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Egyptian Monuments: Sphinx Of Giza, Abu Simbel Temples, Temple Of Hatshepsut, Philae Temple
Egyptian Monuments: Sphinx Of Giza, Abu Simbel Temples, Temple Of Hatshepsut, Philae Temple
Egyptian Monuments: Sphinx Of Giza, Abu Simbel Temples, Temple Of Hatshepsut, Philae Temple
Audiobook5 hours

Egyptian Monuments: Sphinx Of Giza, Abu Simbel Temples, Temple Of Hatshepsut, Philae Temple

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About this audiobook

This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.

Discover the Majestic Legacy of Egypt: Unearth the Secrets of the Sphinx, the Epic Story of Abu Simbel Temples, the Untold Legacy of the Temple of Hatshepsut, and the Mysteries of Philae Temple

Dive into the mysteries of the Sphinx, stand in awe of the Abu Simbel Temples, uncover the untold legacy of the Temple of Hatshepsut, and explore the ethereal beauty of Philae Temple.

What's Included in the Bundle:

Book 1 - Secrets of the Sphinx: Unveiling the Enigma of Giza Unravel the enigma shrouding the Sphinx of Giza as you journey through its symbolism, purpose, and the mysteries that have puzzled historians for centuries. Explore its role as an enigmatic sentinel that has withstood the sands of time and ignited the imaginations of explorers and scholars alike.

Book 2 - Guardians of Eternity: The Epic Story of Abu Simbel Temples Venture into the sun-soaked lands of Nubia and witness the colossal Abu Simbel Temples, testaments to pharaonic grandeur and astronomical precision. Immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring story of Ramses II, whose vision carved monumental legacy into the very cliffs of the land.

Book 3 - Rising Queen: The Untold Legacy of the Temple of Hatshepsut Discover the remarkable journey of Hatshepsut, the pharaoh queen who defied convention and left an indelible mark on history. Traverse through the intricate halls of her temple and witness the harmonious blend of architectural ambition and artistic brilliance that defined her reign.

Book 4 - Echoes of Divinity: Uncovering the Mysteries of Philae Temple Set sail to the serene island of Philae and explore its role as a sanctuary of spirituality and devotion. Uncover the mysteries that surround this ethereal temple, from its mythic origins to its enduring influence on culture and faith.

Get Your Bundle Now!

Release dateAug 15, 2023

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