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The Science of Introverts (And Extroverts and Everyone In-Between): Master Your Personality, Amplify Your Strengths, Understand People, and Make More Friends
The Science of Introverts (And Extroverts and Everyone In-Between): Master Your Personality, Amplify Your Strengths, Understand People, and Make More Friends
The Science of Introverts (And Extroverts and Everyone In-Between): Master Your Personality, Amplify Your Strengths, Understand People, and Make More Friends
Audiobook2 hours

The Science of Introverts (And Extroverts and Everyone In-Between): Master Your Personality, Amplify Your Strengths, Understand People, and Make More Friends

Written by Peter Hollins

Narrated by Wes Super

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Discover the hidden causes and motivations behind your entire personality. Stop trying to impersonate someone you're not.
PublisherPeter Hollins
Release dateAug 14, 2017
The Science of Introverts (And Extroverts and Everyone In-Between): Master Your Personality, Amplify Your Strengths, Understand People, and Make More Friends

Peter Hollins

Pete Hollins is a bestselling author and human psychology and behavior researcher. He is a dedicated student of the human condition. He possesses a BS and MA in psychology, and has worked with dozens of people from all walks of life. After working in private practice for years, he has turned his sights to writing and applying his years of education to help people improve their lives from the inside out. He enjoys hiking with his family, drinking craft beers, and attempting to paint. He is based in Seattle, Washington. To learn more about Hollins and his work, visit

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Reviews for The Science of Introverts (And Extroverts and Everyone In-Between)

Rating: 2.5714285714285716 out of 5 stars

7 ratings4 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title to be a mix of amazing content and interesting topics, but are disappointed with the recording quality. Some reviewers mention that the recording is poorly edited and the reader frequently stops and makes distracting noises. Despite these issues, readers appreciate the wisdom in the book and find it worth reading.

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This is a joke recording where the reader frequently stops, restarts, clears his throat, burps, blows his nose... this happens during Chapter 4. It was really distracting and unfunny.

    3 people found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Amazing book, although author was little unwell during the recording but the content is amazing,

    Only most intelligent people can grasp the real wisdom of this book,

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Interesting topic, nothing new.
    Horrible recording. It should have been edited better..
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Very badly read on purpose. The guy is stopping, starting, burping, sniffling, coughing...
    I'm not getting this.