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The Neighbors
The Neighbors
The Neighbors
Audiobook7 hours

The Neighbors

Written by Ania Ahlborn

Narrated by Fleet Cooper

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Andrew Morrison sacrificed everything—his childhood, his education, and the girl of his dreams—to look after his alcoholic mother. But enough is enough, and now he’s determined to get out and live his life. That means trading the home he grew up in for a rented room in the house of an old childhood friend—both of which are in sorry shape.

The only thing worse than Drew’s squalid new digs and sullen new roommate is the envy he feels for the house next door: a picture-perfect suburban domicile straight out of Norman Rockwell, with a couple of happy householders to match. But the better acquainted he gets with his new neighbors—especially the sweet and sexy Harlow Ward—the more he suspects unspeakable darkness beyond the white picket fence.

At the intersection of Blue Velvet and Basic Instinct lies The Neighbors, an insidiously entertaining tale of psychological suspense and mounting terror by the boldest new master of the form, Ania Ahlborn.

Release dateNov 27, 2012
The Neighbors

Ania Ahlborn

Ania Ahlborn is the bestselling author of the horror thrillers Brother, Within These Walls, The Bird Eater, The Shuddering, The Neighbors, and Seed, and the novellas The Pretty Ones and I Call Upon Thee. Born in Ciechanow, Poland, she lives in South Carolina with her husband and their dog. Visit or follow the author on Facebook and Twitter @AniaAhlbornAuthor.

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Reviews for The Neighbors

Rating: 3.4949152603389835 out of 5 stars

295 ratings27 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title to be a mixed bag. Some reviewers found the book to be tense and intriguing, with well-described characters and settings. However, others felt that the book was too long and lacked depth. There were also mixed opinions on the ending. Overall, readers recommend this book for suspense-filled thriller fans, but caution that it may not be everyone's cup of tea.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    TRIGGER WARNING on the book for SA! Had I known that before reading I probably would have skipped it. The book is ok. It's very tense. And there's not a single likable character in it.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It was okay, didn't have too many surprises. Great chores companion.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Definitely the weakest of her books I’ve read so far, but it did have its charms. Harlow’s ability for seduction seemed paranormal, but when I realized it wasn’t going to be it kinda just seemed unbelievable. Mickey’s character growth was a little odd and I felt he should have been fleshed out more- because it was clear he had so much story behind him that could have been told.

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Not a good nor well written story; boring and not believable

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I think this book was readable. This is my second book of this author, and I am beginning to realize that her books have a certain pattern; it involves killing, secrets, and so on. I reckon that this style is a bit too brutal for my taste.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is the second book I've read from this author and I have to say it did not disappoint. This book gave me the creeps and made my skin crawl at times, but in the way a great movie captures its'audience. I'd definitely recommend this book.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This author just keeps getting better and better the more of her I read! My husband laughed at me because despite being a seasoned horror and sci-fi nerd, I cried at the end of this book.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Good book very enjoyable. Only two complaints are the protagonisto of the story is hard to cheer for and the narrator does a voice for one character that sounds like Butt-head from Beavis and Butt-head.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Anika Ahlborn has definitely made this story way too mild compared to others she has written. She missed the mark throughout the entire novel leaving me with a disappointed feel. The story was not bad just lacking her knack for the the dark side with her usual visual flare. Worth a read if your bored but not the one if you want action and horror.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Kinda slow but an otherwise great book. The style left you guessing.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Not quite sure what to say about this book. there is a lot in it in terms of characters and movement but nothing seems to eventuate
    However, it moved me

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was an intriguing listen. It just began to draw me in little by little with the notion I knew what was kinda going on, but I was wrong. I really love how well the author's characters are so clearly described, as well as, the settings and environment. Excellent work from Ania Ahlborn and narration by Fleet Cooper was well done as well. First time reader of Ahlborn, but not my last.

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This book assumes that trauma substitutes character depth. Not only is is disgusting but it’s also the worst book I’ve ever read.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Ania Ahlborn is an amazing author, who's just getting started! I ??'ed her debut Novel, Seed, giving it a 5? review. Maybe it's because I just read that one, which was a hard novel to beat, but, I only gave The Neighbors 4?'s because I wasn't crazy about the ending.
    That shouldn't discourage you from listening to this story, as I did really enjoy it, but I've been reading and listening to audiobooks my entire life, so I can't help but critique the hell out of everything that I read. If you like suspense filled thrillers, you'll enjoy this story... Happy reading!!

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Meh. A great premise, but didn’t grasp my attention fully

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Solid 3.5! I've read scarier stuff by this author but this was a pleasant listen.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great story really keeps you guessing, The narrator did a great job.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    At first, I was worried the whole setup was a bit of a cliche—the seemingly perfect neighbors, straight out of leave it to beaver, secretly sick and twisted psychos. Then I realized that was the beauty of it, that the reader knows the secret, however heavy handed, and our protagonist Andrew does not. Secrets are what make novels page turners, and Ania Ahlborn’s Neighbors is no exception.

    What Ania does best is build tension through these secrets and character history, as in the dynamic between Andrew and his roommate Micky. Andrew has mommy issues, and is really always seeking a his mother’s affection and a place to call home. He thought, perhaps naively, he might find home with his childhood best friend, Micky. He comes to find that Micky is a total slob and Andrew longs for the ideal of the picturesque home across the street. Of course, the reader knows that appearances aren’t all they are cracked up to be.

    Another highlight of the novel for me is the psychological tricks played by the evil antagonist across the street. She uses guilt to seduce Andrew (emotionally and physically). She prays on Andrew’s feelings of brokenness, as she too is a broken soul with a guilty past.

    In terms of novel length: The novel is as long as it needs to be to tell its story, succinct and straight to the point.

    If you take interest in tension built through a gruesome secrets, and fancy a fair share of gore, I wouldn’t pass this one up.

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    There were definitely things I liked about the book - I found the protagonist, Drew, interesting, but I felt the book was too long for the amount of plot involved. I’m a big fan of Ira Levin and this just didn’t come up to the mark for me. It had a bit more of the feel of a YA novel: I can see that working for some people, but for me it started off well and then just dragged.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    While it was kind of interesting to have multiple perspectives of the same situation, I think it took some of the mystery out of Harlow's behavior. And I think it kind of chased its tail towards the end.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I must say that I choose this book by its cover: a teapot with blood...charming.I don't even know what to say about it. Did I like it? Yes. Will I read it again? No. Was I captivated by it? Yes, in a very macabre and disgusting way. Was I impress? No, not really. The plot was a good one even if not original and it's good enough to keep us reading just to know what will happen next. Sometimes it was a little boring, with all the house description and the mixing of past/present, but in the end, it was necessary for us to understand the why.I like it even though I was a little disgusted by it, but I guess that was the point of the story.It doesn't give you chills, but will keep you thinking about it.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    More like 3.5 stars. This was a twisted page turner that kept me so riveted I read it in a day (so totally points for that). I literally had to know what was going on with Harlow & what would happen to Drew. I have mixed feelings though. While I couldn't stop reading, after it was over I felt it was a bit flat. The buildup to unmasking Harlow was my favorite part & I thought very well done & deeply disturbing. I never felt sorry for her even when the terrible things she endured earlier in her life are revealed. She was an excellent predator & manipulator & that made her fascinating to watch as the story unfolded. Red was a bit more of a mystery but his complicity was disturbing all on its own. Mickey was necessary, of course & his final part to play in the story was worthy.

    Drew was, more than any other the character I'm most undecided about. I felt sorry for him but after a while I was as repulsed by him as I was Harlow. I had to keep reminding myself that given his experience with his family & mother in particular, he could be absolved of having any sort of sense. He repeatedly shrugged off his internal alarm that something was terribly amiss & was so very easily led by Harlow, that it strained believability. His cloying Mommy nurturing thing twisted with the sexual attraction couldn't be broken through until basically he's at the precipice about to be thrown off it to his death & then it dawns on him that he's maybe in over his head. He still doesn't have a clue as to how bad the situation is though & that really was something that bothered me, in the end. It finishes up tied in a nice bow with the carnage far off & echoes of "There's no place like home".

    I pre-ordered this when I came upon the summary & I'm glad that I've read it. The author can tell a riveting story. I'd read her again but I wouldn't re-read this book. Great for a weekend or rainy afternoon (that's what prompted me to choose to read it).
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Rating 3.5 of 5The Neighbors wasn't exactly what I expected based on its cover description, but I liked it...for the most part. Harlow Ward was downright scary yet she never came across as an over the top "character," which could've happened given what lurked behind her mask. Drew was a little too victim-y for my taste and Red too complacent. Ahlborn delivered solid drama but not horror or terror as eluded to by some reviewers and blurbers. I finished the book in a few hours so I was curious enough to read it in one sitting. Yet, chances are, I won't read it again. Overall, the story was a dark one, filled with unlikable characters, that ended too abruptly. Recommended to patient fans of slow-paced thriller-esque books.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I agree with prior reviewers that this book is agreeable if you do not expect much in the way of plot development, character development, and "thrills." There is not much description given except to the decrepit condition of one of the houses. Also, I find it very unbelievable that so many men would let Harlow browbeat them the way she does, but whatever--it was a quick, interesting read, and it was interesting to have a female anti-hero for once.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This was a fun quick read. If you enjoy simple, good and not too gory horror then you may enjoy this book. It is the story of Andrew Morrison, a down on his luck College age kid who is moving in with his former best friend, Mickey. Mickey's house is on Magnolia Street right next door to the seemingly perfect dream house that belongs Red and Harlow Ward. Mickey's house is a dump. It won't take long to see why. Harlow ward, the main antagonist, is a very disturbed older psychotic woman. I won't give away much of the plot due to the short length of this novel. The action starts immediately and builds to a fairly satisfying conclusion. It reads like an ok suspense movie, although it's clear right away who is good and who is bad, it's only left to see how it plays out.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    From my blogWe meet the sexy, picture perfect neighbor, Harlow. Well she is the ultimate soul mate of Norman Bates from the classic book, Psycho. I could not stop thinking about that book when I was reading this one. Harlow is a sick and twisted lady, multiple personalities for sure, even if no one knows it other than her beloved husband. I enjoyed the idea of those running away from something in their past but as the saying goes, it is not always greener on the other side. Andrew was a sweet gullible young man. Reading about how he was manipulated seemed to simplistic but knowing he was not the 1st and maybe not the last victim created a mess with your head read. Harlow gave a new dimension to the idea of neighborly love.I did fell like the book could have gave us so much more or took us down an edge of your seat scary path but it didn't. It was almost as if Ania restrained herself, thinking it may be to much or too dark.Such a great dark read. Ania Ahlborn has a debut book Seed which was a #1 Kindle read on Amazon. I look forward to reading that one now. She has a dark artistic side that she has created as her own personal style and I think will become known for.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Drew Morrison has had enough! His Dad left when he was young and his Mother is a hopeless alcoholic. Creekside, Kansas is a dead town with nothing to offer him.When he receives an invitation from an old school friend to share the rent on a more upmarket property, he thinks all his birthdays have come at once. Turning his back on his old life he packs up and leaves. Driving down Magnolia Lane, he wonders at the beautiful properties and can not believe his luck. Then his luck runs out! Micky, the old friend, is residing the only downbeat home on the street....the place is a wreck. Still...a few cleaning products later he tries to make the best of it.That's when he meets the neighbours. Harlow and Red Ward are not your average suburbanites....well on the surface they are. The pristine home and gardens are a cover for something very nasty and deadly. Drew is Harlow's next victim, but he doesn't know yet and even Micky is tied up in the whole scheme of things.Harlow is a damaged woman and when she and Red employ Drew to do odd jobs round the house, he begins to realise how damaged she really is.Great plot...yes, but I did find the book fizzled out a bit by the end and it all became a bit farsical. It was a fast read and enjoyable and I would recommend it, but I feel it could have been more gripping and could have made my heart race a bit more.