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Breaking Cycles-A Story of Breaking the Cycle of Abuse
Breaking Cycles-A Story of Breaking the Cycle of Abuse
Breaking Cycles-A Story of Breaking the Cycle of Abuse
Audiobook1 hour

Breaking Cycles-A Story of Breaking the Cycle of Abuse

Written by Jenarda Makupson

Narrated by Alicia Fullman

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About this audiobook

This is a story of how a teenagers life was shattered from abuse, Teenage Pregnancy and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). She walks you through the drama and near death situations from betrayal, that she never expected her life would become.Growing up in California around the music industry lifestyle of singers she always thought she would have a great life, have the fairytale lifestyle and live happily ever after. Well, life was far from that. Instead she kept on running into cycles of abuse that continued to get worse. Every form of abuse you can imagine. Until tragedy ended it all.
Release dateMay 2, 2023
Breaking Cycles-A Story of Breaking the Cycle of Abuse

Jenarda Makupson

Jenarda Makupson may be a new author to the public, but she is not new to writing. She has written many poems over the last twenty years and has attended "spoken word" poetry at cafes where she has read some of her work. She wrote this book because her passion is helping others. Experiencing domestic Partner Abuse at such a young age has turned this woman into a strong woman and real advocate for victims of abuse. She wrote this book to share some of her experiences as well as her growth. She is now a Real Estate Broker, Mom , and Author. She hopes that this book will build up the self esteem and courage that abuse victims need to break the cycle of abuse and live the life that they deserve. Look forward to more books to come from this new Author.

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