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Johnny Angel The Last Imperial
Johnny Angel The Last Imperial
Johnny Angel The Last Imperial
Audiobook6 hours

Johnny Angel The Last Imperial

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Johnny Angel: The last Imperial

Chapter 1

Johnny awakes from an epic he experienced overnight, but when he stopped he is back on Space Station Quark just prior to meeting Robbie. This time it is a girl who has caught his eye or the other way around but she is soon gone. In the pool change room a boy of his own age [13] teases him, though the flirting is only short lived. Still undressed, Johnny not willing to be treated like this gives chase out of the pool area and is chased and cornered by a group of girls, the ones who had tried to take advantage in the water but this is not romance.

He reaches over and just flicks it off me. It was the last thing I expected and then he turns his back and begins to dry himself and something happened inside of me, not quite what happened in the pool that was an immense thrill. This is a different phase. I turn and he is gone and after he flicked the towel at my ass that was a pass.


Release dateApr 9, 2021
Johnny Angel The Last Imperial

John Williams

John Williams has had far too many jobs to list, ranging from working on the factory floor of a chicken processing plant to being a graphic designer for a City firm. He has worked as a comedian on and off for around twelve years, fitting it in around childcare. As a public speaker he has appeared at national conferences and events throughout the UK and Europe, and featured extensively on BBC Radio 4. My Son's Not Rainman is his first book, and you can find his blog at He is appalling at writing about himself in the third person, but is brilliant at dance-offs.

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