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The Fire of His Holiness: Prepare Yourself to Enter God's Presence
The Fire of His Holiness: Prepare Yourself to Enter God's Presence
The Fire of His Holiness: Prepare Yourself to Enter God's Presence
Audiobook4 hours

The Fire of His Holiness: Prepare Yourself to Enter God's Presence

Written by Sergio Scataglini

Narrated by S. George Lee

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Sergio Scataglini is the Founder and President of Scataglini Ministries, Inc. He received his MA degree in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. God has given Sergio a ministry to impart to others a passion for a life of holiness.

Release dateOct 23, 2015

Sergio Scataglini

Sergio Scataglini fue pastor presidente de la iglesia Puerta del Cielo en La Plata, Argentina. Obtuvo su maestría en Teología en el Seminario Teológico Fuller de Pasadena, California, EE. UU. Dios ha confiado a Sergio el ministerio de impartir a otros la pasión por una vida de santidad. Hoy en día lleva este mensaje alrededor del mundo. Sergio y su esposa, Kathy tienen tres hijos.

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