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The Health Hazard: Take control, restore wellbeing and optimise impact
The Health Hazard: Take control, restore wellbeing and optimise impact
The Health Hazard: Take control, restore wellbeing and optimise impact
Audiobook4 hours

The Health Hazard: Take control, restore wellbeing and optimise impact

Written by Alison Coughlan

Narrated by Alison Coughlan

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About this audiobook

Despite shifts in our national conversations and perspectives on mental health, stigma still abounds – and showing vulnerability feels risky if you work in the health and social sectors. There’s social pressure to stay the course and a sense of normalised misery in many workplaces. The ultimate irony of our compassionate practice is that we often fail to give the same compassion to ourselves.

Creating meaningful and enduring social impact requires deep and rich expertise, a growth mindset and a whole lot of stamina. Simply put, burning out should not be an option we even contemplate as acceptable in our health and social sector workforce. It’s time to reject busy and stress as a badge of honour and a rite of passage. We need to value ourselves and our wellbeing first and foremost if we want to have any chance of sustaining our capacity to make a meaningful difference through our work. Yes, that means you too. First.

This The Health Hazard draws on Alison Coughlan’s experience as an accomplished consultant and leader who took her own long, slow descent into burnout. From finding herself face down and wondering whether she would ever be okay again, Alison stepped forward one tiny step at a time and rebuilt herself and her life. In this audiobook, Alison shares the lessons she learnt along the way and guides you through a series of steps to create insight, shift your mindset and build the energy reserves you so dearly need.

Optimise the difference that you make in the lives of others, but not at the expense of your own energy and wellbeing. Sustain yourself and become part of the change that we so desperately need in our health and social sectors. You matter too.

Release dateFeb 1, 2021

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