better and better
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I probably would have given this book four stars if it wasn’t for the fact that I had no idea what was happening at the beginning. This is my fault. I should have re-read the first two books before starting this one.However, once I got past that, I really enjoyed the story. It wasn’t as great as the first two books, but it was still interesting enough to keep me reading and wanting to pick up the next book in the series.I will be reading Dark Flame very soon.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Like all of the other Immortal series books, this was fantastic. And, also like all the other books, Ever continues to make the wrong decisions and do things at the wrong times. It immensly bothers you, but if you think about it, she's only writing it that way so she keeps your interest(which she has very well done, considering I'm about to murder the person who has Dark Flame checked out). As Ever struggles to find a cure for Damen, juggles with Roman's constant riddles, the choice between Damen(oh yeah!) and Jude(dread locks, really?), along with a few newly-immortals, you begin to wonder how dangerous your addiction to the series is.....Team Damen! ;)
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This series was an incredible disappointment. It was like a trainwreck... I couldn't put it down, not because it was enthralling to read, but because I felt a compulsion to count exactly how many times the author used the words "gaze", "peer", "squint", and a few others. Really terribly written. I am not sure how this series made it into the New York Times Bestsellers list. The storyline is similar to the twilight series, so if you've read those, steer clear of these. The storyline will seem quite redundant. What can I say? Just not very imaginative or creative, and the verbage is grueling.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    So Roman. Not all that interesting to me. And I know, you're wondering likely, why I kept reading if I wasn't into it by now, which I got questioned about, but mostly I want to know how it all ends.

    Adding to the list of things that got weird -- the portrayal of witchcraft, chakras, anything related to this. I was very meh. And yet I still want to see Damen happy, because (as predictable) the only people who really matter to me are the ones who are centuries old, while the teenager and adult main characters sort of slide by, even the narrator, who never stops being a teenager.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I don’t want to give too much of a summary, so as to not give away the first two books in this “The Immortals” series. This won’t give away anything of the first two books: Ever is drawn to her new (very young) boss at her new job in a mystical bookstore. But she is still so in love with her soulmate. I listened to the audio of this one. I wasn’t that excited about it. I did lose focus more often that I’d like. It did get better at the very end and I was paying better attention. Rating it “ok”, but overall, I don’t think it’s enough for me to continue the series.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I've been enjoying this series so far but I think it is starting to wear on me. Ever and Damen's relationship is starting to get a bit overbearing and boring to be honest. Usually I will continue a series until I finish it, but I think it is time for a break. I need a palette cleanser for sure. Something a little less.....clingy.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I am really surprised at how much I like this series. I love the main character Ever and all of her flaws.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It was pretty good, but I am getting very tired of series that never end. Wrap it up already!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Shadowland is the third book in The Immortals series written by Alyson Noel. In Shadowland, Ever and Damen cannot touch each other at the slightest, or else it would mean death to Damen and the rest of his life in the Shadowland, a place for lost souls. This all started because Roman tricked Damen into putting some of his blood in a elixer, that would make him and Ever live forever. After they drank the elixer they were both cursed. Ever and Damen could not touch each other at the slightest bit. Desperate to break the curse and save Damen, Ever immerses herself in magic, and gets help from an unexpected person… Jude Knight.Although she and Jude have only just met, he feels very familiar to Ever. Despite her loyalty to Damen, Ever is drawn to Jude, a boy with magical talents and a mysterious past. This book is filled with plenty of thrill and adventure. You'll be hooked to the series immediately. Alyson Noel has done it again! You'll connect with the characters and be pulled in and never wanting to put the book down! Will Ever find a way to be with Damen and reverse the damage Roman has done? Will Ever leave Damen for Jude? Will Damen and her ever have their happy ending? Or will their life stay like this forever? Read The Shadow land and the rest of the series by Alyson Noel to find out.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I like the book but left me alittle confused on where the story is going but cant wait for book four...
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I find myself enjoying this series more and more. The story lines keep changing and haven't been all that predictable to me (aside from knowing that Ever is undoubtedly going to make a stupid decision somewhere near the end.) Anyway, in shadowland we learn about where Damen's convinced immortals that die go -- Shadowland. We don't really learn too much about it other than that it's terrible. I'm guessing we'll revisit the subject in upcoming books. We also get a deeper view of Damen and Ever's pasts. I found it very interesting especially the reveal of a repeating love triangle. That was pretty much the last thing I was expecting. I also found myself really liking Mr. Munoz and especially Jude. I feel so bad for Ever most of the time. She cares so much about the people around her but has a really hard time showing it. She wants to do so much more with her gifts, but every time she does something goes wrong or someone gets hurt. Also, I found the ending to be extremely abrupt and not at all explained. That always bugs me, but I'm assuming it will all be cleared up at the beginning of the next book. One random thing about this author that I love is her choices in names. They are so unique and I really like all of them. Ever, Raine, Romy, Roman, Jude, Stacia, Sabine, Honor, MIles, Holt, etc. Sweet names.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is the third book in the Immortal series. This book is about how Daniel almost dies and his soul goes to summerland. A new kid goes to there school and casts a spell on Daniel and makes him extremely sick, and finally dies. Lucy finally finds him but there is revenge coming soon. Lucy has to choose between an antadote for her boyfriend daniel or to save her best friend from dying. There are 3 more books in this series. that is what this book is about. I really like this book, because i liked the other two books in the series. There are alot of interesting things and alot of twists and turns. If you like romance, death, and mystery combined, then this is the book for you. I am very i9nterested and cant wait to read the other books in this series! This is one of the best series i have ever read!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Not so down with the story line being that Ever is trying to sleep with Damen, so she has to win against Damon, but other than that, it's a good read. The first two books made my HS reading list as they had an underlying message, even though there was some alcohol and implications for sexual behavior, but this one won't be on it--so I doubt the last two books will be either. Bummer.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    full review and casting couch available on talksupe.blogspot.comThis is a transition book, a little calm before the big storm hits I think. Although it makes sense that Noel would focus on Ever and Damen a bit and have them deal with their issues after both of them nearly died for one reason or another. A lot has happened between them and a serious discussion has been long overdue
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Ever can't stand what she had done, in the last book she was told to do something and she did it but it was wrong. That was trying to save her boyfriends life. Now she can't even touch him without the fear of him going into the Shadowland. Damen seems to see things a different way, that karmas come back to bite him in the butt cause of the selfish ways he's lived throughout the years and trying to get to Ever. Will they ever be together again? She decides to find a job at the local store of her old friend Ava, and in turn meets Jude. A gorgeous surfer who she seems to have a link with from her past lives. But he doesn't know that, but she knows that she loves Damen with all of herself. But now she is to be tested on how much she really loves Damen. We meet the familiar characters from the last books, Myles, Haven, the twins, Ava (who returns) and then a few arch enemies, Roman who is another immortal and the one who tricked Ever in the last book. All in the same city and place and Ever finds it difficult to really avoid him. She wants to strike a deal with him to reverse the effects of the antidote that she had given Damen to save his life, but of course, with Roman, nothing is free and always comes with a price. But now she has enlisted the help of Jude and some witchcraft and the help of Romy and Rayne, who are now stuck on the earthly plane themselves. Nothing is what it seems and there are so many confusing things happening that Ever doesn't have a clue what to do. In the end, she has to make the choice of getting back what she had with Damen or save the life of her best friend......I think she choose right. Now the difficult part comes in trying to figure out Damen and herself.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is definitely darker than the first two, hence the title. It was a great book, despite it dragging on in a few places near the beginning. Still, Shadowland has you captivated and you feel for Ever in her quest to find an antidote for the antidote.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Good book. Starting to get sick of the story of Damen and Ever. They just need to get the stuff so they can do it already.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wow! This series just keeps getting better and better! I can't wait for the next one! This book really kept me on edge!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    This series just went downhill for me. I loved Evermore because I found Ever to be such a great character and I really liked her, but now she's just annoying. When before I thought she was smart and kind, now I think she's stupid and impulsive and self-obsessed. I can't take it anymore! The decision she made to save Haven just drove me over the edge. The right thing to do was so obvious and she went completely the opposite way, knowingly siding with Roman, the most evil person she knows, and ignoring Damen who she should trust most of anyone. I can understood wanting to save your best friend in normal cases, such as not knowing about the afterlife and what happens to people when they die, but Ever knew everything about that. She knew about Summerland and what a great place it was. She knew dying was merely the beginning of a totally new and eternally happy life in another realm. She also knew that by "saving" Haven, she was condemning her soul to the Shadowland if she was ever killed later in life. Stupid. Selfish. And not to sound mean or anything, but I would have preferred that Ever let Haven die not just because it would have been the right thing to do but because Haven is one of the most annoying characters in this series and I would have been glad to be rid of her. However, now that she is an immortal, I expect she's going to play an even bigger part in the rest of the books (and according to the summary of Dark Flame, she will be more annoying and selfish than usual). Bah!! I believe that this is going to be a common occurence in this series-Ever making a stupid,impulsive decision and making everything worse. This only makes the story more annoying (I know I've been using this word a lot, but it really sums up how this series makes me feel) as well as boring and predictable now, so I'm officially done reading this series. Maybe I would have continued if there was just one more book left (like I originally thought) and quickly end the series, but I recently found out that there's at least three more books. Nuh-uh. No way. I'm not going to waste my time.The only parts of this book I enjoyed were the twins and Jude. If if it weren't for those three characters, I probably would have rated it 1 star or even 0 stars.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This series was an incredible disappointment. It was like a trainwreck... I couldn't put it down, not because it was enthralling to read, but because I felt a compulsion to count exactly how many times the author used the words "gaze", "peer", "squint", and a few others. Really terribly written. I am not sure how this series made it into the New York Times Bestsellers list. The storyline is similar to the twilight series, so if you've read those, steer clear of these. The storyline will seem quite redundant. What can I say? Just not very imaginative or creative, and the verbage is grueling.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Picking up the unfinished story-lines from Blue Moon, Shadowland continues the tales of Ever Bloom, her immortal boyfriend Damen, and their friends and enemies. The characters aren't bad, but they do feel two-dimensional at times and Ever in particular fails to display maturity or good judgement several times. Shadowland ends with many questions left unanswered, leaving room for a sequel, although Ever's bad judgement and Damen's forgiveness feel like recurring plot-lines that seem bound to occur again.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I’m not gonna lie, but this book fell a little short of my expectations. I mean, after the nail biting sequel, this one was a bit dry. Well not dry exactly, but very, to the core irritating. In Blue Moon, Ever made a slew of bad choices. But that is all in the past, you would think she’d learn. However, she does not, and instead continues to make bad choices. I felt bad for her before because of her past and everything she’s lost, but it gets to the point where someone just needs to throw a bucket of ice water on her to make her wake up. I mean really.As far as the romance goes, there’s not much. I understand this because of the complexity of their situation after the end of the second book, so this didn’t entirely disappoint me. I mean, there was nothing they could do, whereas Ever could have done a lot of things. This book also sets up a love triangle between Damen, Ever and Jude- a new mysterious surfer boy. I am a huge fan of love triangles, for me they never get old. However, I was not particularly interested in this one. Maybe it was because I cannot picture Jude in a serious way. He has dreadlocks which Alyson describes as “cascading down his back”…. Eww! Sorry, but that is not sexy to me.As much as this book disappointed me, it did pick up near the end and have a very good end (that is definitely one of Alyson’s strong points). Don’t let this book stop you from reading the series, if you’ve liked the first two, stick with it. The next books are worth it
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I liked this book better than the second one. I was waiting for it to come out in paperback before I bought it, but my mother had a friend who sent her a stack of books and this one was in it, so of course, I had to read it first. I love the fact that Noel has written some new characters into the book, but I hate that Ever and Damen still have their little "problem". It seem like they will never get it solved, not with Roman in the way. Oh, well.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    to slow 2 get into,i had 2 make my self read it so i could read the last book
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    "The storyline in the first Immortals book (though similiar to Twilight originally) was good and it did progress throughout the series but now, we are getting nowhere. Nothing really happens in this book. It almost seems like Noel has her next book written and the plot is stuck in that book. It's really disappointing when authors use series to sell books rather than to tell a good story. Definitely wait until the next book comes out before reading Shadowland because by the time it does come out, you won't even remember what Shadowland was about in the first place."
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The Little BookwormEver begins her quest to fix her mistake from Blue Moon so she can be with Damen at long last. But Roman stands her in way as well as her undeniable attraction to her new boss, Jude. Oh Ever, still as dumb as a rock. What a waste of an Immortal given her inability to make even a smitten of the right choice. At least her intentions are good, but she never wants to listen to anyone. Always convinced that she is the exception and knows more than the people who have been around a lot longer than her. Damen is a freaking saint for putting up with her BS though he had his moments in Blue Moon.Anyway, I found Shadowland to be a much slower book, not quite as good as its predecessors. That happens a lot with middle books. But still the build-up for the next book was nicely paced as was the introduction to Jude, a person who is very familiar to Ever and Damen for a good reason. The ending was good, a little surprising, but another opportunity for Ever to make exactly wrong choice yet again. Can't wait to see what she gets up to in Dark Flame.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is the third book in Alyson Noël’s ‘Immortals’ series, and I have to say that I definitely enjoyed this one more than the second book in the series, Blue Moon. Shadowland had its good parts, but at the same time, there were times when the book was confusing or a little boring. It was still a great read, however, and I’m looking forward to the next book in the series, ‘Dark Flame’.I found the plot of Shadowland quite interesting, and it revolved mainly around Ever and Damen trying to break the curse that Roman put on them at the end of the second book. I found this an engaging plot line and was interested to see how it ended.The plot also had quite a few other elements in it, including the continuing story of Romy and Rayne, Jude’s part in all of it and of course, the return of our dreaded antagonist, Roman.I found my feelings about Roman fluctuating in this novel. I would like him in parts, and then go back to really wanting him dead in others. Romy and Rayne…well I just found them annoying. It was, however, good to get a back story on them and that really helped to flesh out their characters.I was really intrigued by Jude’s story, and for once guessed completely wrong when it came to finding out who he was, so kudos to Noël for tricking me there. Ever, however, was a bit different. She is an interesting and likeable protagonist, except for her persistance in making the same mistakes. She is reckless and continues to annoy me! I really felt that she should have progressed a little in her decision making skills by the third book, but sadly I was left wanting.I did find, however, that there were quite a lot of problems introduced in this installment, and not many things were solved. Hopefully things will improve in Dark Flame, and there will be a few resolutions.I loved the cliff hanger at the end, and the Noël’s description in the last few chapters had me turning the pages like there was no tomorrow. I enjoyed the fast paced ending and it left me intrigued and interested in continuing the series.The book focuses a little on sex, though it’s not a main element of the novel, though it does get mentioned a few times and is occasionally hinted at. Quite frankly, I wasn’t expecting that out of this novel and felt that it was a little misplaced. I mean…isn’t Ever only 16 (correct me if I’m wrong)…a bit young, if you ask me… :SOverall, it was an alright book. I liked it more than ‘Blue Moon’, but it hasn’t been able to live up the standard of ‘Evermore’. Shadowland felt more like an ‘in-between’ book that a whole novel, and really just set the plot up for the rest of the series – introducing a host of new problems with very little resolution happening.The characters were OK, though I had mixed feelings about Roman and several problems with Ever. The ending was great, but the middle tended to drag a bit.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This series has had me hooked from the beginning, but I'm starting to get frustrated. Nothing, and I mean nothing, ever goes right for the characters in the book. It's all very interesting and complicated and I'll admit I couldn't put it down, but it's just depressing at this point. The series is amazing and well worth the reading but, can something just go right already?
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This installment of the series was way better than the 1st and 2nd. Really caught me up and just in time, as I was about to throw in the towel. I was no fan of the first two. Series are sometimes hard to read as you always got to keep in the back of your mind that the author is going to lead you to water but then hold onto the halter so you can't drink, making you wait for the water for the next book. If done well by the next book your thirst is like fire on your throat. The first to books didn't do that for me this one did. NOW I want to continue the journey...Well done on this one.