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Prayer of Creation
Prayer of Creation
Prayer of Creation
Audiobook6 minutes

Prayer of Creation

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

The Prayer of Creation is a beautiful prayer that reminds us of the wonder and majesty of God's creation. It is a perfect prayer to use when we are feeling overwhelmed by the world around us and need a reminder of the beauty and peace that can be found in God's presence. This prayer is also a great reminder of our place in God's creation, and how we are called to care for it as stewards.

This recording includes reading of the eponymous prayer followed by beautiful piano music based on original composition of Frederic Chopin. Piano composition includes: Nocturne in F Major, Op. 15 No. 1 — Andante Cantabile performed by Anton Kingsbury. This beautiful night piano composition starts with calm and serene flow of gentle notes. This peace is followed by a stormy F minor central section purging sudden doubts and worries. An engulfing recapitulation later appeasing the anxiety and restoring the tranquillity. Chopin dedicated this nocturne to Ferdinand Hiller, a German composer, conductor and music director.

Release dateJan 1, 2017
Prayer of Creation

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