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Letters From The Ledge: A Young Man's Coming of Age Battle Against Addiction, Cutting and Abuse in New York City
Letters From The Ledge: A Young Man's Coming of Age Battle Against Addiction, Cutting and Abuse in New York City
Letters From The Ledge: A Young Man's Coming of Age Battle Against Addiction, Cutting and Abuse in New York City
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Letters From The Ledge: A Young Man's Coming of Age Battle Against Addiction, Cutting and Abuse in New York City

Written by Lynda Meyers

Narrated by Jessica Lindsay

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Every night he comes to the ledge. So far, he hasn’t jumped. Sarah watches him from her window, unable to look away. Will tonight will be the night that his body hurtles through space and crashes to the ground in a failed attempt to fly?

Standing between heaven and hell, life and death, eighteen-year-old Brendan massages the ledge, arms outstretched, contemplating suicide. 

Cutting isn’t cutting it. Drugs can’t numb the pain. His best friend is dead, and his wealthy parents are nothing like the polished image they show the rest of the world. Between his father's abuse and his mother's alcoholic neglect, their Manhattan penthouse feels more like a prison. 

Paige and Nate are watching from their fire escape, teetering on their own edge after a brutal rape has nearly shattered their relationship. Watching is one thing, but how they can stand by, knowing what they know and doing nothing about it?]

When they all start meeting in their everyday lives, things get complicated, turning a strange sort of night-time voyeurism into a day-to-day game of life and death. Can Brendan get past Tess’ death and find his own path forward? Can Sarah find the courage to confront him? Will Nate get to him in time?

This hauntingly beautiful coming of age tale will make you laugh, cry, rage and cheer as we realize we are all human, all fallible, and all prone to believe the lies we tell ourselves.  

PublisherHallway 11
Release dateMay 5, 2014
Letters From The Ledge: A Young Man's Coming of Age Battle Against Addiction, Cutting and Abuse in New York City

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Title : Letters from the Ledge
    Series : -
    Author : Lynda Meyers
    Pages : 353
    Release Date : Jan 11th 2012
    Publisher : Hallway 11
    Format : Paperback
    Source :
    ** This book was sent to me by the author in exchange of an honest review**

    My Opinion :

    This book was just... wow. Just read it. You'll understand.

    This was an incredible debut you don't want to miss!

    Letters from the Ledge is, from how I'd describe it, a YA/Adult (well... more of a YA) contemporary romance... mixed with some 'coming of age' and other pretty intense stuff. I received this book from the author, and, I have to admit, I know I would have never discovered this amazing book if it weren't for book blogging.

    Letters from the Ledge is about two (well... um... four... but two are more of main characters). There'S Brendan; a guy who smokes pot and cuts himself, because his father doesn't really treats him well, and he has just lost a really good friend to suicide. His life hasn't been the best. He meets Sarah, who's a good kinda girl. Then, there'S Paige, who's got a boyfriend, Nate. She got raped once, in an alley, and since then she hasn't been the same, even if it happened two years ago. And then, Paige gets 'employed' by Brendan's father. And, they kinda all meet. (Just so you know, the story is actually really more complicated than that... so yeah, read. the. book!)

    Letters from the Ledge is a moving story you don't want to miss. The book was just so great!

    I absolutely loved this book! It was amazing! I mean, it'S fast-paced, it keeps your attention all the way, the writing is great, there's drama, it's action-packed; IT's GREAT! As I said, it keeps your attention, because you can't wait to see what will happen next.

    I've grown attached to the characters, especially Brendan, and I'm kinda sad to see him go. He'S just so.... special. At first I thought he was just another kid that smoked pot and just didn't care about other people. I just thought he was going to be a jerky kid who got everything he wanted, especially pot. But, he turned out to be a great, awesome, lovely, hot (*cue the fangirl giggles). I just... really liked him a lot. Sarah, you better be ready, because I'm going to steal your lover boy and you'll never see his face again... because I'll be kissing him (*again, cue the fangirl giggles*)

    Paige was actually really good. I thought that, even though she was fragile from what had happened to her, she was a great character.

    Nate was cute too :D I liked him quite a lot, although I think that he just fluffied everything to muck for Paige before.

    Sarah... I would have liked to get a bit more of her story. And more of her and Brendan's romance, since, I really love romance.

    The characters were really well developed; which is always what helps building a book with a great story and plot line .

    I jsut kept turning the pages faster and faster, until there was anything left :(