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Toward a Psychology of Being
Toward a Psychology of Being
Toward a Psychology of Being
Audiobook7 hours

Toward a Psychology of Being

Written by Abraham Maslow

Narrated by John Klickman

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About this audiobook

"Toward a Psychology of Being" by Abraham Maslow, published in 1962, is a seminal work in humanistic psychology. Building on his hierarchy of needs, Maslow explores the concept of self-actualization as the pinnacle of psychological development. The book shifts focus from pathology to positive aspects of human experience, emphasizing what enables individuals to thrive.

Maslow identifies self-actualization with traits like autonomy, creativity, and purpose. He encourages psychologists to study positive aspects of human behavior, challenging behaviorism and psychoanalysis. The book advocates for a more holistic, human-centered psychology valuing subjective experience and individual uniqueness.

Maslow's humanistic approach transcends traditional psychological boundaries, delving into existential questions about life's meaning and personal excellence. "Toward a Psychology of Being" integrates psychology, philosophy, and spirituality, offering a comprehensive perspective on the human experience.

While praised for groundbreaking ideas, criticisms exist, including cultural bias in self-actualization traits. Despite this, the book's impact persists, influencing how psychologists study human behavior and well-being, fostering a positive psychology that considers strengths, aspirations, and the pursuit of personal growth.
Release dateJan 16, 2024
Toward a Psychology of Being

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