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The Tibetan Book Of The Dead: The Bardo Thodol
The Tibetan Book Of The Dead: The Bardo Thodol
The Tibetan Book Of The Dead: The Bardo Thodol
Audiobook7 hours

The Tibetan Book Of The Dead: The Bardo Thodol

Published by Altrusian Grace Media

Narrated by Matthew Schmitz

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About this audiobook

Brought to you by Altrusian Grace Media. This audiobook includes both a plain narrated version and a version with accompanying music for those who prefer it. The Bardo Thodol - The Tibetan Book Of The Dead - Full Audiobook. **Please note: this is treated by some or many as a closed and secret sacred tradition within Shitro lineages, please express caution when viewing, unless one has proper Shitro initiation or is aware of the consequences of engaging with tantra sans guru.** The Bardo Thodol, commonly known in the West as The Tibetan Book of the Dead, is a terma text from a larger corpus of teachings, the Profound Dharma of Self-Liberation through the Intention of the Peaceful and Wrathful Ones, revealed by Karma Lingpa. The Tibetan text describes, and is intended to guide one through, the experiences that the consciousness has after death, in the bardo, the interval between death and the next rebirth. The text also includes chapters on the signs of death and rituals to undertake when death is closing in or has taken place. The text can be used as either an advanced practice for trained meditators or to support the uninitiated during the death experience.

Release dateJun 19, 2023
The Tibetan Book Of The Dead: The Bardo Thodol

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