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The Secret to Experiencing God's Presence
The Secret to Experiencing God's Presence
The Secret to Experiencing God's Presence
Audiobook5 hours

The Secret to Experiencing God's Presence

Written by John Belt

Narrated by Tim Lundeen

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

It's easy to feel close to God while worshiping in church, raising our voices and our hearts with other believers as his presence permeates the atmosphere. Unfortunately, for many Christians, this is the only place they experience God's presence. But the Sunday morning experience shouldn't be the exception; it should be the norm.

With wisdom and insights gained from years as a pastor and worship leader, John Belt has helped thousands of believers overcome seasons of spiritual dryness and encounter God's presence every day--and he can help you do the same. Full of inspiring stories and practical tools, this book outlines simple steps to experiencing God personally, reveals potential roadblocks, and gives you the keys to overcoming them. Here is the secret to experiencing God's presence and living victoriously and abundantly every single day.
PublisherOasis Audio
Release dateJul 3, 2018

John Belt

John Belt is a recognized writer and worship producer and the co-founder, with his wife, Brandi, of Overflow Global Ministries. With joyful candor John helps people discover abundant life in God's presence through personal devotion, prophetic release and spiritual breakthrough. John travels throughout the United States and abroad speaking and leading worship. He has produced more than thirty worship albums, and he releases both teaching and prophetic articles weekly, which appear in publications such as Charisma magazine and The Elijah List. John and Brandi reside in Cincinnati, Ohio. Learn more at

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