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The Trinity: The Mystery of the Godhead
The Trinity: The Mystery of the Godhead
The Trinity: The Mystery of the Godhead
Audiobook2 hours

The Trinity: The Mystery of the Godhead

Written by Chuck Missler

Narrated by Chuck Missler

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Is there one God or three? How does one reconcile the "One God" of the Sh'ma with the "Three Persons" of the trinity? The doctrine of the trinity has been at the heart of much theological controversy. The routine objection is that the doctrine sacrifices monotheism to "tritheism." But this objection thrives on a misconception of divine personality in the image of disparate, individual, human selves. This type of rationalistic apologetics, promotive of trinitarianism on speculative rather than revelational grounds, regrettably encourages this misunderstanding. One of the reasons we suffer such misunderstanding is due to our relying on "models." Chuck explores the ostensible tensions between the Old and New Testament revelations of the ultimate mystery of the Godhead. This is a foundational study for every Christian.

Release dateJan 26, 2023
The Trinity: The Mystery of the Godhead

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