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Transcending Darkness: A Memoir of Abuse and Grace
Transcending Darkness: A Memoir of Abuse and Grace
Transcending Darkness: A Memoir of Abuse and Grace
Audiobook8 hours

Transcending Darkness: A Memoir of Abuse and Grace

Written by Denise Brown

Narrated by Amy Barron-Smolinski

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Growing up is challenging under the best of circumstances.

But when your own parents invalidate and undermine you at every turn, beat you, and berate you it can become unbearable. Imagine having no support system, only a toxic household of demands and harsh words.  

This is the story of Denise Brown and her five sisters navigating the terrible abuse their parents committed against them. It is the unforgettable account of how she pled for reprieve when it seemed none would come. 

Have you ever wondered why God doesn’t help abused children?

He does, but not in the ways you might expect.

Through God’s grace, she broke the cycle, transforming herself through her school and church to emerge as a compassionate, successful adult and dentist.

In Transcending Darkness: A Memoir of Abuse and Grace, you will meet the people in Denise’s story: her mother, father, sisters and God as she knows Him. From cowering in a puddle of her own urine to a healthy, functional woman at peace with her past, you can walk alongside her―maybe even into your own healing.

This book is the fulfillment of a promise she made to the Creator when she cried out for mercy. God would see her through, and in turn she would share her story and help others overcome their tribulations.

Love can grow from hate, light can dispel darkness, good does overcome evil, and triumph can spring from suffering. 

Experience grace and resilience, and begin your own journey of Transcending Darkness today. 

PublisherArchangel Ink
Release dateOct 27, 2021
Transcending Darkness: A Memoir of Abuse and Grace

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved this book. I’m glad these days there is more awareness about mental health and personality traits so that, hopefully, children won’t have the struggles the author had mainly because of her home life. She triumphed because of her grit and faith. What an inspiration!