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Jonathan Abernathy You Are Kind
Jonathan Abernathy You Are Kind
Jonathan Abernathy You Are Kind
Audiobook10 hours

Jonathan Abernathy You Are Kind

Written by Molly McGhee

Narrated by MacLeod Andrews

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

"Molly McGhee reminds me of absolutely no one. Here’s an original mind brimming over with invention and comic ferocity . . . [a] mad, hilarious writer.”

—Ben Marcus, author of The Flame Alphabet

✓ Jonathan Abernathy you are kind. 

✓ You are competent. 

✓ You are well respected and valued by your community.

✓ People, including your family, love you.

Jonathan Abernathy is a self-proclaimed loser . . . he’s behind on his debts, has no prospects, no friends, and no ambitions. But when a government loan forgiveness program offers him a literal dream job, he thinks he’s found his big break. If he can appear to be competent at his new job, entering the minds of middle-class workers while they sleep and removing the unsavory detritus of their waking lives from their unconscious, he might have a chance at a new life. As Abernathy finds his footing in this new role, reality and morality begin to warp around him. Soon, the lines between life and work, love and hate, right and wrong, even sleep and consciousness, begin to blur. 

Molly McGhee touches on a theme most people know all too well—the relentlessly crushing weight of debt. A workplace novel, at once tender, startling, and deeply funny, Jonathan Abernathy You Are Kind is a stunning, critical work of surrealist fiction, a piercing critique of late-stage capitalism, and a reckoning with its true cost.

Release dateNov 14, 2023
Jonathan Abernathy You Are Kind

Molly McGhee

Molly McGhee is from a cluster of unincorporated towns outside of Nashville, Tennessee.She completed her M.F.A. in fiction at Columbia University, where, in addition to receiving a Chair’s Fellowship, she taught in the undergraduate creative writing department. She has worked in the editorial departments of McSweeney’s, The Believer, NOON, and Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Currently living in Brooklyn, her work has appeared in The Paris Review.

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