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Radical Depravity
Radical Depravity
Radical Depravity
Audiobook2 hours

Radical Depravity

Written by Charles H. Spurgeon, J. C. Ryle, Arthur W. Pink and

Narrated by Duane De Salvo

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Jesus Christ saves radically depraved men, women, and children from their sins. However, to understand, believe, and love the good news about the crucified and resurrected Savior, we must first understand our condition. Thus, we offer this issue of the Free Grace Broadcaster: Radical Depravity. Arthur Pink introduces us to this weighty subject by asking the question, “Is man a totally and thoroughly depraved creature by nature?” Thomas Reade then tells us about the deadly consequences and bitter fruits of Adam’s fall: in Adam all die. We then consider Joel Beeke’s helpful survey of the doctrine of human depravity. A second article by Thomas Reade leads us to a painful truth: the heart of man is evil. But he does not leave us there: he takes us to the blessed Son of God for deliverance. John Owen describes with great clarity the depraved and corrupted state of man’s mind and teaches us that the only remedy for this great darkness is the new birth: “You must be born again.” Loraine Boettner explains the extent and effects of original sin, which results in human inability in the matters of salvation. What is our true spiritual condition outside of Christ? Charles Spurgeon declares that we are legally, spiritually, and eternally dead. Nevertheless, he also tells us that we can be legally, spiritually, eternally alive by faith in Jesus Christ the Son! We then hear from John Flavel that in mercy, grace, and love, God draws sinners to Jesus Christ, gradually, suitably, powerfully, effectually, and finally. That is indeed good news! J. C. Ryle brings our subject to a close by asking a penetrating question: “Are you dead or alive?” Each of us, dear readers, must answer that question.

Release dateOct 20, 2020
Radical Depravity

Charles H. Spurgeon

Charles H. Spurgeon (1834–1892) was an English Baptist pastor at New Park Street Chapel, London (which later became the Metropolitan Tabernacle), for thirty-eight years. As the nineteenth century's most prolific preacher and writer, his ministry legacy continues today. 

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    "Captivating and Enlightening: A Journey Through the Gospel"

    In a world inundated with noise, "Captivating and Enlightening: A Journey Through the Gospel" emerges as a beacon of clarity and spiritual resonance. From the moment you press play, you're transported into a realm of profound wisdom and timeless truths.

    Narrated with eloquence and passion, this audiobook breathes fresh life into the age-old narrative of the Gospel, illuminating its profound relevance in our modern lives. Each chapter unfolds like a cherished parable, inviting listeners to delve deeper into the heart of Christianity and discover the transformative power of faith.

    What truly sets this audiobook apart is its ability to transcend mere storytelling and delve into the essence of Christian teachings. Through poignant anecdotes, insightful commentary, and heartfelt reflections, it guides listeners on a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening.

    Whether you're a devout follower seeking renewed inspiration or a curious skeptic exploring the foundations of Christianity, "Captivating and Enlightening: A Journey Through the Gospel" offers something truly invaluable: a pathway to deeper understanding, profound peace, and unwavering faith.

    Prepare to be moved, enlightened, and uplifted as you embark on this transformative odyssey through the Gospel. With each word spoken, you'll find yourself drawn closer to the timeless truths that have shaped hearts and minds for centuries. Don't just listen—immerse yourself in the transformative power of the Gospel today.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    truth to be told. What a wonderful content. Extraordinary narration. Message well delivered.