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The Mayor of Casterbridge
The Mayor of Casterbridge
The Mayor of Casterbridge
Audiobook14 hours

The Mayor of Casterbridge

Written by Thomas Hardy

Narrated by Peter Joyce

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

In a fit of drunken bitterness a young hay trusser, Michael Henchard, sells his wife Susan to Mr Newson, a sailor, at a country fair. The transaction also includes their daughter Elizabeth Jane. When sober the next day, he regrets his action but looks for them in vain and is eventually told they may have emigrated. Eighteen years later Henchard is the Mayor of Casterbridge and the people of the town believe him to be a widower. In recent times he has had an affair with a young woman in Jersey, Lucetta, while travelling there on business. She inherits a fortune and comes to Casterbridge to persuade Henchard to make ‘an honest woman’ of her. However, Susan, having lost her husband at sea, returns with the now grown Elizabeth Jane. The Mayor, wishing to atone for his crime of years before, remarries her. To complicate matters further a young ambitious Scot, Donald Farfrae, has settled in the town at Henchards instigation. Despite their rapidly worsening business relationship Donald initially casts a glad eye at Elizabeth Jane but then falls in love with Lucetta. What follows will destroy Henchard and cause all the main protagonists an immeasurable amount of emotional pain as betrayal, death and fate play their part in a tale full of suspense.
Release dateOct 1, 2015

Thomas Hardy

Thomas Hardy was born in 1840 in Dorchester, Dorset. He enrolled as a student in King’s College, London, but never felt at ease there, seeing himself as socially inferior. This preoccupation with society, particularly the declining rural society, featured heavily in Hardy’s novels, with many of his stories set in the fictional county of Wessex. Since his death in 1928, Hardy has been recognised as a significant poet, influencing The Movement poets in the 1950s and 1960s.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I saw parts of the movie years ago and the ending. I remember being so utterly gripped with a mixture of devastation and sadness by the little I saw. I don’t know why it took me so long to read the book. It did not disappoint. There within is Mr. Henchard; the most complicated character I’ve ever come across. One who is able to glance fully at himself and repent yet fall on the knife of his own making over and over. Remove the ego and the human hedge and turn to the almighty, you want to scream at him. I did scream at him. But the story is a reminder that we are all so flawed but capable of looking up and letting God.