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Uprooting Shame and Guilt: A Journey To Healing Trauma And Freeing The Inner Child
Uprooting Shame and Guilt: A Journey To Healing Trauma And Freeing The Inner Child
Uprooting Shame and Guilt: A Journey To Healing Trauma And Freeing The Inner Child
Audiobook7 hours

Uprooting Shame and Guilt: A Journey To Healing Trauma And Freeing The Inner Child

Written by Naomi Carr

Narrated by Jennifer Blom

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

I hear you. I see you. You matter.

Every child yearns to hear these words, as does the child within us all. But what if the essence of Self is repressed by childhood conditioning before life hardly begins? Being denied the ability to think and feel for oneself prevents the child from evolving into adulthood unscathed, instead weighed down with fear and anxiety.

Uprooting Shame and Guilt unravels the author’s journey in extracting herself from childhood trauma and dogma, finding refuge in the power of the mind and freedom from outdated beliefs. 

No stone is left unturned as she exposes the most vulnerable parts of her life and her stored shame and guilt accumulated during her upbringing. She hopes her story will help others find the courage to confront their own trauma and step into a life of their own design.

PublisherHuntson Press
Release dateFeb 16, 2022
Uprooting Shame and Guilt: A Journey To Healing Trauma And Freeing The Inner Child

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This book was traumatising! Try Pete Walker Complex Ptsd instead

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