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Meditate with Me: The Quest to Christ
Meditate with Me: The Quest to Christ
Meditate with Me: The Quest to Christ
Audiobook2 hours

Meditate with Me: The Quest to Christ

Written by Brian Cimins

Narrated by Jim D. Johnston

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Meditate With Me is a vibrantly illustrated parable quest book series and Christian outreach campaign to reach the lost sheep from various remote regions, villages and far off lands, who are possibly studying false religions, witchcraft, sorcery and other New Age disinformation around the world. 1st Peter 5:8 reads, “Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” Pastor Andrew Rappaport of Striving For Eternity Ministries said it best, “Evil is the absence of Good and Good is defined by the nature of God." This book series will teach children the attributes of God, basic apologetics, and ultimately how to put our full faith in Jesus, how to pray and meditate, day and night, how to put on the full armor of God and other Bible based life skill lessons to support their lifelong faith building efforts to face the enemy with Christ alone to glorify God through our lives. The Quest for Christ is the first edition of the series and joins two Buddhist raised siblings, Yui and Mei escaping from Chinese invaded Tibet. They face death defying winter storms in the Mountains of India in a tribulation filled journey to find God, meet a wonderful missionary, conquer their fears and learn about salvation through Jesus Christ. They learn we are saved by His grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone, not because of our works. The Series also teaches plus how to ask God for forgiveness, how to repent or turn away from sin, how to pray in Jesus' name as well as how to accurately practice Bible-based Christian meditation, day and night.
Release dateApr 12, 2018
Meditate with Me: The Quest to Christ

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