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The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment
The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment
The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment
Audiobook9 hours

The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment

Written by Jeremiah Burroughs

Narrated by Simon Bubb

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Feeling peace in the midst of struggles and disappointments is not something that comes naturally to most.  As Christians, however, this state of constant contentment is a waiting gift from God that needs only to be accepted and practiced.  Puritan pastor Jeremiah Burroughs explains how to lean into God’s will and live in a way that is unafraid to fight temptation, overcome anxieties, and show God’s love to others.  While this may seem unattainable to some, Burroughs argues that this is one of the fundamentals of Christianity.  He outlines how surrendering to God and learning to follow His path, rather than chasing temporary desires and “perfect” outward circumstances, will bring true and lasting peace.

This series, published by ONE audiobooks, seeks to produce Classic Christian titles read by well known and loved audiobook narrators.  ONE takes great care to cast these titles with readers who will provide an unmatched listening experience for these important works.

Simon Bubb brings his passion to every performance and is considered to be one of the top audiobook narrators in the industry.
Release dateOct 28, 2021

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Reviews for The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment

Rating: 4.733333333333333 out of 5 stars

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Readers find this title to be a needed corrective to today's hedonistic culture. It is a blessing that calms the heart and mind, setting priorities back in order. The narrator is highly praised and it is considered a go-to book for life.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Puritan's know how to digest a subject up and down and sideways. This one has lots of meat and is a needed corrective to today's hedonistic culture. Recommend.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    “The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment” is a blessing especially when I can’t sleep. It calms my heart and mind and sets my priorities back in order. It was a miraculous gift from God at exactly the right moment. The narrator, Simon Bubb is one of my favorites. It will be a go to book for the rest of my life.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Little gods theology - stay away from the book. He states that we are individually married ('spouses') to Christ long before our glorification, that we are lords of heaven and earth, and lords over life and death (blatant heresies; there is only one Lord over life and death, and over heaven and earth). Joel Osteen looks like an amateur compared to such a teaching, which cannot be described anymore as little gods theology, but rather ought to be titled 'big gods theology with a small g' ...

    Quote 1 (p. 126):
    "The relation that thou standest in to Jesus Christ, thou art the SPOUSE of Christ: what! one married to Jesus Christ & yet troubled and discontented. Hast thou not enough in him? doth not Christ say to his spouse, as Elkanah said to Hannah, (1. Sam. 1:8. Am not I better to thee than ten Sons? So doth not Christ THY HUSBAND say to thee, Am not I better to thee than thousands of riches & comforts? such comforts as thou murmurest for want of; hath not God given thee his Son? and will he not with him give thee all things? hath the love of God been to thee to give thee his Son in way of MARRIAGE? ..."

    Quote 2 (p. 128):
    "Do but consider the high dignitie that God hath put upon thee; the meanest Christian in the World is a LORD OF HEAVEN AND EARTH; he hath made us KINGS unto himself, KINGS unto God, not Kings unto men to rule over them, and yet, I say, every Christian is LORD OF HEAVEN AND EARTH, yea, of LIFE AND DEATH. That is, as Christ he is Lord of all, so he hath made those that are his Members to be LORDS OF ALL: All are yours saith the Apostle, even LIFE AND DEATH, every thing is yours. It is a very strange expression that death should be theirs, Death is yours, that is, you are as it were LORDS OVER IT, you have that that shall make death to be your servant, your slave, even death its self, your greatest enemies are turned to be your slaves. Faith makes a Christian to be as LORD OVER ALL, to be lifted up in excellencie above all creatures that ever God made, except the Angels, yea, and in some respect above them, I say, the poorest Christian that lives, is raised to an estate above all the Creatures in the World, except Angels, yea, and
    ABOVE THEM in divers respects too, and yet discontented, that thou, who wert as a fire-brand of Hell, and might have been scorching and yelling and roaring there to all eternity, yet that God should raise thee to have a higher excellency in thee than there is in all the works of Creation that ever he made, except Angels, and other Christians that are in thy condition, yea, and THOU ART NEERER THE DIVINE NATURE THAN THE ANGELS, because thy nature is joyned in an hypostatical Union to the Divine nature, and in that respect thy nature is more honoured than the nature of the Angels. And the death of Christ is thine, he died for thee, and not for the Angels, and therefore THOU ART LIKE TO BE RAISED ABOVE THE ANGELS in divers respects: yea, thou that art in such an estate as this is, thou that art set apart to the end, that God

    - Although the book contains some very valuable and partly very good teachings (especially sermon 5 and 6), it is marked by intellectual babbling which might sounds impressive, but which does often make not any sense, even after re-reading it. At times it is just ridiculous. He also repeats a lot, a fact which becomes already obvious when we look at the number of 11 sermons he requires to explain Christian contentment to his church.

    - The book follows a similar deceptive / trojan principle like many other heretical books. The authors gains the trust of the reader in the first half of the book, and then reveals his evil agenda in this case in sermon 7 out of 11. Satan is very crafty, to wrap such heresies as seen above into a desirable teaching about Christian contentment. This is precisely what the Bible speaks about when it says that Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.

    - He mentions several times the Catholic term 'Paternosta'.

    - He endorses Jerome and Ambrose, both Catholic doctors.

    - He endorses 11 times Luther (Augustinian; removed Hebrews, James, Jude and Revelation from his biblical canon; had Anabaptists executed because they rejected infant baptism; rejected inerrancy; blatant antisemitism which enabled the N**is; extraordinarily devoted to the 'Blessed Virgin Mary').
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Thank God for Jeremiah Burroughs ! No words can describe how grateful I am to this man.