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Secret Lives Hurt
Secret Lives Hurt
Secret Lives Hurt
Audiobook8 hours

Secret Lives Hurt

Written by Tricia Holbrook

Narrated by Tricia Holbrook

Rating: 0 out of 5 stars


About this audiobook

A phone call can change a life. An old letter can change it more and nobody understands a broken heart like another broken heart.
Wendy moved to Spain for a career opportunity and a chance to travel. But in reality she was running away from her boss, who she thought would leave his wife for her.
During her travels she meets Alejandro, a kindred spirit. He has his own heartbreak. But something in Wendy opens up his heart again.
After the phone rings Wendy’s life starts to unravel. Her mother is seriously ill, her brother needs her home. She is reunited with her mother who informs her of the letters. She must find them, read them, understand them. But most of all, she must forgive her mother.
When Wendy reads the letters, a new story unfolds. Her dead father was not her father at all. She reads of a father she never knew – Nick Jones - alive and well and living in the West of Ireland. Wendy uncovers her mother’s secret life. A phone call to Nick, telling him of her mother’s illness, unites them in a gathering that brings comfort and intrigue.
However, their emotional reunion is short lived as Wendy’s mother suffers another heart attack and dies. Alejandro arrives from Spain. Having recently found Wendy he is not about to let her go. He comforts her through her pain and shields her from the unwanted attention of her boss. Then her new found father gets a devastating phone call of his own. His wife has had a stroke and he must go to her. Wendy must cope with being abandoned again.
Wendy and Nick are reunited at another funeral. Wendy supports her father and meets her half brother. Further revelations and erupting emotions follow, but this time they must remain secret forever.
Release dateJan 9, 2023
Secret Lives Hurt

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