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God and the Afterlife: The Groundbreaking New Evidence for God and Near-Death Experience
God and the Afterlife: The Groundbreaking New Evidence for God and Near-Death Experience
God and the Afterlife: The Groundbreaking New Evidence for God and Near-Death Experience
Audiobook4 hours

God and the Afterlife: The Groundbreaking New Evidence for God and Near-Death Experience

Written by Jeffrey Long and Paul Perry

Narrated by Walter Dixon

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Based on the largest near-death experience study in history, involving 3,000 people from diverse backgrounds and religious traditions, including nonbelievers, God and the Afterlife presents startling evidence that a Supreme Being exists—and there is amazing consistency about what he is like.

In his bestselling book Evidence of the Afterlife, Dr. Jeffrey Long showed us that there is a strong scientific case for life after death. Now, he goes further, revealing evidence that God is real. At the Near Death Experience Research Foundation, Dr. Long studied the stories of thousands of people who have journeyed to the afterlife. Though there are a wide variety of differences in how people experience NDEs—some see a bright light, others go through a tunnel, still others experience a review of their life—he discovered that many of the accounts shared a remarkably similar description of God; a Supreme Being who radiated love and grace.

Expanding on his analysis begun in Evidence of the Afterlife, God and the Afterlife is the first intensive exploration of the people who have reported going to the frontier of heaven, met God, and have returned to share their journey. Groundbreaking and profound, it provides new insight into the human experience and expands our notions of mortality, offering possibility, hope, and comfort. 

Release dateJun 28, 2016

Jeffrey Long

Jeffrey Long, M.D., is a radiation oncologist in Houma, Louisiana, and has appeared on NBC's Today Show, ABC's World News Tonight with Peter Jennings, FOX's The O'Reilly Factor, and The Learning Channel. Long has also served on the board of directors of the International Association for Near-Death Studies and established the nonprofit Near Death Experience Research Foundation and the NDERF website.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is an excellent book about NDEs and, specifically, descriptions of encounters with God during these.I haven’t read any other NDE books with this particular focus.The God Study was the largest study of God in NDEs ever conducted.The book quotes directly many of the NDErs included in the enquiry.Firstly, as regards love:“God exists. God is love, we are love, and love creates all that is. Everything is pure love. --- God is pure love and --- we are a part of that.”“I felt God as an all-encompassing presence--- complete, total, and unconditional love in its highest form. I was surrounded by God’s unconditional love, which was so much greater than human love.”“The message was, ‘Love is the greatest power in the universe.’”“Then I turned and saw what I believe was God. It was pure energy, and you could sense the great wisdom that was within. God told me that we all have to live in love, that I had to take back the message of love.”Andy encounters God’s light. “I look into the Light’s source and see a massive, human silhouette that is radiating with the brightness of thousands of suns - it speaks to me: ’Andy, don’t be afraid. Andy, I love you.’ The Light knows me, knows my name! Surrounding this light form are millions of other lights welcoming me back home. I know them all and they know me; we are all pieces of the same light.Although I’m in the Light and the Light is in me, I’m still Andy. I’m everywhere and here at the same time, -- The Light has the answers to all the questions in the universe – and I don’t have any questions, because I know everything that the Light knows, which is to say everything. The Light also knows everything that I’ve ever done and will do but loves me unconditionally. --- There is no fear, no judgment, punishment, blame or shame. No ledger of good and bad deeds. Only warmth, peace, joy, happiness, forgiveness, and love in the Light.”“You’re just being --- that’s what we’re for --- to be! The Light was God.”“Each soul is connected; each has a purpose, and each person is meant to perfect skills required to fulfil the purpose of that soul.”The NDErs shared their descriptions of our oneness with God.“Each soul is part of the whole, or God.”“I was one with God or the Collective Soul --- It was perfect love.”The author states: “The profound and reassuring message of NDErs is that God is with us every moment, in our earthly life and in the afterlife, and that God loves everyone.”Love “seems to be a foundation of our earthly life’s meaning.” Our purpose on Earth is to love. Only love is real. To overcome our fears we need to love and accept ourselves and each other.The NDErs learnt that there is no judgement at all, no condemnation. We judge ourselves. What we put out to the universe returns to us in some way. God loves unconditionally.“God knows full well who we are, what we are, and still loves us totally and unconditionally.”We are here both to love and to gain knowledge. We must learn how to accept every race and have no prejudice.We suffer in order to learn how to develop our souls.The beautiful light that is God is our real home.Many NDErs experienced becoming one with all life and knowing everything. One woman experienced knowing all languages, being one with the Creator and with Creation itself. She was the Creator.There is a chapter describing Heaven and also one describing hellish encounters. These are relatively rare but still are real NDEs.One person describes “countless voices of many souls, --- only weeping and wailing ---It was the most anguished, pathetic sound I have ever heard.” This account is similar to Robert Monroe’s experiences described in his three books portraying his OBEs.When those having hellish experiences ask God or the angels for help, they are removed from “Hell” and taken to Heaven. (So no-one needs to fear of coming to, and remaining in, Hell.)This is one of the best books on NDEs I have read. It contains many, many accounts of direct experiences of God and Divine Love.This is one of the books that I would give ten stars, if I could.