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Absolute Zero
Absolute Zero
Absolute Zero
Audiobook40 minutes

Absolute Zero

Written by Morgan Robertson

Narrated by Cathy Dobson

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About this audiobook

Morgan Andrew Robertson (1861-1915) was a popular American author of short stories and novels who claimed to have been the inventor of the periscope.

'Absolute Zero' is a strange supernatural story about two marine artists who are friends and who work in adjoining studios. The younger of the two has been working on a strange painting for some time. It shows an odd scene onboard a ship. The deck is littered with dead bodies...and the centre point of the painting is a huge, barefoot black sailor holding a young man aloft and about to dash him to his death on the icy deck. The artist himself does not know how he came up with the idea for the painting.

But when he shows his canvas to the older artist, this man rummages in his old chest and pulls out an identical picture which he himself painted 50 years earlier. The faces and actions are all exactly the same. The older artist had been on the ship and had painted the terrible scene from memory. But as they seek to understand the story behind this scene, an even stranger chain of events follows.
Release dateFeb 20, 2016
Absolute Zero

Morgan Robertson

Morgan Robertson (Oswego, 1861 - Atlantic City, 1915). Fue un oficial estadounidense de la marina mercante, además de escritor y posible inventor del periscopio. Popularmente es conocido como el hombre que escribió en 1898 la novela Futilidad o El hundimiento del Titán. Del mismo modo, escribió en 1914 la novela titulada Más allá del espectro, pronóstico de una futura guerra entre Estados Unidos y Japón, incluyendo un ataque furtivo de los japoneses. La historia coincide con el enfrentamiento de USA y Japón en la Segunda Guerra Mundial y el ataque a Pearl Harbor por parte de ese país asiático, hechos ocurridos años después de la publicación del libro. El 24 de marzo de 1915, Robertson fue encontrado muerto en su habitación en el hotel Alamac en Atlantic City, Nueva Jersey. Tenía 53 años de edad. Se cree que murió de una sobredosis de protiodide (yoduro de mercurio).

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