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Soldier of the Legion
Soldier of the Legion
Soldier of the Legion
Audiobook9 hours

Soldier of the Legion

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

INTENDED FOR MATURE AUDIENCES. A 9-hour, unabridged, full-cast audio dramatization of the award-winning book Soldier of the Legion, originally published for audio by Timberwolf Press. Note: Violence, Language & Adult Situations. How did he get himself into this mess? A rough truce divides the known galaxy between the System, the despotic slave empire that rules the inner systems, and the Confederation of Free Worlds. Beta Three, call sign Thinker, has just emerged from the boot camp called Planet Hell. His unit is called to defend a remote ConFree world from a mysterious System incursion. Thinker is only just beginning to comprehend the depth of his insanity. Bill Sebastian as Narrator & Thinker.
Release dateFeb 1, 2002

Marshall Thomas

Marshall was born in Landstuhl, West Germany, grew up an Army brat, lived in 6 different states several of them several times. Marshall is cis/het (that’s cisgender and heterosexual) and uses the pronouns he/him.Always wanting to serve his community Marshall started in the fire service as a volunteer firefighter in 1987 (to 1993) in Avon, CT. A volunteer firefighter in Cherokee County, GA, in 2005 (to 2006) and currently serves as a Fire Chaplain (2017-2019). During college at UCONN Marshall took a semester off and joined the U.S. Army in 1991 – injured during week 7 of basic training he returned to complete his B.S. in Psychology.After graduation, he started his first career in the security industry. Marshall worked for Burns International, Pinkerton, ADT, HarvardNet, and North Atlantic Internet, finally founding We Manage Computers, LLC, in 2005. That rounded out a 20-year progression from physical to computer network security.Starting his second career, in Information Systems, Marshall got his MBA in Information Systems Management while CIO (Chief Information Officer) with North Atlantic Internet. In 2005 he joined Welcome Home America, Inc as their Virtual CIO and full-time CIO in 2012 as CIO responsible for all things digital. He took the firm’s e-commerce sales from $1.2 to $2.6 million.Marshall started studying Christian theology in 1996 and was ordained in 1999, served as a chaplain for Milford, MA police department from 2000 to 2001. He was called as interim pastor of the Hispanic Ministry of Roswell First Baptist Church, Roswell, GA in July of 2010, served as an elder for Life Bible Church Canton, GA in 2013, and teacher/pastor for a home church since Easter of 2018. He’s also led several Bible studies over the years. He edited The Gospel of Jesus, a Harmonized Chronological Gospel published in 2018 and The Didache, a commentary and contemporization, as well as The Book of Prayer, in the spring of 2020.Marshall has been married to Stephanie for 21 years, they have two children, Mack and M.T., and two former foster children, and love them all very much.

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