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The Mask
The Mask
The Mask
Audiobook8 hours

The Mask

Written by Dean Koontz

Narrated by Natalie Ross

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Such a pretty face

So young, so sweet. She appeared out of nowhere, in the middle of traffic, on a busy day. A teenager with no past, no family—no memories.

Such a lovely child

So blond and beautiful. Carol and Paul were drawn to her—she was the child they’d never had. A dream come true. And then Carol’s nightmares began—the ghastly sounds in the night…the bloody face in the mirror…the razor-sharp ax.

Such relentless evil

So deceptively innocent. Most mothers would die for such a darling little angel. And that’s what frightened Carol most of all….

Release dateMar 15, 2010
The Mask

Dean Koontz

Dean Koontz is the author of more than a dozen New York Times No. 1 bestsellers. His books have sold over 450 million copies worldwide, and his work is published in 38 languages. He was born and raised in Pennsylvania and lives with his wife Gerda and their dog Anna in southern California.

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Reviews for The Mask

Rating: 3.500000016608997 out of 5 stars

289 ratings17 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title to be a mixed bag. Some reviewers found the plot predictable and rushed, with an unsatisfying ending. Others enjoyed the build-up and the author's writing style, despite the introduction of characters that didn't go anywhere. A few reviewers had issues with the narration, finding it choppy and forced. Overall, the book received mixed reviews, but some readers still found it enjoyable.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I’ve read this book before but hearing it acted out like this was awesome!! I’ll definitely listen again. The narrator is very gifted at what she does.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I very much enjoyed reading this book after the stinker that was "The Voice of the Night." This story about reincarnation held my attention from start to end and I do consider parts of it scary. The main evil in the story was not really a mystery, but how that evil manifests itself is what makes this story good. I thought the ending was a bit weak, but I am not sure what else the author could have done. Koontz is still no Stephen King, but this one at least lives up to his reputation.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book had an epic build up but ended so predictably. Not the author’s usual style. I’m a bit disappointed by the wrap up, and overly obvious themes throughout (plus introduction of characters that didn’t eventuate to anything and weren’t re-visited (Yes I mean you, Building Inspector). That aside, I still love this author and his writing style, and it was an enjoyable listen
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Just didn't like the way it ended, expected a little more like Carol finding out it is her child, etc. Otherwise it was very good.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Now I know why I never read this when it came out in 1981 under the pen name of Owen West! This was one of the worst ever attempts at being a reincarnation/ghost story! Terrible and SO predictable story with the most awful and rushed endings ever. Cannot recommend this at all.
    2 ehs
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It ended without the girl coming to reality in this life. Past life regression revenge over with 1 word and we didn’t feel the Mom / Child reunion.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Probably a great book but can't deal with the horrible narrating by Natalie Ross. Voice is too up and down as well as choppy and forced. Ruins the experience.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Scary suspense novel that kept me engrossed from start to finish. I enjoyed it.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A reread as part of a book clearance plan. Though readers often find though Koontz in the horror or fantasy section, the best way to describe most of his books is supernatural thrillers. This, one of his earlier titles, is well-plotted, perhaps a little simplistic for true thriller aficionados of today, but is a fast, well-paced read although the end feels a little too fast and abrupt to me.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I did enjoy "The Mask" alot, this was a good eerie novel dealing with reincarnation, it seemed obvious in the beginning, but like any Koontz novel the obvious lies within the unobvious, and when we are finally allowed to look outside the box, we are shown a bigger picture than originally thought. I did enjoy the supernatural element, but The Mask did have a few flaws that kept it from greatness: One being, that Koontz, never really explains the supernatural element that was tipping off the main charactors; were the spirits good or bad? Also, the book ended too abruptly,It was wrapped up in 10 pages. We never know the fate of the charactors, did they live happily ever after? But over all I'll try to stay positive and "The Mask" is a good early novel for Dean Koontz.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Left with a huge cliffhanger, but still a very good book!!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I spent all that time reading this book to read a crappy ending within the last two pages. Really Koontz? That was a fantastic plot and you ruined it with the weak ending.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Written over 30 years ago you can tell that this is one of Koontz's earlier works. Paul and Carol can not have children and are going through the process to adopt. While at the lawyers office a large storm breaks out and an extreme lightning show starts and shatters the window that Paul and the lawyer and standing in front of. This is one of many bizarre events that will make Carol believe that someone is trying to stop them from adopting.When a young girl comes into their life after an accident with amnesia Paul and Carol want to help her until the police can locate her family. Little do they know that by letting Jane into their lives they could be inviting in the end of their lives.Short and interesting novella, but definitely not the best work by Koontz
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    A very boring book. Even fans of Dean Koontz should pass this one up.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    This started off very interesting with a couple unable to have children decide to adopt, but something seems deteremined to stop them. Then a young teenage girl comes out of nowhere into their lives and then the nightmares start. This novel had all the elements of a good story, it was intriguing enough to keep me reading, mysterious enough to keep me guessing and had just enough chills to keep me looking over my shoulder as I read. The first 303 pages of this novel were absolutely great.It was the last two pages that made this one of the worst books I’ve read in a long time. The ending absolutely stunk, it was vague and contrived and seemed to come out of nowhere. It didn’t answer any questions and left me feeling cheated because I just wasted all that time reading the book (though it was a quick read) and was left with that ending. If this had been my first Koontz book, I may not be back. However, I know he is capable of so much more, that of course I’ll be back.If you can look past the horrible almost non-existent ending then you’re in for a decent read, but just be forwarned that the ending will leave you looking for more.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    One of my least favorate Koontz books so far, but still a very underrated book of his. It had a lots of mystery until the end, fun characters, and lots of action and suspense. On top of all that, it had some pretty creepy parts, which believe it or not, isnt exactly typical for Koontz. On the other hand, parts of its horror were chessy, the ending was more openended that most will appreciate, and when compared to a lot of Koontz's books, it just isnt that good. If you want to get the most out of this novel, i suggest that you make it one of your earlier Koontz reads before you start reading some of his top notch novels.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    i think dean just shot this one off using his lightning, dark, fear imagry. i think this because he spends the whole book leading up to the climax, which occurs on the LAST TWO PAGES, and then he leaves the results of the climax (the denousment, as it were) up to our imagination. this will put me off of dean for awhile.