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7 Deadly Sins: Unmasking the Great Lie
7 Deadly Sins: Unmasking the Great Lie
7 Deadly Sins: Unmasking the Great Lie
Audiobook10 hours

7 Deadly Sins: Unmasking the Great Lie

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

For almost as long as humans have been in existence, we have struggled with temptation and sin. A true sense of sin must start from the reality that human beings were created good and in harmony with their Creator, who desired also to be acknowledged as their Father. The Original Sin of our first parents—based on a terrible lie told to them by Satan—distorted human nature and impaired human freedom.

The Desert Fathers—Christian monks in the ancient Egyptian and Palestinian wilderness—strove to understand the causes and remedies of human sin, and were the first to categorize temptations under the headings of the “deadly sins.” This course will draw on their wisdom to gain a better understanding of how each deadly sin conflicts with God’s plan of creation, redemption, and sanctification.

Unmasking the many and varied lies that the Enemy tells will enable us to fight temptation more effectively. Recognizing the wonderful truth of God’s plan for us will give us direction and strength to take an active role in the spiritual battle.

Sin is not a halting hang-up, but a starting-point for learning and growth. Now you can study the truth about sin, its consequences, how to resist its pull, and the hope we have in Christ, who died to redeem our sinful nature. In this audio program, Fr. Philip Bochanski provides an essential and foundational teaching for all those aiming to live a Christian life.
Release dateSep 16, 2010
7 Deadly Sins: Unmasking the Great Lie

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It is very well done, thorough, clear motivating! Highly recommend.