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The Assassin
The Assassin
The Assassin
Audiobook16 hours

The Assassin

Written by Andrew Britton

Narrated by Christopher Lane

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

More than a year has passed since Ryan Kealey prevented the assassination of multiple world leaders in the nation’s capital. While his work is brilliant, he’s considered damaged goods. Now he’s about to become a key player in a plot of unimaginable scale. For something big is about to go down in New York City.

When a top Iranian source reveals that Iran is planning to bomb the United Nations, U.S. Intelligence begins counter-measures. Only Kealey sees it as a smokescreen for another, far more involved plot. But getting anyone to believe him isn’t going to be easy. With only his ally, London’s newest assistant chief, Naomi Kharmai, by his side, Ryan will have to operate outside the lines in order to prevent a terrible attack in a city on lockdown.

A weapon of catastrophic power has been stolen from war-torn Iraq and has made its way to the U.S. The man who has it is Kealey’s nemesis, William Vanderveen, an international criminal mastermind who has no objective other than pure terror and who will stop at nothing to achieve it. Making matters worse, Vanderveen’s being helped by someone on the inside with high ranking security clearance. Even the halls of the CIA are no longer safe from possible espionage and treason. Now, as Kealey and Kharmai race to put the pieces together, they will confront a ghost from the past and be forced to question the people they trust most in a desperate investigation where only this is for certain—time is running out.

Release dateFeb 27, 2007

Andrew Britton

Born in England, Andrew Britton moved with his family to the United States when he was seven, settling in Michigan, then North Carolina. After serving in the Army as a combat engineer, Andrew entered the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and received his degree just before his death in 2008, at the age of 27.

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Reviews for The Assassin

Rating: 3.9777778133333332 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It took me a long time to get into this book but once I got past the hump I was glad. I thought it was well written and kept my interest through to the last page. This is part of a series of books with the main character Ryan Kealey. Kealey is a sometimes CIA agent, he keeps getting the boot or threatened to get the boot, who is set on finding the man who betrayed him years ago and killed his fiance in brutal fashion. Along thew ay he picks up a partner Naomi Kharmai, a bright analyst who pulls together the theories and facts to help Ryan find Will Vanderveen. Together they try to stop a bombing in NYC that is Vanderveen's crowning achievement. We also meet Yasmin Raseen the Iraqi bent on revenge by helping Will accomplish his goal.I'm definitely going to read next book in this series.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Excellent follow up to The American. Ryan Kealey has gone to Iraq trying to overcome his grief at the loss of his lover at the hands of the (supposedly) late Will Vanderveen. Needless to say Vanderveen survived his fall into the ocean, and his machinations on behalf of some of his political colleagues results in a return to face his old foe, Kealey. Taut action makes for a very satisfying read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    O black hat white hat but average stroy line and characters
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Another great Action/Adventure/Thriller from Ted Bell. I finished this one over a weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it. I can't wait to get started on the next in the series!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Finished the second installment of the Alexander Hawke series today; the best way to describe this gentleman would be a mixture of Mitch Rapp & James Bond - action & classy.

    Whilst the cast of characters may seem an eclectic mix that wouldn't work, it does, very well in fact. In this installment we see Mr Hawke's new wife gunned down and a group of Is;and Fundamentalist terrorists on a worldwide rampage hell bent on destroying 'Great Satan' ie America.

    Highly enjoyable thriller, action, adventure with a touch of mystery & investigation.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This is the second book in the Alexander Hawke series, but the first I've read.

    It will probably be the only one I read.

    This was such a drag to read with all the characters being stereotypes, totally illogical in their actions and completely unbelievable. There was no enjoyment in this book. The structure was totally stupid and the time lines didn't make any sense. There were two stories in this book and it was just pointless with them being their. Then there is the issue of characters who just disappeared without conclusion of their story.

    Pathetic is all I can say.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Exciting story about a hired assassin and a multi-billionaire middle east crackpot. I enjoyed the book and couldn't unplug my ears. Maybe, I'll read another in the series.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Unfortunately, Ted Bell's writing has not improved much in his second Alexander Hawke novel. He still tries to do too much, to copy too many stock characters, to have his hero too perfect, to have the villain, too evil, etc. If Bell would limit his scope and scale back the number of characters that assist Hawke, the books would be much more enjoyable. For the time being, a Clive Cussler novel (even those that he simply "co-writes") is a much better way to pass the time than an Alexander Hawke novel. I have elected not to keep reading Bell's books (at least until someone tells me that his storytelling has improved).
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Pretty good thriller. Enjoyable "read" - listened to the audiobook on my commute.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    In this second Alexander Hawke novel, Hawke is called upon to prevent a terrorist attack against the United States, leaving Stokely to track down Hawke's wife's killer. With lots of James Bond-esque action and suspense, the Hawke books are a pretty good read if you like this sort of thing. Unfortunately, we don't see the return of Thunder and Lightning, though they do get a passing mention in this book. I quite enjoyed them from the first book.There is quite a bit of language in this book, but taking into account the military types that are featured throughout, it's not a big surprise, just more profanity than I'm used to reading (almost nil). I'm very much a science fiction/fantasy reader, but the Hawke books are a nice departure from what I typically read.