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Mended: Pieces of a Life Made Whole
Mended: Pieces of a Life Made Whole
Mended: Pieces of a Life Made Whole
Audiobook5 hours

Mended: Pieces of a Life Made Whole

Written by Angie Smith

Narrated by Pam Turlow

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

There is no one whose brokenness is too broken for God. We know this is true for our friends when we want to encourage them. Yet, when it comes to the places of out innermost sense of regret, we often wonder if it is really true that God can work all things together for good for those who love Him. Angie Smith is one who was quick to encourage a friend, but struggled to believe that God could truly make something spectacular out of her brokenness and disappointments. Responding to His leading to both break and reconstruct a simple pitcher, she reflected: It was as though God were saying, Here you are, Angie. You are mended. You are filled with My Spirit, and I am asking you to pour yourself out. The image of my life as a broken pitcher was beautiful to me, but at the same time, it was hard to look at all of the cracks. I ran my fingers along them and told Him I wish it had been different. I wished I had always loved Him, always obeyed Him, always sought Him the way I should. I was mad at the imperfections, years wasted, gaping holes where it should be smooth. But God, my ever-gracious God, was gentle and yet convicting as He explained: My dearest Angie, how do you think the world has seen Me? If it wasn’t for the cracks, I couldn’t seep out the way I do. I chose the pitcher. I chose you, just as you are. Mended takes you on a journey to show how faith lived in the regular events of daily life is all that it takes to be a part of creating God’s picture of redemption in your life and those around you. Your life does make a difference — because of how He is magnified in the cracks.
PublisherOasis Audio
Release dateSep 1, 2012

Angie Smith

Angie Smith is the wife of Todd Smith (lead singer of Dove Award-winning group Selah) and author of Chasing God, I Will Carry You, What Women Fear, and Mended. She also has written two children's books, For Such A Time As This and Audrey Bunny. Along with being an accomplished writer, Angie speaks to and encourages thousands of women each year. She lives with her husband and daughters in Nashville, TN.

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