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Wrath and Wing
Wrath and Wing
Wrath and Wing
Audiobook2 hours

Wrath and Wing

Written by Megan O'Russell

Narrated by Alexandra Hunter

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Home, love, safety. They are all a lie.

Healing is a hanging offense, and Ena is done risking her neck to watch her patients die. Fleeing a future of blood and death, Ena braves the dark unknown. Life taught her the cruelty of the world. But she never imagined the dangers of her journey.

As evil surrounds her, Ena is threatened with a fate worse than the one she escaped. Legends and dark magic stand between her and the future she dreams of. A future that will cost more than pain.

When innocent lives depend on her mercy, Ena must face an enemy with the power to set the sky on fire.

A life of romance and adventure wait for Ena, if she can survive the road ahead…

Release dateOct 31, 2021
Wrath and Wing

Megan O'Russell

Megan started writing when she discovered playing Cordelia in King Lear leaves you way too much time waiting backstage. She began her career as an author during an ill-fated trip to Oz. She hasn't stopped writing (even when living on a tour bus) since. Megan's wanderlust has led her all over the globe. When she's not planning her next escapade, she's diving into fantasy worlds where she doesn't have to worry about what rules she's supposed to follow or how many pairs of socks she can fit in her suitcase. Her love of storytelling has helped Megan weave her real-life exploits into seven different book series. From the epic fantasy world of Ilbrea to the paranormal dystopian romance of Girl of Glass, there is always is a new way to escape into adventure. Megan would love to connect with you on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or TikTok but feels obliged to warn you in advance that you will be hearing about her cats…a lot. If you want to stay up to date on all Megan's books and adventures (and hear about her cats) you can find all her social media links, including where to sign up for her readers community at: For film and TV rights inquiries: [email protected]

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Reviews for Wrath and Wing

Rating: 4.428571428571429 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It was entertaining enough, but nothing special. Jacob discovers he has magic - but he also discovers that the magic world is in the middle of a coming war. There's a love interest.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    *I received an eARC from the author. This does not affect my review.*

    I loved this story, though wouldn't complain if it were longer. ;D One thing I noticed, it that this feels more like a prequel that 'leads up to' the main story, and less like the start of a series, making me curious about how this story will play out, and how it will be broken up. I've seen many more novella/episode type series in the last year, and this would be perfect for that! I really enjoyed reading it, and am curious to see more of these characters and their story!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book took me quite a bit to really get into. It’s not that I didn’t like it, it just felt slow. The characters were interesting and I appreciated getting to know them but it wasn’t really grabbing my attention. About midway through the book this really began to change and continued to do so more quickly toward the end. The action became so intense I could not put it down and I may have had a very late dinner that night because of it! I really like the world and every single character in the book. I think the only character that slightly irritated me was Emilia because of her back and forth behavior. Sometimes the things she did made very little sense to me, especially when it came to Dexter, her boyfriend and Jacob.I was incredibly wrapped up in this and couldn’t put it down. What I liked more though was how the ending didn’t feel like a cliff hanger. It left quite a lot open to speculation and at the same time had a brief sense of calm. Perhaps an “Okay, that’s done.. What’s next?” kind of vibe. Another aspect I really enjoyed is how it mixed non magical people with the wizards and witches, much like in Harry Potter. I highly recommend this book for any fan of fantasy and magic as it’s deeply immersive in both.This was provided free from the publisher through Xpresso Book Tours in exchange for an honest review. This in no way effected my opinion and I was compensated in no other manner.