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Fear Nothing: A Novel
Fear Nothing: A Novel
Fear Nothing: A Novel
Audiobook14 hours

Fear Nothing: A Novel

Written by Dean Koontz

Narrated by John Glouchevitch

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

If you’re different enough, the night is not your enemy, the darkness is not intimidating, the shadows are not terrifying. You fear nothing.

Christopher Snow is different from all the other residents of Moonlight Bay, different from anyone you’ve ever met. For Christopher Snow has made his peace with a very rare genetic disorder that leaves him dangerously vulnerable to light. His life is filled with the fascinating rituals of one who must embrace the dark. He knows the night as no one else can—its mystery, its beauty, its terrors, and the eerie silken rhythms that seduce one into believing anything—even freedom—is possible.

Until the night Christopher Snow witnesses a series of disturbing incidents that sweep him into a violent mystery only he can solve, a mystery that will force him to rise above all fears and confront the many-layered secrets of Moonlight Bay and its strange inhabitants. A place, like all places, that looks a lot different after dark.

Release dateMay 22, 2018
Fear Nothing: A Novel

Dean Koontz

Dean Koontz is the author of more than a dozen New York Times No. 1 bestsellers. His books have sold over 450 million copies worldwide, and his work is published in 38 languages. He was born and raised in Pennsylvania and lives with his wife Gerda and their dog Anna in southern California.

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Reviews for Fear Nothing

Rating: 4.105263157894737 out of 5 stars

361 ratings67 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title fantastic and amazing, with an engaging story and suspense. It leaves readers at a cliffhanger and holds their attention from beginning to end. While some find the plot unoriginal and with plot holes, the author's way with words makes it readable. The narrator's performance is praised, although some prefer a different narrator. Overall, readers love Dean Koontz and enjoy the creepy atmosphere and characters in this novel.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I very much enjoy listening to Dean Koontz's books, and this one is no exception. What conspiracy theorist doesn't believe these experiments take place.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This was a sweet read, bitchin. A real killer. Definitely a total 30 footer! Epic - so live! Maybe even sacred!!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is great. To be a guy that can't go out in the sun? And his entire life is lived after everyone else is asleep? And to find out the tragedies of his life after those accountable are gone? Very suspenseful.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Ok, so this book makes me want to hurry and read the other Koontz novels on my shelves. It was more that scary and left me thinking about some of the other ways that we are destroying ourselves and this beautiful planet…SMILE*
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Fantastic! MUST READ! If you loved it then I recommend Koontz' sequel "Seize the night"
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Un pic plictisitor spre mijloc,dar ok in rest.Recomand cu caldura Dean Koontz.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is a superb tale of 'science gone wrong' and the havoc it can bring. All the more scary because it shows how the best intentions can bring disaster.Christopher Snow suffers from a rare illness which prevents him from going out in daylight. His girlfriend Sasha and best friend surf guru Bobby are both night-owls so can share in his adventures. Christopher discovers a cover-up when he goes to the mortuary and discovers his father's dead body has been swapped with a murdered transient. This brings him to the attention of the people who want the fact of genetic experiments to be kept quiet. He then finds out that all the 'friends' he had, apart from Sasha and Bobby, are not at all what they had seemed. A riveting read by Dean Koontz.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Prolific author Koontz appears unsure of where he was going with this effort as he vacillates between horror, suspense, philosophy, and at times humor in the style of Dave Barry. Page 163, discussing a stored nativity display, "One of the wisemen stood with his face in the bell of an angel's trumpet, and joseph appeared to be in conversation with a camel. Baby Jesus lay unattended....Mary sat with a beatific smile and an adoring gaze, but the object of her attention ....was a galvanized bucket. Another wiseman seemed to be looking up a camel's butt." Lots of funny parts in a story dealing with mutilations, mayhem and murder. Just did not feel right to me although it was interesting to read, but probably not for all the reasons the author intended.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    If any story ended so the reader would demand a sdequel, this is such a story. I yawned through the first 100 pages, but by the time the story is almost ended, I wanted to stay in the town of Moonlight Bay, and see what I'd "become." Koontz can do characterization as SK can not. SK has standard characters -- the boy(s), the old man, the clairvoyent woman or girl-child, but with Koontz, you join with the characters and feel what is hapening, not just "see" it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Christopher Snow roams the night because of an affliction which will cause skin cancers and worse in full daylight. It makes for an unusual life which gets stranger when his father dies and it becomes apparent his dad's body is being stolen. The trail leads him to very strange places. A great story, with Koontz's usual masterful prose, lots of suspense, and interesting characters will keep you going through the book as fast as you can, as it did me.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Chris Snow has a genetic disorder which causes UV light to inflict permanent and cumulative damage. Thus his life is necessarily lived between dusk and dawn. Soon after his father dies from cancer, Chris starts running into a bunch of weirdness and people not telling him things. There's a lot of vague talk of the end of the world, of people "becoming," and not a whole lot of straight answers. Chris spends his time running from suspicious-acting friend to suspicious-acting friend to find out The Truth. I remember really liking this book when I first read it a few years ago, but this time I felt more lukewarm. Chris didn't have a whole lot of personality, flipping from surf bum to intellectual to philosopher, depending on who he was talking to. This would be a good book for someone new to bio-thrillers. As for me, well, it was a decent way to spend the commute, but I won't be reading it again.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Probably the best of the Koontz that I have read. Christopher Snow, a more rounded out individual than many of the writer's, is an interesting character, and I enjoyed his close relatonship with his beach house residing 'Bro'.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    My all time favorite book. I have read it over and over and everytime I think about it I want to read it again. Ingenious way to foretell the end of the world. Not the normal Armageddon, not the end of the world by Zombies. Its the end of the world by genetically engineered People and Animals who become smarter, meaner, and more skilled in everything they do, and are slowly bringin down the end of Moonlight Bay.. and someday the world.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was a typical Koontz book with a mixture of suspense, science fiction, and a very smart dog. I really enjoyed it until the end, which left some things unresolved. I have noticed since starting this book that Christopher Snow also appears in Seize the Night, so maybe we will learn more about what happens next in that book. I thought the person reading this recorded version did an excellent job. He managed to make the characters seem real and added personality in the voices that he gave to the characters.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I have not read a great deal of Dean Koontz and am not sure this book will have me pawing through the used-book counter looking for more. Chris Snow and his friends are interesting people (or whatever) and they are very sympathetic. Koontz' descriptions of Chris' world as he copes with XP were haunting and memorable. And I was so impressed with Chris' spirit.Yet despite Snowman's well-crafted character, I was not completely gripped by this book. I can't pinpoint why it did not work that well for me. Oh well.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is my favorite Dean Koontz book. It develops into the usual Koontz conspiracy plot, but begins with a woman who begins having panic attacks that center around her own possible capacity to do harm with anything close at hand. This turns out to be hypnotically induced - leading me to wonder, COULD you plant a suggestion in someone's mind causing them to be paralyzed with the fear that they will do some unspecified evil? Probably. It's intriguingly diabolical. And of course it's satisfying to watch the good guys triumph in the end, as they mostly do in Koontz.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Book may have been great but the reader's voice was to low of a tone and too soft foe listening in a car. I had to max the volume but could not hear the soft voice and many times whispered. This may be a good listen at home but not in a car with road noise.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really liked this one, but I didn't realize that it was the first book in a trilogy and it really leaves the reader hanging. The second book was released but as of September 2019, the third book hasn't been released and is years and years overdue. I really wish I'd known that. I don't want to read Book 2 and be left hanging again. Rude! But seriously, the book was vintage Koontz, suspenseful as hell and hard to put down. Just give me a real ending!!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    with astoundingly unlikely caricatures as characters and an appalling lack of scientific verity, this book is readable only because of the authors way with words. the plot is unoriginal in the extreme and in addition there are many plot holes.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I read to beginning of Ch. 8 & it was ok so far but other books have just caught my interest so Im putting it aside for now. Maybe ill come back & read one day.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wow... I love this mans work! Amazing!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book was based on an interesting idea - the main character cannot go out due to an extreme skin condition which means any kind of sunlight could place him at risk of developing cancer. We see things through his eyes as he roams the town at night time, and we meet his friends, one of whom is a surf dude so laid back he is practically horizontal. The story is not bad at all, quite moving in places, and left me wanting to read the next in the series about this character.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Koontz frequently writes animals with human-like (or even more) intelligence. As a pet owner, I of course leap at the idea that my little kitty could understand me when I speak to her.

    This book is the same--dogs, and for the first time, cats who are extremely intelligence.

    There were parts of this book that were so dang scary I read them in broad daylight, but was so scared, I couldn't stand to keep reading OR put the book down.

    However, past this (happening in the first hundred pages or so), I was let down that the rest of the book did not hold the same on-the-edge-of-my-seat reading. Hence, the earning of 3 stars. If it had kept the fast pace , it would easily have been four or maybe five stars.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    WIthin a few chapters I could see where this story of a man with Xp or Xeroderma Pigmentosum was going. Christopher Snow is a man who lives in darkness. A man who has just lost his father after losing his mother in a tragic accident. The last words from his father is "Fear Nothing" but almost as soon as his father is dead Christopher has grounds for fear as shadowy figures chase him around his community.It's pretty predictable but kept my interest throughout.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I keep forgetting to look for Koontz's books. This one, like all the others of his I've read, was purchased by my husband. It's partly because horror isn't usually my cuppa (so determined because I don't like horror movies, and reinforced because I don't like Stephen King's writing style), partly because he has tended to keep me supplied with enough horror novels that there's always one available when I have the urge, and partly because until recently, I've only been keeping track of new releases on my must-buy list, and I don't like to buy new releases, particularly not hardcovers, when an author has a large backlist I haven't read yet. I think I've fixed that last problem, so hopefully, I'll be reading more by Koontz in the future.ANYWAY.Fear Nothing is about Christopher Snow, a young man with a genetic disorder that makes light, particularly sunlight, deadly to him. Despite that, he's been raised well, and he's unremittingly optimistic and enjoys life to the fullest. Until his father is dying, bringing him out into the sun to rush to his hospital bedside. His father's last words to him are "fear nothing." Good advice, as Christopher is plunged into danger and intrigue.He stumbles upon morgue attendants switching his father's body with that of a vagrant whose eyes have been removed, and from then on, he's fleeing for his life. Men with guns, aggressive monkeys with strange eyes, people he thought he knew behaving out of character. He's aided by his best friend, surfer Bobby, his girlfriend, and his super-intelligent dog Orson.A couple of things distracted from my enjoyment: too many people started to explain things to him, then stopped and told him to forget about it. Once or even twice, this can build suspense. More than that, and it gets tedious.My other complaint is that "secret government experiments" is right up there on my list with serial killers who are killing their mothers or wives over and over again as being overdone and therefore predictable and boring. Granted, Fear Nothing is 10 years old, but I'm pretty sure there've been secret government experiment stories around much longer than that.However, the characters are interesting individuals. I loved Chris's optimism and outlook on life, and I liked how it complemented and contrasted with Bobby's laid-back surfer personality. I liked Orson, and how Chris interpreted his thoughts and behavior.But it's the feel of the book, the rising tension, the horror, that really shines and explains Koontz's popularity. Ironically, if I hadn't cared so much about the characters, the tension wouldn't have affected me so much, and I wouldn't have been so irritated with the several characters who refused to explain further.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Great book. Christopher Snow's world is turned upside down after his father's death. The story covers one night, the night of his father's death when Chris stumbles upon secret and frightening things going on in his small town. While roaming the town with his bike and trusty dog (who may be more than just a dog) Chris tries to unravel the mystery surounding the now closed military compound, what the government let go on there and how his family is (or was) involved.I really enjoyed reading this book. It was mysterious and plausible enough to be creepy and scary. The characters were well formed with out being over done and I loved Orson (Chris's black lab mix). It did get a little wordy in places but overall an exciting and suspenseful read. I am interested to see how the story continues.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    i've never found an author who was so successful at description of situation and surroundings as is koontz. he is by far my favorite. and this is by far my favorite book of his. it's hard NOT to fall completely in love with christopher snow and his quirky life. the supporting characters in this book are also very rounded and charming. moonlight bay is a place you want to visit - to see if you can discover more secrets - but better be careful you don't run into a pack of mutant monkies!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Very cool book, one of his better ones I think. Leaves you at a real cliffhanger at the end. I’m going to read the next one, but I never wrote the third and final book so that kind of sucks.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I could almost imagine another story from this, an continuation or a follow up. I liked the story and imagine it actually taking place
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Love dean koontz.. Especially the odd thomas series. This novel is very creepy and i really enjoy how the characters.. Especially Orson ❤️