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Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

A small town is touched by angels; a powerful, forbidden romance forms, and intrigue and action ensue as the Dark Forces resist the angels influence, in the first book of Alexandra Adornetto's heartfelt YA Halo Trilogy.

Three angels are sent down to bring good to the world: Gabriel, the warrior; Ivy, the healer; and Bethany, a teenage girl who is the least experienced of the trio. But she is the most human, and when she is romantically drawn to a mortal boy, the angels fear she will not be strong enough to save anyone—especially herself—from the Dark Forces.

Is love a great enough power against evil?

Release dateSep 20, 2010

Alexandra Adornetto

Alexandra Adornetto was only fourteen when she published her first book, The Shadow Thief, in Australia. Her U.S. debut, Halo, debuted in Fall 2010 on the New York Times bestseller list a week after it was published and has been published in over twenty countries. The daughter of two English teachers, she admits to being a compulsive book buyer who has run out of shelf space, and now stacks her reading “in wobbly piles on my bedroom floor.” Originally from Melbourne, Australia, Ally is now a college student in the U.S.

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Reviews for Halo

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Absolutely LOVE this book. It's definitely worth reading or listening to.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Three angels come to earth to guide a town to good. The youngest is Bethany. She is a teenager and goes to school to learn more about earth. She meets a human boy and falls in love even though that is not what angels do. Together the four battle an evil representative of Lucifer for the hearts and souls of the other teenagers of the town. Very melodramatic and reminiscent of Twilight. Written by a teenage author.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I did not even realize that the author of this book was a teenager until after I finished the book. I loved the characters and the plot. I love anything that deals with angels and demons and I was very impressed with the fact that his book discussed Christian beliefs. I do not think for a second that the age of the author makes any difference. I really loved her writing style. Easy to follow and a fast read. The only thing that I wasn't too happy about was the ending and how they "destroyed" Jake. It was a little cliché. It was one of those, "love conquers all," stories. Granted, I do love a happy ending but a little bit more action in a story is not necessarily a bad thing. This book could have kept my attention a little more if it wasn't as predictable as it was. I believe that because Adornetto has only written two books, she will write more enthralling books in the future. However, for this only being her second book I do give her a standing ovation.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    This book is pretty much Twilight with angels instead of vampires. Supernatural love story, teen angst, yadda yadda... annoyed the hell out of me. :P I didn't even finish it since I knew exactly where we were going after about 100 pages - and the book is like 450 pages long. Thats just too much time for me to waste. It's not badly written, just not my particular mug of coffee.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Awesome - hope another will be coming out to follow.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Although it started out slow, Halo quicky increased its pace and drama. I loved the way that the author protrayed Beth and Xavier's relationship, like they were always so sure of themselves. I enjoyed it a lot and finished reading it in 2-3 days. If you liked this, I would highly recommend "Fallen" by Lauren Kate. The plots are very similar, but each book has its own unique qualities that you can't find in the other. All in all, great read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Caveat - I am only giving this 3 stars instead of 2 because I applaud the fact that a teenager wrote this. Looking at it in that perspective, it was a somewhat okay read. The characters were either flat or annoying and more suited to a televison script than a book. Angels are the new vampire - or so it seems, and it was enjoyable to read about beings of goodness and light as opposed to blood-sucking, diamond glittering skinned vamps. I would recommend this to mainly teenage girls that enjoyed the Fallen series or just want a romance book with angels.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I hate this book. Here is a quick review of the book.

    Halo is a not-very-inspiring story about three angels sent to a posh coastal town called Venus Cove for some bizarre reason. They live lives of luxury and self-righteousness, doing very little proper service other than volunteering. A melodramatic and meandering plot follows Bethany and her melodramatic romance with Xavier. Some genuine conflict eventually shows up, several hundred pages too late to make the book any good, but that’s okay; as the author emphasizes several times, this book wasn’t written for artistic merit! Basically, it’s just a way to take your money and preach to you.

    A lack of personality was apparent in the heroine. As opposed to doing well, she put her feelings about Xavier first. I found Xavier’s perfection sickening. He’s good-looking, but what else makes you want him? No more talking about his hair and eyes.

    I hated the climax. When these characters realize there is a demon in town, they do nothing. In the meantime, they “wait for higher authorities to intervene.”

    It would be easy for me to go on, but I don’t want to.

    The end.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I finished this book and the thought that came to mind was: I don't know if i like this book or if i want to throw it across the room.
    It did everything i knew it was going to do when i picked it up, and that was it. I was hoping for some twist or turn that would make it different from similar books, and it just didn't seem to.
    It is an easy read however, which is always good.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Teen fiction; angel/human romance. A pretty good accomplishment for a teenager, but it still reads like it was written by a teenager. Granted, a teen that has read a lot and loves wordcraft, but the long descriptive passages with the fancy words thrown in weren't as smooth and effortless as those of a truly skilled writer. I think Adornetto may come out with something really good in several years with some practice/honing, and perhaps a wider outlook on life (not to be ageist or anything, but there is a huge difference between the experiences of a highschooler and someone who's been through college). This, however, just didn't do it for me.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I couldn't first this book no matter how hard I tried. I give up. It's not really about angels just a "teenage" girl that fell in love. They might as well have taken out the angel part and made it into a overly cliche book. I was extremely disappoint, I expected it to be so much better.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is another great YA romance series. It is about angels who come to earth to help save a town from danger. None of them expected to become tied to the mortals... but they do and one even finds herself in a love affair. The siblings do not agree with her choices but they soon grow to accept it. There is suspense, love, and even a historical story in this series. Highly recommend it!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Can someone please remind me not to read any more of these books. The plots are so repetitive and the love stories between the paranormal and human are absolutely sickly. I thought Bethany, being the angel, would have a bit more character, but alas I was wrong. She was just as pitiful as all the others and once again had to rely on drop-dead gorgeous male to rescue her (even though he was only a human).
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I just couldn't get past the fact that this girl is supposed to be an angel and she is just well for lack of a better word, dumb. I am sorry....I just couldn't get into this one, the characters didn't seem real and plausible to me. Such a beautiful cover though!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Bethany is an angel sent to Earth with her brother, Gabriel, and sister, Ivy, to save humanity from evil, but gets sidetracked by falling in love with a human teenage boy.I read a couple reviews on this which said that they thought this was like Twilight. Outside of the fact that they are both teenage romancy books dealing with supernatural characters, I can't say that I see it. Yes, both lead female characters acted nonsensically when falling in love, but where Bella is a human (and we all know how crazy human girls are about their first loves LOL), Bethany is supposedly an angel. You would think that she would be slighty more mature, less whimpy, less whiney and have much more common sense. Unfortunately my dislike of the lead character along with the preachyness (which I could have excused in a better written story...after all this is a book about angels) and the predictability of the plot kind of made this one hard to get through.However, I did read the whole book so it was interesting enough to do that. I thought the descriptions of heaven and such to be original. There were parts of the story I enjoyed, such as when Beth first discovered she may actually have some angelic powers, but we didn't really get enough of a look at what made Beth special. If she spent more of her time doing what the story said she was sent to Earth to actually do and if she had more interesting action scenes I would have liked it much better than just reading about her mooning all over Xavier.So, in all, not a complete waste, but certainly not a keeper.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I never felt a connection to the characters - what a shallow girl for someone who is supposed to be an angel. It just didn't work for me.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    So three friends and I all buy tons of books and share them with each other. When one of my friends passed this one on to me, she said that she found it boring and wasn’t a huge fan, but I was skeptical of her opinion–I had seen this book and put it on my wishlist a while ago because it sounded really promising. Which is why it was sad that I had to agree with my friend–it was kind of boring. The premise is that angels are sent to earth in human form to try to restore hope and faith to the world, and Bethany Church–being one of those angels–falls in love with a human in the process (a big no-no). I was excited when I saw this among the books my friends were lending me, but when I read it I didn’t feel a connection with Bethany or any other character. The characters’ interactions and conversations didn’t sound realistic, rather they sounded more contrived, and the problems throughout the plot were too easily solved–it didn’t make it believable to me. It ended more interesting than the rest of the story promised, but waiting to get to that point almost didn’t feel worth it. It KILLS me to not be enthusiastic about a book, but unfortunately I can only give this book a 2.7/5 stars
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    pretty good
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Halo is a weak imitation of Twilight. It is so bad on so many levels that it is hard to even know where to begin. What I don't understand is that if this writer wanted to basically write a version of Beverly Hills 90210, why did she feel the need to include angels as part of the story? It's basically a teen romance and the fact that one of the characters happens to be an angel doesn't even play an essential part of the story. She could just as easily be someone who moved from another area, and it would make no difference to the essence of the story.The writing is dreadful teen melodrama. As a writer, I had to cringe as I read awful pages of subpar dialogue and narrative. The characters were as poorly drawn as I can remember reading in a novel. Every last one of them is more of a cartoon character than a real life person, not to mention blatant rip-offs of characters in other teen romance books and shows. There is nothing remotely original about the novel other than the token angels. Halo is one of the worst novels I've read in quite some time.Carl Alves - author of Blood Street
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I hate this book. I hate this book so much. I know she was a teenager when she wrote this but.. really? It's like Ms. Adornetto gained all of her knowledge about love through reading Twilight. Bethany is a frickin idiot, and half the male characters are misogynists. I hate this book. I don't think I'll ever be able to tell you all how much I hate this book.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I've never given a book one star before but, in this case, the cover is the only good thing about it. I struggled to finish it and I definitely won't be going back for more. The writing was banal and the story shallow and predictable.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Review courtesy of Dark Faerie TalesQuick & Dirty: Bethany and her siblings are angels sent to Earth to protect humans but Bethany falls in love with a mortal.Opening Sentence: Our arrival didn’t exactly go as planned.The Review:First things is first, this was written by a teenager. Huge props to Alexandra for the commitment, dedication and stamina to not just have an idea but actually get it on paper. With that being said, this book is 484 pages but it needed to have an editor chop it down to about 320. There are too many times that we have a description of a room or article of clothing. All this made me want to do is put the book down which would have been a real shame.This story is unique and needed to be told. Interactions between Bethany and her boyfriend Xavier are the shining moments of this book. The author captured the angst of longing for humanity and guilt of forgetting Bethany’s true home, Heaven. The development of this relationship was a true gem. I was gripped and captivated by the their story.Unfortunately, everything else seemed to lack the same passion. This in part, I believe, is due to the author’s young age and experience. All of which will improve as she matures along side her writing.My other complaint is that the “bad” guy doesn’t show up until page 257. I’m all for building up to a reveal or not giving us his whole story but to wait 257 pages is a bit excessive. Once he arrives on the scene, all hell breaks looks — literally. He is an intriguing character but we don’t ever really understand more than his basic motivation. Maybe we will get more in book 2, I hope.The other two major characters are Gabriel and Ivy who are Bethany’s siblings. With the amount of time we are given to get to know them, they seem like only shallow characters. They are never truly fleshed out. Yes, Gabriel is a warrior but what is in his past we are always told “he prefers not to talk about it.” Well I don’t know about you but in my family we talk and if you don’t it get sucked out of you eventually so why not just tell your “family”.Ivy on the other hand is so ephemeral, I don’t know why she even made the book. Her only true purpose seems to be the occasional healing and act as a buffer for Bethany and Gabriel. But it seems to me that angels should not need a buffer much less be one.Now my over arching opinion on this is definitely give it a miss unless you have two of the following: patience of a Saint, loads of time or are prepared to skim read some portions. I maybe convinced to revisit Bethany and Xavier in Hades book 2 only if a good supply of chocolate and wine is readily available.Notable Scene:“Anything I can help with?”“I don’t think so but thanks for asking.”“You know, keeping secrets is unhealthy for a relationship.” Xavier folded his arms comfortably across his chest and settled back in his chair.“Who said anything about a relationship? Besides, we’re not required to share everything; it’s not like we’re married.”“You want to marry me?” Xavier asked, and I saw some faces turn toward us in curiosity. “I was thinking we’d start slow and see where things went, but hey, what the hell!”I rolled my eyes. “Be quiet or I’ll be force to flick you.”“Ooh,” he mocked. “The ultimate threat. I don’t think I’ve ever been flicked before.”“Are you suggesting I can’t hurt you?”“On the contrary, I think you have the power to do great damage.”Halo Series:1. Halo2. Hades3. HeavenFTC Advisory: Feiwel & Friends/Macmillan provided me with a copy of Halo. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Three angels are sent from heaven to bring good to Venus Cove. There was Gabreil, the warior; Ivy the healer: and Bethany; she was the youngest and most human. They try to keep human contact to a minimum, but with Bethany befriending the most popular girl in school, it is a little hard. Then she falls in love with super popular Xavier Woods. HE also falls in love with her and they start dating. At first Bethany keeps it from her siblings, but she can't hide it for long. Plus prom is coming up and she wants to go with him, but then he gets into an accident while playing rugby and is put on bed rest. There is also a new kid named Jake Thorn and when he finds out that Bethany won't be going to prom with Xavier Jake asks her to go with him. She says no then tells Xavier what Jake had said and Xavier says to go with him, there is no reason she should miss out on her prom, too. So she endds up going to prom with Jake and Jake kisses her with out her consent and it is caught in a picture which is up loaded to facebook and Xavier finds out. The picture looks like Bethany is kissing him back and so Xavier gets mad at her and she tries to explain the whole thing, but he won't listen. Bethany thens gets depressed and stops eating. So her siblings go and talk to Xavier and he comes over and says sorry and that he should have believed her. They then find out that Jake is a demon from hell and they finght him. Bethany almost dies but Gabriel sends Jakes back to hell and they nurse her back to health.Yes i liked the book.I liked it because it was funny and had some romance and a lot of action. Plus it was mysterious and fantical. It got a four point rating because it almost reached my five point expectations. It was an amazing book and i loved it. it was funny and a major page turner. It was seriously good.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    When I first saw the cover to Halo I was immediately drawn to it, what a beautiful cover! My instant thoughts were beautiful cover, beautiful story too right? This wasn’t entirely true. I had several issues with this book, hopefully my review won’t come across as a rant but explain the reasons behind me giving Halo only 1 star. For what its worth Halo did start off pretty well, it told the story of three angels sent on a mission to “perform good deeds, acts of charity and kindness, to lead by example” basically to prevent the world being brought to destruction from the agents of darkness. It was interesting watching how the three angels; Bethany, Gabriel and Ivy would adapt to earth and cope with their human forms, especially for Bethany, as it was her first time on earth. Interesting enough but then in typical fashion Halo took the path a lot of angel books seem to follow; angel (Beth) falls in love with a human (Xavier) and this in Beth’s world is hugely frowned upon. By the time Gabriel and Ivy discovered Bethany’s secret not much had been happening in the story, the pace was really slow. So I thought FINALLY it’s about to kick off, something big will happen which will keep me from falling asleep or being bored to death! But sadly no “higher powers” had given permission for the relationship to go ahead Seriously?? So the story continued at its painfully slow pace, Xavier and Bethany's relationship began to get even more frustrating; with Bethany continually acting like a clueless damsel in distress; “she had the face of an angelWhat could Jake mean by thatCould he have possibly guessed my secret?”And this is the funniest quote yet when Xavier has just been playing rugby;"I looked in anguish at a long scratchAcross his forearmHow did this happen?”Are you kidding me? And Xavier continually protecting Bethany as if his life depended on it.And then came Jake Thorn; angels are supposed to be intelligent right? (I especially thought Gabriel was) but no one batted an eye about Jake taking Beth to the prom? I thought his name would be obvious enough (if you haven’t read Halo yet, Beth’s surname is Church, and so Jake’s surname should have given some sort of indication) What really got to me was how Beth agreed to go to prom with Jake, she had extremely been looking forward to going to prom with her boyfriend Xavier who she deeply loved, but because of his unfortunate accident he couldn’t go, so she goes with Jake; a guy who she’s not really sure about and who her boyfriend dislikes? seriously??Another issue that bugged me was that Bethany was strictly told by her older siblings not to draw attention to herself, as they didn’t want anyone to discover their big secret! But none of them were subtle at all, they were described at times as having an otherworldliness about them, Beth speaks French so fluently in just her first lesson, Gabriel has an unusual way of speaking and the way he manhandles men twice his size so easily. You would think that someone would be clued up enough to realise that there was something different about them?Overall I found Halo to be an overly clichéd book with an extremely slow and drawn out story, consequently a book I didn’t really enjoy. Despite my 1 star review, I’m sure that there are other readers out there who will enjoy and appreciate this book more than me.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Angels. Real Angels.I have to admit, it was truly refreshing to read about 'good Angels', rather than the 'fallen kind' (although, those are really really really good too, hee hee)...In Halo, Angels are being sent down all around earth to bring peace, love, compassion... Adornetto wants us to believe that they are all around us, helping and guiding humans to better themselves and not harm others. During their missions, they must keep their identities hidden at all costs because of free will, humans are to create their own beliefs of whether or not anything exists beyond our own existence... Once the angels missions have been completed, they are to return home, to heaven.What I enjoyed most about this book was that it didn't get preachy or historical. Yes, there are references to the Bible and God, just enough for you to get to know the main characters and where they came from...Gabriel is the oldest, and I don't mean just in age. He reminds me of the saying "Wise Old Man", lol, he most certainly acts like one, very practical and stern. Definitely a father figure. And he's suppose to be a strong warrior, please note the 'suppose to be'...Ivy is the mother figure in this story, she is very sweet, thoughtful, homely. She keeps everyone calm and in line...And Bethany. Beth is the youngest out of her angel-siblings. Very young, only 17 human years old (we are not told on how much that is in angel-years, but I'm guessing it's a lot, lol)... and the only one to be able to relate to humans so well. She has had no experience with the human wold until now, everything is new to her. I didn't expect her to be so vulnerable, I had to constantly remind myself that this was her first time being exposed to everything.And the, boy meets Angel-girl, and they fall in love. Angels are not suppose to have relationships with the humans... no one knows what will happen.The story then gets a bit repetitive: "Oh, Xavier! How I love thee!" over and over again. After a few chapters of this, it gets tiring... and it's obvious when their love is instantly put to the test when the 'bad boy' comes into town... things get pretty predictable from here. But I kept reading because I wanted to know what will happen to Bethany/Xavier, will there love withstand or will they be punished for breaking heavens rules...*Spoiler Alert:Unfortunately, this book will not be telling you whether or not Bethany and Xavier's relationship will be okay with the heavens, sigh...From all of the reviews and ratings I saw, I really expected so much more! I am not saying I was disappointed, I just wish that the author could have at least hinted as to something big to come... I wasn't satisfied... this was definitely a teen book, lol!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A good book overall. I did find the romance to be forced/rushed and I had a hard time staying connected with the characters. Considering the author was fresh out of high school, I am still impressed with it and find it a worthy adversary amongst YA 'angel' books. The concept of the story is a good one but it feels like the plot was dropped and became secondary to other ideas in the overall story. The cover intrigued me as it is so pretty and was the cincher in deciding to pick this one up. I found myself caring more about Xavier than Bethany though and think that much more could have been done with the storyline. I am struggling with the sequel now and keep putting it off mid-chapters to read other novels. A good filler in between other YA novels but nothing that leaves a lasting impression.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    a very appropriate YA read. Very innocent and this coming of age story of sorts wasn't tumultuous. The love story was simple and was ridden with ploys and love triangle crap
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I love everything about angels….But what makes this book outstanding is the heroine is an angel trying to fit with humans…and she’s a she….(Who run the world?..GIRLS…:D)Adornetto’s book is a hit since it depicts teen dramas and teen love… starting from friendships, family-bond, girl dramas and insecurities…and love life…And a great plus because of the issue of good and evil or heaven and hell…I love how the romance of Xavier and Bethany blossoms into romance…and how these angels tried to balance goodness here in the earth…as they tried to expel the forces of evil. I also notice that the book is complete with twist…from one problem to another…from one issue to another…. The evil Prince coming is an exact timing, didn’t conflict with some scenes…it’s just as if it’s meant his arrival in their lives…:0Although I have read first hades, it’s second book…it didn’t lessen the suspense or the feeling of not knowing what will happen next… there are still some things I can’t just point my finger to!****Spoiler****The most wonderful part of this book is when Bethany revealed her true self to Xavier---as she keeps in mind that if there is love then there’s no fear… I especially like the author’s taste when Adornetto choose to reveal Beth’s celestial nature by letting her jump the cliff.. I bet that would look great when done in a movie….:)The most touching one..where I almost cried and I felt anger to Xavier…is when he ignores Bethany after the prom..he didn’t even listen to her explanations… he was so fickle in that sense…thinking that that kiss is genuine and that Beth would really choose The Dark Prince over him… Good job to the author!....I’m really carried you can read what I’m writing…:)****spoiler****We must remember though that this book carried a deeper meaning…that darkness succumbed in this world and that the children of God..should do all their best to do good and spread it to the rest of the world…Recommended to all YA’a out there…and those who love angels or a piece of romance…:)
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved this book! I was expecting it to be cliched and annoying like 'Twilight' but this was beautifully written and the characters made me love them a lot. Bethany was an intriguing heroine because she so human, yet at the same time both innocent and angelic. She was inherently good but made mistakes. Gabriel and Ivy really gave the picture side-by-side of full on angels, but Bethie was very relatable and realistic as a teenage protagonist. I will be eagerly awaiting the next book in this series. I honestly have NO complaints about this book and would recommend it to anyone who has a love of supernatural fiction.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I absolutely adored this book. The characters were so cute - especially Xavier!! I would recommend this book to anyone that is up for a really good romance!Updated Review:The cover is so pretty, don’t you think? When I first saw it sitting on the bookshelves, I knew I just had to get it! And I was right! This book was definitely worth it. I have quite a lot of book reviews about how disappointing this book was for them, but I have to disagree, I enjoyed it a lot.The plot was very interesting indeed. Bethany is an angel. Xavier is human. Can they have a relationship? Is the relationship worth saving? Well, you have to read the book to find out!I can tell you that the characters were very good. Pretty much all the characters had very similar personalities, Jake is an exception, and they were all very nice, maybe a bit too soft. Bethany is a naïve and in-experienced angel, while Xavier is the complete opposite and well, opposites attract. I think they made a perfect couple – something along the lines of soul mates even.The ending, could have been better, there wasn’t much of a climax I have to say. The fighting part wasn’t much of a fight which was disappointing but I guess I saw it coming. This book is more for those who aren’t into much action but enjoy romance.The second book Hades is already out and I can’t wait to read it! Apparently it’s really good too!Rating: 4 out of 5